After scolding Qin Han as an idiot, the boy in black felt that he was an idiot.

He thought Qin Han was not good at expressing that he liked the weak and weak. He would rather die for her than express his feelings for her. However, after listening to what he said next, he knew that this guy was an expert.

There is simply no better acting school than him.

Simple and honest appearance, shy expression, seemingly straightforward but hidden love words ---------- this makes it difficult for any woman to doubt his true feelings for himself.

The action of gently wiping the corners of his eyes and the final punch on his chest have explained everything.

"One cannot judge by appearance." The black robed boy thought in his heart.

"If you are facing the girl you like, can you perform as well as him?" The black robed boy thought in his heart“ Can you say that sentence easily? "

"What is Xiangma childe thinking?" Wenweak came over, looked at the black robed boy in a daze and asked aloud.

"Nothing." The boy in black shook his head.

"Must be thinking about your date?" Wenweak narrowed his eyes, smiled and said, "no matter men or women, only when they think of their loved ones will they show such an intoxicated and happy expression. That's how you looked just now. "

The black robed boy smiled and didn't speak.

"Young master Xiang Ma's family background, personality and appearance must be very popular in Tiandu?"

"All the limelight was robbed by the dragon. Where can I get my Yan Xiangma? "

"That's what I said." Said Wen weakly“ He is clearly a dragon, but he disguises himself as a person. It's just to pretend to be a person. He was also seen and slaughtered by the Allied forces of the nine countries. If you expose yourself later, you'll have to die at the hands of our dragon slaughtering team. "

"You can't kill him." Said the boy in black.

"How do you know?"

"Even song alone can't kill him, and the strong men of the nine countries can't kill him together." The black robed boy whispered.

"That's because they are stupid and don't understand the technique of killing dragons. There is an expert in cattle solving in Dazhou, named paoding. He knows the habits of cattle, the touch of his hands, the leaning of his shoulders, the walking of his feet, the rolling of his knees, the rolling of his head, and the rolling of his sword. All of them have a neutral tone. Slaughtering a dragon is like solving an ox. you need to know the characteristics of the slaughtered object like the back of your hand. At that time, you will be able to wield the knife with ease and with the help of God. "

The black robed boy shook his head gently and said, "I'm afraid it's very difficult."


"The Dragon knows the Dragon killing technique like the back of his hand." The black robed boy said, "you forget that he was once a student of the Dragon slaughtering Department of XingKong College - it is said that he is also the best student in the history of the Dragon slaughtering department."

The weak man's face darkened, then became angry and said, "the dragon clan is evil, from which we can see the clue. The black dragon turned into a human and mixed into the star college. I didn't learn anything else, but I went to learn how to kill the dragon in order to explore the reality and harm mankind ----- there was a dragon in XingKong college, which had not been found by many famous teachers in XingKong college, which ruined the reputation and prestige of XingKong college. The world says that XingKong college does not deserve its name. XingKong college is full of blind people, all thanks to the dragon. "

"He didn't kill anyone." Said the boy in black.

"Xiangma childe doesn't know that the Dragon killed countless people in the magic water realm. Someone saw it with his own eyes. Even Changbai Qizi and the little valley master of empty valley were killed by him ----- in order to get the heart of the weak water, he even extracted all the weak water in the magic land, resulting in many star students trapped in it forever and can't get out again. There are countless heinous crimes. "

The black robed boy sighed and said, "that's why we have to find a way to kill it and eliminate the harm for the human race."

"That's the truth." Said Wen weakly“ Of course, in order to realize our ideals. Learn the Dragon killing skill, but there is no dragon to kill. How sad and lonely life is? "

"Let's work together." Said the boy in black“ Who doesn't want to be famous for killing dragons? "

"Yes. The glory of dragon slaying heroes is irresistible even to those strong stars. " The weak voice said, "for thousands of years, there have been many strong people in the world, such as the stars in the sky. However, how many stars can people remember forever, can people see it at a glance and can accurately say its name? If there is the blessing of killing dragons, it will naturally be immortal for thousands of years. "

Qin Han saw Wen weak and little white faced Yan Xiangma talking so speculatively. He felt threatened again. He took the initiative to turn the topic aside and said, "weak, big brother, why haven't they come back?"

"Yes." Wenwei said with concern“ Why haven't senior brother and nerd come back yet? Third brother, why don't you go and have a look. "

Qin Han shook his head and said, "no, I'll stay to protect you."

