The wind is cold in the wilderness, and the killing sound is shocking.

When thousands of elite soldiers of the ghost dance Corps stepped off the war horse with a long knife in their hands and pushed away the battle array of the wolf Xu corps, the princess of the Peacock Dynasty won QianDu personally killed the wolf Xu general Lin Tingfeng, and the ghost dance Corps reached its peak.

Win a thousand degrees and take the lead. Wield a sword to kill those fleeing wolf Xu soldiers.

Thousands of ghost dancing soldiers dressed in colored clothes and head plaster feat followed closely, and took the royal highness of the princess as the arrows, and rushed forward fiercely and swiftly.



Charge again!

In the world of ghost dance legion, there is no fear or retreat.

No mercy, no forgiveness.

Just now, these wolf Xu cavalry rushed at them like a group of red eyed beasts, trying to take their princess, trade, insult, and devour them.

Now, they will not show mercy to the defeated and scattered wolf Xu army.

Besides, the route of the collapse of the wolf Xu army is consistent with their retreat route.

Only when they cut down the wolf Xu army that had scared away in front of them, could they have enough space to attack farther north.

Otherwise, these scattered in the wilderness, except for running away, only those who scream at a high voice will be a great trouble for them.

Because behind the ghost dance legion, there are 20000 troops in Tianhai City, 30000 troops in Baidi city and 30000 troops led by Fengcheng general Lu Tiesheng. A total of 80000 coalition troops came after the ghost dance legion, in order to eat the world's strong army and the delicate Princess peacock.


Cut down all the deserters in front.

Then, thousands of elite ghost dance legions crossed out from the tide of deserters and ran straight to the border of Xifeng and Beiyu.

Further north is the boundary line between the west wind and the Heiyan Dynasty.

As long as the ghost dance Corps can escape into the territory of the black Yan Dynasty, no matter how many Xifeng pursuers are and how strong their combat power is, they dare not step into the minefield. Otherwise, it would be the state war between Xifeng and the Heiyan Dynasty.

Of course, the premise is that the general guarding the country of the black inflammatory Dynasty agrees to thousands of soldiers of the ghost dance corps to enter the border.

Tang Lang, the leader of Tianhai City, Bai Xiu, the leader of Baidi City, and Lu Tiesheng, the general of Fengcheng City, galloped and finally joined the front line of the three-way army.

"General Lu, although you are the host of Fengcheng this time, we Tianhai city will not be soft to take credit." Tang Lang, the leader of Tianhai City, is a strong bearded man, waving a whip in one hand and a long moon knife in the other. That's his famous weapon, the crescent knife.

"General Tang, you don't have to be polite to fight." Lu Tiesheng stared at the group of guys wearing colored clothes and ghost faces, said with his teeth: "our Fengcheng brothers like to eat meat and drink with other brothers. General Tang won't be a tiger general this time. I'll ask for your orders from Lu Tiejun. "

"Good brother." Tang Lang laughed.

"We have come all the way from Baidi city. You can't take all the cheap things. Let our brothers in Baidi city eat earth and drink wind." Bai Su, the leader of Baidi City, has a soft life and a soft voice, but he has a bearing that can't be underestimated.

"Why do you need to say this, Lord Bai? How much credit is it to annihilate the ghost dance corps and capture the peacock princess? Even if the credit is divided equally, it will be enough for the brothers in the three cities to eat and drink enough and pack them away. If the White City Lord wants to make a contribution, he will cut off a few more heads. "

"That's good." Bai Su said coldly. A handsome middle-aged man likes to wave a huge mother son heart hammer. Two big hammers, big and small, were like carrying two chickens in his hand“ Kill. "

"Kill." Tang Lang roared in a broken voice.

"Kill." The land railway said coldly.

He knew that no matter whether others would try their best or not, he had to use 200% of his strength.

Because before designing the ambush, uncle Lu Buyong had already pulled him to give a death order: destroy the ghost dance corps at all costs and capture the peacock princess. Whether the Lu crisis can be solved depends on the outcome of the war.

Lu XingKong is alive and Lu's family is in crisis.

Lu XingKong is dead, and Lu is still in crisis.

As a Lu clan, he should work hard.

"Two city masters, the ghost dance Corps has been running around for days, and their horsepower has been exhausted. As long as we work hard, we can intercept them. " Lu Tiesheng stared at the legs of the horses running ahead and shouted, "as long as we block the momentum of their escape, the three armies will join hands and we will win."

Tang Lang, the leader of Tianhai City, shouted, "what general Lu said is very true. I'll go and find out about them first. "

When you speak, your body rises in the air.

His body soared in the air, and the full moon machete in his hand cut down the ghost dance Corps running on the ground.


