"Poof -"

"Poof -"

"Poof -"——

Snowball's performance is both cute and eye-catching.

Because its identity of weak water heart is that it looks uglier - at that time, people may recognize its identity of epic artifact weak water heart. It grew like this, and many people doubted her identity.

How can there be such a lovely Chinese artifact? What fighting power can such a cute little rabbit have?

The timely appearance of the snowball is like responding to the words of Yan Bolai, the city Lord of Jiangnan: "today I want to see if anyone is willing to be a life and death brother with you.".

Yan Bolai doesn't think snowballs are cute at all.

"Are you Li shepherd?" The boy in black asked aloud. His eyes were fixed on Li shepherd, and his voice did not have a trace of human emotion. In his eyes, Li Shepherd is a pig and dog, a ghost night devil who can be slaughtered by the Terran.

"Who are you?" Li shepherd asked aloud.

"Cui Jianxin."

"Cui family?" Li shepherd's voice became colder“ But it doesn't matter. It's not the first time to kill the Cui family. "

"Cui Zhaoyun was killed by you. He is inferior to others. He deserves it." Cui said coldly“ Cui Zhaoyun's actions will only bring shame and indelible stains to the Cui family. Only the Cui family killed you can wash away the shame and wipe away the stain. "

"It's really -- a wolf's heart and dog's lungs." Li shepherd's words had a mocking chill“ You all say I am an evil dragon. Now look, who is more like an evil group? Say 'deserve it' to your dead brother - if the dragon clan is really so vicious, then you - Cui Jianxin, you are 100000 times more evil than the dragon clan. "

"People in the ghost region have served ghosts for a long time. What else do you care about? " Cui said coldly.


He took out the ghost dish sword in his hand. The body of the sword was slender, bent like a snake, and the black air was filled around the blade.

Just looking at its shape, there is a gloomy and evil breath coming to our face, which makes people's body tight, and the hairs of our whole body stand up, with a feeling of cold back.

The feeling of missing Li was the strongest. When she saw the sword, her hands and feet were cold, like the blood of her whole body was about to solidify.

Li shepherd stepped forward and blocked Li's missing body behind him.

Then he looked at the long sword in Cui Jianxin's hand.

"Ghost dish sword, one of the three famous swords in the ghost kingdom? It is said that there are ten thousand ghosts and evil forces. It seems that you killed many people in the ghost kingdom? "

"In the ghost region, people live and ghosts die." Cui saw his heart holding up his long sword, sneered and said, "why do you forge this ghost dish sword without killing thousands of ghosts?"

As he spoke, Cui Jianxin's body had become an illusion.

When you find Cui Jianxin's start, the space in front of you fluctuates, and a sharp sword Qi splits directly from the top of your head.


Li shepherd's body didn't enter the reverse block, and rushed into the stone chamber at a high speed.

Make a fist with one hand.


A thunderbolt flew towards the sky.

Surprise dragon fist!


The Qi of the startled dragon fist and the sword of the ghost dish sword collided in the air. One black and one white were like real gas fighting in the air.


The two strong Qi tore apart and burst into dazzling white light.

With one blow, Li shepherd rushed into the stone chamber and showed the rhyme of clouds and rain to the extreme.

The black shirt boy drank coldly and chased after him again with the Black Ghost dish sword.

Li Yangyang is chased by Cui Jianxin. Yan Bolai sees the opportunity coming and uses his body method to rush towards Li missing again.

He wanted to take Li missing to the prisoner again, so as to coerce Li shepherd to disarm and surrender.

However, his body was only half running. The damn snowball who only knew how to sell cute opened his mouth and sucked hard - Li missing was sucked into his stomach.

Yan Bolai was so angry that he clenched his hands with purple flames burning on his fists.

Fire fist!

The unique family skill of the Yan family was practiced from the Cui family's "three life incineration formula". It is said that the ancestors of Cui Yan's family had a close relationship, practicing together and breaking the environment together. Finally, the ancestors of the Cui family created the "three life incineration formula", while the ancestors of the Yan family had a slightly worse qualification and created the "flaming fist" inspired by the "three life incineration formula".

Flaming fire fist is in a continuous line with Sansheng incineration formula. It comes from its skill system, but it has its own originality. It's just that the combat power is not as fierce and terrible as the "three life incineration formula".

It is precisely because of the skill that the Yan family has always been a vassal of the Cui family. Up to now, the two families still maintain the relationship of family marriage.

Yan Bolai's fists burst out, and the purple fire rolled, and two flaming fireballs flew towards the snowball's body in the posture of burning everything.

The snowball didn't hide, opened his mouth and swallowed the two fireballs.

"Gudong -"

Between the throats came a loud swallowing sound.