This time, he didn't refuse his kindness and said, "wait a moment. If they haven't come out yet, the three of us will go in together to find someone."

"I have no problem." Qin Han responded immediately. He also took a provocative look at the little white faced Yan Xiangma. The black robed boy pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth and said, "I won't go in."“ Why? "“ I'm afraid of the cold. "----" Wu Shanji and Tu Xin came back soon. Their clothes were ragged, and Tu Xin's face and body were colored“ Elder martial brother, nerd, are you all right? " Wenweak hurried to meet the past and asked with concern“ We're fine. " Wu Shan Ji looked annoyed and said, "he was run away by the snow lion. The snow lion was only the size of a calf when it was born. It can grow into such a big physique and have a life span of at least thousands of years. If you can take its crystal soul to supplement, I'm afraid it can directly break the environment. "“ Elder martial brother, next time I meet him, I'll take his crystal spirit. " Tu Xin, a nerd, said comfortingly“ The underground world is full of ice caves. After we went in, we were disturbed by the ice and snow. Instead of hurting it, we were attacked by it again and again. When it comes up again last time, we will be able to kill it. " Tu Xin, a nerd, looked at Qin Han and Wen weak with dissatisfaction and said, "why don't you go down and help? If everyone pursues together, it will not escape so easily. "“ You and elder martial brother are so powerful that they can't hurt the snow lion. If Qin Han and I go down, we can kill it? " Wen weak sneered and said, "in your nerd's heart, Qin Han and I are stronger than you and the eldest martial brother?"“ We are a dragon slaughtering team. We are a group. Naturally, we share weal and woe. " Tu Xin glanced at the black robed boy and said, "don't be confused by the beauty of some people."“ Even if you are confused by some people, it is because they are good-looking. Some people want to be confused, but they can't be confused. " A gentle counterattack“ Yes. " Qin Han nodded in agreement. After thinking about it, I felt that my agreement was completely unreasonable. If the weak and weak are confused by others, isn't the person who cries the most sadly at that time himself“ All right, all right. " Wu Shanji laughed and stopped, saying, "it's just a millennium snow lion. Why bother? Kunlun ruins is a place of miracles, with countless genius treasures. Besides, there is a black dragon waiting for us in the Kunlun ruins. It's serious to gather energy and kill dragons together. "-" what the eldest martial brother said is. " Wenweak said with a smile. Tu Xin snorted coldly, but he didn't say anything more. After some discussion, they began to rush to the depths of the Kunlun ruins. Since the black dragon came to look for the enlightened beast, it naturally had to enter the belly of Kunlun to find the divine palace. Under the leadership of Wu Shanji, a group of five people searched around, but they found nothing. Except for some rare insects, birds and wild animals, let alone dragons, a big snake didn't touch it. It was getting dark and the cold was rising. The night of Kunlun ruins is coming. Wu Shanji glanced at the crowd, then his eyes fell on the black robed boy, smiled and said, "brother Xiangma, it's late. If we find a cave to light a fire and drink some hot soup together. I also have a pot of strong wine. You can take turns to drink a few mouthfuls to keep out the cold. " The boy in black shook his head and said, "No. If I want to practice martial arts, I won't live with you. " With that, he flew to the depths of the Kunlun ruins“ Mr. Xiang Ma, meet me on this lonely cliff tomorrow. " Wen weak shouted“ I see. " The voice of the boy in black came from a distance. Tu Xin stared at the figure of the young man in black and said in a cold voice, "I always think this Yan Xiangma is a little strange." Reaching out and touching the sea snail in his arms, he thought: "just now, when he was fighting with the snow lion, he hummed in his arms. When the battle was over and the snow lion fled, there was no movement again ------ did the evil dragon not enter the Kunlun ruins? However, the conch in the sky is obviously soaked in dragon blood. How can it react when encountering a snow lion? " Wen weak looked at the wind and snow in the distance and said softly, "at least, he just saved my life. He is my weak Savior. I'm too weak for this kindness. " Wu Shanji smiled and said, "after all, he is an interesting guy. Perhaps it can be of great help when slaughtering dragons. " After hearing the elder martial brother's comment on the Yan Xiangma, Tu Xin stopped saying more, but he was more disgusted and wary of the Yan Xiangma. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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