A red halo several kilometers away landed towards the ground. Before the knife gas arrived, the snow debris on the ground was flying, the dead branches were broken, and the ghost dance Legion was blown upside down and rolled towards both sides.


Above the ground, a huge crack appeared.

Around the crack, there are red flames burning constantly.

The smell of scorched earth and human flesh came.

The power of this sword made those ghost dancers who were gathered together avoid it. They could only be hit by him alive. Therefore, dozens of ghost dance fierce soldiers died under the knife of Tang Lang in Tianhai city.

"Avoid." A ghost dance general who always guarded QianDu's side shouted.


Those who got the instruction immediately beat their horses and ran towards both sides. The densely arranged team became two long queues. In the process of changing the array, they still maintained the forward speed of high wind and lightning.

Tang Lang saw that he killed dozens of ghost dance elites with a knife. He was very proud and shouted to the soldiers of Tianhai city in the distance: "Erlang, annihilate ghost dance and catch the princess alive. You can't be preempted by those guys around you. "

"Ow, ow --"

The 20000 soldiers in Tianhai city were boiling with blood when they witnessed the city Lord's courage and heard the Lord's bewitching voice above the sky.

They forgot the tragedy of the massacre of wolf Xu army, as well as their fear and desire to escape. One by one, waving the westerly long knife, beating the horse to speed up and running forward.

Lu Tiesheng saw that Tang Lang had rushed to the front and shouted to Bai Su, the city master of Baidi City, who walked side by side: "Lord Bai, Lu took a step first."

With his toes on the horse's back, the man was also like a goshawk flying over the ghost dance Corps running in front.

Waving the long knife in his hand, he also cut a knife towards the crowded place of the ghost dance Corps like what Tang Lang had just done.

Among the crowd, a giant in colorful clothes and ghost face suddenly flew up on his horse, and the long knife in his hand suddenly swept over the sky.

Above the sky, a white flame came towards the ground.

That's the heavenly king Sabre technique of the Lu family.

Above the ground, a white peacock also rose into the sky.


The heavenly king's Dao Qi collided with the white peacock in mid air. The white peacock was cut in two. While its body exploded, it also blew up the king's Dao Qi that day.

With a roar, the ghost dancing giant rushed at Lu Tiesheng who had cut with a knife.

Chidu doesn't care, just like he doesn't care about the death or life of the soldiers behind him.

The only thing she had to do was run, run, and thousands of cavalry with the ghost dance Corps rushed towards the westerly border.

She had even seen the westerly border, and she had seen the Liaowang tower of the Heiyan empire.

She saw the hope of victory.

"Rush." The sound of thousand degrees is clear, but the internal power is released outside, such as birds chirping in the sky, and the whole ghost dance Corps can hear it clearly.

"Rush." Thousands of ghost dance elite responded in unison.




The horse trampled on the wasteland and the snow splashed.

The whole earth was trampled on by them and trembled because of their arrival.

"Rush." Chidu shouted again.

Lu Tiesheng opened the ghost dance giant with a knife and shouted at the Fengcheng soldiers below: "kill me. Kill. Kill. Kill them - kill one enemy and give a reward of 100 pieces. Cut the enemy's ten chairs and raise the official level. "


The soldiers of Fengcheng beat the horse stock desperately and waved the long knife in their hand madly.

One side runs vigorously, the other side chases endlessly.


QianDu took the lead and was the first to rush into the big Heiyan's border.


Behind him are thousands of ghost dancing fierce soldiers.

Seeing the ghost dance Legion entering the border of Heiyan, I saw Princess peacock disappear from my eyes.

Lu Tiesheng flushed with excitement and his eyes were congested.

With a wave of his long knife, he pointed to Heiyan's border and roared: "cross the border to pursue and kill, never die."

"Cross border pursuit, never die." Those Fengcheng soldiers who were ordered and driven by Lu Tiesheng howled, waved long knives and rushed towards the Heiyan border.


A crisp sound came.

It's like an empty bow string and a tight string.


In the Fengcheng army, a soldier saw a big hole in his chest.

Then his pupils dilated and he fell headlong.

No one heard the sound of the string, let alone noticed the brother who suddenly fell off his horse.

Even if someone finds out, I'm afraid there's nothing they can do. They can only be carried forward by the army behind them. Whoosh -- there was a loud sound of breaking the air above my head. The stormy City Army looked up and saw countless black lines enveloping itself. Hua La - a large area of Fengcheng army was swept by the iron arrow. With great momentum, they retreated wildly with their bodies, and then pierced the bodies of more Fengcheng soldiers. I don't know when to start, the ghost dance legions entering the black inflammatory country have been divided into two parts. In the vast central part, strange things like miniature castles are firing dense long guns and sharp arrows at them“ Luban chariot. " Someone exclaimed“ This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation

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