"Bang bang ----"

"Click ----"

"Ah ------ ah -----"


In the cave, from time to time, there was a fierce impact sound and a unique scream of human beings.

The cry became more and more sharp and fierce. Later, it even became a howl and animal roar.


It was the sound of the iceberg being smashed and the rock wall collapsing and falling.

In the cave, the black figure rushed left and right, rolled up and down, and hit the indestructible stone with his head and body again and again.

Hit the head and blood, hit the bones, hit the vigorous and fragmented.

He looks like a madman, more like a beast.

He wants to kill himself.

Because now he is better than dead.

The dark clouds in the sky rolled and dissipated gradually. From black to light gray, from light gray to fish belly white.

The dark shadow in the cave gradually subsided, and the impact sound stopped.

The dark shadow lay on the snow, silent and looked like dead.

long time. long time.

A violent cough broke the tranquility of the cave. The shadow coughed desperately, coughing more and more fiercely, tearing his heart and lungs.


A stream of blood gushed out.

They flew high into the air and then fell back on his face.

Until this time, the figure felt much more comfortable.

He slowly opened his eyes. His dark, bloodshot eyes looked at the top of the cave in a daze.

He is Li shepherd.

The boy in black is Li shepherd.

He has disappeared from the Terran world since he escaped in the windy city.

He walked through the sand covered desert, crossed the dark river Styx, crossed the dangerous flower language plain, and broke into the beast valley of the battle of beasts.

He has seen the rising sun in the East China Sea and appreciated the eternal light of the northern region.

He has seen flowers in spring and maple leaves in autumn.

He appreciated the beauty of China and escaped countless times.

However, whether it is the desert or the Styx River, whether it is the flower language plain or the valley of beasts, he has one thing in common: there is no human habitation.

no one!

No smoke!

He's alone!

He was alone with those beautiful ugly scenery and animals.

He doesn't speak!

There's nothing to say!

No one can say!

He walked day by day without knowing where he was going or what he was going to do.

At this time, he is like a walking corpse.

Every late at night, the dark cold broke out again and again in his body, like a nail to pierce his flesh, bones and every muscle and vein.

Only then did he really know who he was.

"Li shepherd!"

"I'm Li shepherd!"

"I am a dragon!"

"A dragon with eight nether nails broken by the Terran" -- "


When Li shepherd crossed a mountain and a river again.

He stood beside the Red River and looked at the bright red river like a river of tears and stopped.

Suddenly I feel that such a journey is meaningless and living is meaningless.

He turned abruptly and ran wildly.

He ran to the East, to the place where the sun rose.

He wants to find the Kunlun temple. He wants to find the enlightened beast. He wants to use its courage to dissolve the eight nether nails in his body.

He was full of pain and hatred.

He wants revenge!

Punish those who hurt themselves!

Because if he doesn't do it himself, no one is willing to help him do it.

Their sins were easily forgiven.

In that case, he can't forgive himself.

He is no longer himself. There are the souls and auras of countless fellow brothers in his body.

He bears hatred and mission.

He can't live like that anymore.

Even if the world has abandoned him.

Li shepherd walked all the way east to guanjinzhou, the nearest town to Kunlun market.

The reason he gave himself was to inquire about the news and listen to the legends about the Kunlun temple in the mouths of the people nearby.

In fact, he knew from the bottom of his heart that he was eager to see people and get close to the human race.

He longed to fit in with them.

Although he was reluctant to admit it.

What I didn't expect was that after eating a bowl of beef noodles in that inn, a series of things happened. Killed Wu crack and his nearly 1000 guards, and then was pulled into the Dragon slaughtering team by several inexplicable people.

Dragon slaying team?

Kill your own team?

I'm afraid there are countless such teams after the news of dragons in China spread out?

Li shepherd could not live with them because he knew that when the cold night came at midnight, the dark nails in his body would torture him to death.

The whole China knows that his body has been broken into eight nether nails by the west wind song solitude. If he shows a little sign of pain, they will see the flaw and recognize his identity.

At that time, there was another tragic fight.

He doesn't want to kill them. He doesn't want to kill sheep master's students.

The life in Jiangnan City and the practice in XingKong college are the best two periods of his life. He doesn't want to destroy them, he doesn't want to peel them off.

Otherwise, there would be only blood feud in his memory.