Maybe the two flames came too fast and too fierce, the snowball choked the eyes white, and the little face showed an extremely painful appearance.

Soon, the snowball pretended that nothing had happened and spit bubbles at Yanbo again.

"Poof -"

Yan Bolai's teeth itch with hate, but he has nothing to do with this guy.

Water can conquer fire. Their family flame fist has no room to show in front of this little dog composed of jellyfish elements.

Because no matter how many real yuan you blow out, the fire transformed into will eventually be swallowed by the dog's mouth.

How can the fire of manpower reach the natural water source?

Yan Bolai felt restrained.

Unless your cultivation level is higher than snowball, or the fire you display becomes the pure and true sky fire. In that case, it can bring damage to the snowball that is difficult to ignore——

How can you directly turn Zhenyuan into a sky fire that can incinerate everything without reaching the ninth and eighteenth floors of flaming fist?

Breaking the state of cultivation depends on 99% sweat and 1% talent.

People in China only remember the previous sentence, but they don't know. There is another sentence behind it: that one percent of talent is more important than 99 percent of sweat.

The heart of weak water is born to devour the water source in the world. It is composed of the purest jellyfish elements. It is impossible for them practitioners to do such a thing.

"Shameless child." In the huge shadow, the voice of the king of the ghost kingdom was extremely sour“ What kind of hero is blindly avoiding? If it is really a descendant of the dragon family, wouldn't it humiliate your famous ancestors? If you have the ability, fight with my disciple. I'd like to see if the demigod body of the dragon family is powerful, or if the bitter sea of my ghost land is better -- "

Li shepherd just ran, ignoring the rumors of the ghost king.

He knows where his strengths are and what his intentions are.

Now, all he can do is delay as much time as possible——

Even if you really want to have a fight with Cui Jianxin of the Cui family, it must be when no outsiders are present.

Li shepherd had long guessed that the wind city would set up a snare to catch him, but he didn't expect that they would invite Zhouyi of Tianluo fairy palace and the master and apprentice of the king of ghost land——

I've heard that a gifted boy in the Cui family was rejected by the starry sky and entered the ghost kingdom in a rage. But unexpectedly, the boy became a disciple of the ghost king.

Li Shepherd is alone with a wolf and a dog, at least on the face of it.

On the other side of the enemy, there are the Jiangnan City Master Yan Bolai, the Tianluo earth fairy palace Zhouyi, and the ghost King's master and apprentice Li shepherd, who feel that they do not have an advantage.

Fight if you win, and fight around if you can't win.

As long as we find a suitable way to fight, who can guarantee that we will not win the final victory?

Tianluodi Xiangong Zhouyi was also angered by Li shepherd's playing method. With a wave of his sleeves and a word in his mouth, eight golden toads squatting on the wind waiting seismograph leaped up in pairs and surrounded Li shepherd's position.

What's more, originally they were only the size of a palm, but when they flew in the air, their bodies exploded dozens of times, and each Golden Toad became the size of a poodle.

Cui Jianxin, a young man in black, waved his sword behind him, and with the interception and containment of eight golden toads in all directions, the space that Li shepherd could move in the stone chamber suddenly became extremely narrow and limited.

Click, click——

The ghost dish sword in the black shirt boy's hand is extremely sharp. Each sword has a great destructive force on the stone chamber.

The extremely hard stones were like huge tofu pieces, which were cut to pieces by his sword after sword.


There was another violent vibration in the stone chamber.

Golden runes float out, shine in the air and disappear.

Yan Bolai's face changed greatly and he shouted, "we've been tricked. This son deliberately tempted us to fight in the stone chamber in order to let us break the prohibition set on the stone chamber - "

When the prohibition disappears, others can rescue their parents and families hiding behind the stone wall.

This is why Li shepherd kept turning around in the stone chamber and fighting with them.

What he needs is time.

What is needed is to break the ban.

Sure enough, under the ground of the stone mountain, a huge pangolin was waiting outside the stone wall and didn't move. As if he were dead.

However, after careful observation, you will find that the pangolin is made of wood. Wooden body, wooden head, wooden claws, sharp mouth made of wood. Perhaps it was because his master was in a hurry or cut corners. He had only one eye and only a small dark hole where his nose should have been installed. How ugly it looks. When the stone mountain shook and the golden light flew everywhere, a fat man's proud laughter rang out in the pangolin“ The prohibition has been broken. Now it's time for you to show your great power. " The fat man roared loudly“ Vajra armor, fight. " He explored the pangolin's stomach for a while. His mouth kept chanting words, and a string of runes gushed out of his mouth. Under his control, the pangolin boomed, opened its big mouth and bit on the stone wall in front of it. Click - the pangolin's mouth was bitten, wood chips splashed, and large pieces of wood fell to the ground. This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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