Therefore, he refused the invitation of his senior brother Wu Shanji to have a rest and drink together and went to such a remote cave to have a rest alone.

After these days of torture, Li shepherd has a wealth of experience in fighting with the nether nail.

First, you must take off your clothes and hide them before Zishi. Because when your ghost Qi breaks out, your body's clothes will be torn to pieces. If you don't prepare your new clothes, you'll have to run naked the next day.

Of course, if you like streaking, it's another matter.

Second, leave the crowd and live alone as much as possible, because when the cold attack, you are no longer you, but a beast. Even if you use the mute barrier, it will still attract other people's attention.

Third, the body's self-healing ability is better. If you hit yourself with a broken head and blood flow that night, and your bone is broken, and your self-healing ability is not good, how can you have the face to go out and meet people the next day?

Over time, it will naturally lead to doubt.

"Call -----------"

Li shepherd exhaled heavily, then closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Only at this time can he really sleep for a while when the color of the day is getting brighter, the door of hell is closed and the spirit of the nether world disappears.

At this time, Li shepherd's face was bruised and scarred.

In the light of snow, there is a shocking feeling at a glance.

When Li shepherd really fell asleep, his body began to undergo amazing changes. The sores on the forehead are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, the blue and purple on the face are disappearing, and the broken bones of the body are gurgling.

After a while, all the injuries on his body disappeared, his body was white and his skin was like snow. Different from just now.

The sky is bright, the Kunlun Mountains are white, and the whole world is crystal clear, like a fairy house.


A large stone collapsed, revealing a deep cave.

Naked, shepherd Li stood at the mouth of the cave, his eyes like stars and his face like an axe. Long hair, such as an empty valley fairy.

Skin is like ice crystal and muscle is like pine and bamboo. An increase of one point is too long, and a decrease of one point is too short. There is no flaw on the body, not even a small black spot.

Li shepherd's body jumped into the air. Looking around, I saw a lake in the distance.

The lake is not frozen in winter and is steaming out.

Seeing this, shepherd Li was so happy that he jumped into the lake.


The water splashed everywhere.

Let the hot water soak his body, Li shepherd lay in the lake with his eyes closed and enjoyed it.


A Snowbird landed on the edge of the lake and stared at Li shepherd in the pool.

Li shepherd looked at the Snowbird and smiled, and then the smile on his face gradually solidified.

His body jumped up and rushed towards the Red Crowned Snowbird.

"Tweet ------"

The Snowbird screamed and flapped its wings.

Li shepherd swept the air and kept on chasing.

However, after chasing, the Snowbird's body flashed a white light, as if it was integrated with the snow and ice, and suddenly disappeared in Li shepherd's eyes.

Li shepherd was surprised, but he returned to the cave where he lived with great regret.

Put on your black robe and tie your long hair into your hat, so as to avoid the trouble of combing your hair.

I don't know what's going on. Li shepherd always can't learn to comb his hair. Every attempt ended in failure. Later, he simply didn't comb his hair and let it spread.

Of course, if mother sees it, she must blame it.

Thinking of his mother, his parents and family, and his sister's missing, Li shepherd's face darkened again“ They must be having a bad time now? " Li shepherd stood at the mouth of the cave for a while and punched him fiercely. A white light rushed into the cave, and then there was a rumbling sound of collapse in the cave. Destroy the dead! Li shepherd knew that he was sensitive and was careful at every step. He can't let others see the cave he lived in, otherwise he will be suspicious. When Li shepherd arrived at the meeting place agreed with wenweak yesterday, the four members of the Dragon slaughtering team had been waiting for a long time. Seeing Li shepherd coming out, wenweak immediately welcomed him with surprise, smiled and said, "young master Xiangma, I've been waiting for you for a long time. I thought you broke the appointment and went to find the holy palace to kill the Dragon alone, but our eldest martial brother said you were not the one who broke the appointment, so we have been waiting until now -------- you really didn't disappoint us. " Li shepherd chuckled and said, "how could you break the appointment? I can't kill a dragon alone. "“ namely. Many people have great power. When the dragon appears, we will work together and win the Dragon killing skill. "“ It depends on Miss Wen's care. " Li shepherd arched his hands slightly and said with a smile“ You're welcome, Mr. Xiang Ma. " She smiled softly. Just then, a group of people came quickly with wind and snow. This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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