Countless people, with all kinds of weapons, rushed from all directions and even unimaginable angles.

They gnash their teeth!

They are full of humiliation and hatred!

They want to give Li shepherd to thousands of pieces!

Li shepherd's pressing step by step finally contributed to their common hatred.

Everyone knows that if you can't kill Li shepherd today, I'm afraid you won't even have the courage to draw a knife when you face Li shepherd again in the future.

Courage was shattered by Li shepherd!

Kill the dragon!

Everyone has only one goal and one direction: killing dragons.

Li shepherd looked back for a thousand degrees. At a critical juncture, he only had time to make such an action.

Chidu nodded at him.

The tacit understanding between the two has long been formed, and thousands of words are in the eye to eye.

"Roar" -- "

With a roar, Li shepherd suddenly rose into the sky and flew towards the tall dome of the worry free palace.


The higher it flies, the faster it flies.

It's incredibly fast. There's still such a speed in the world.

He came back faster.

When he fell, he had become a white dragon with horns like deer, head like camel, eyes like rabbit, neck like snake, belly like mirage, scales like fish, claws like eagle, palm like tiger, ears like cow, and his whole body was snow-white like lightning.

In front of the dragon head, the white dragon horn glitters with dazzling white light.

Except for the bloody red pupil, the white dragon could hardly see any mottled color.

The huge and long dragon body and tail are dragged from here. They are # thick and long, and people can't see the edge at a glance.

The Dragon sees the head but not the tail, so the allusion comes from it.

Lightning roared on the white scales, and the open dragon claws emitted a frightening ferocious light.

White dragon!


The white dragon swooped down from a commanding position and rammed away towards the most crowded place.

Strange to say, it was those Terran masters who took the lead to attack Li shepherd from all directions.

After discovering the enemy's intention, Li shepherd jumped high and turned into a long dragon to counterattack--------

However, when Li shepherd flew into the sky and fell back to the ground, the Terran attack had just formed.

First, it shows that the speed of Li Shepherd is too fast, almost several times faster than the speed of the Terran.

Second, although the Terrans have the ambition to kill dragons under the pressure of Li shepherd, they have their own selfishness when they really start.

Because they are very clear in their hearts, with the superb skill shown by the Dragon just now, the first person who rushes up is likely to be the first to be killed. With this idea in mind, who is willing to be the first Terran to rush up?

Therefore, they shouted loudly and looked fierce enough, but they couldn't help it - the speed slowed down a lot.

It won't make people feel strange to do it alone. However, when everyone has this idea in mind, the situation looks strange.

The blood mist in the white dragon's eyes rolled endlessly, opened his big mouth, and a thick dragon breath with a strong corrosive smell sprayed out.


Long Xi aimed at the Terrans gathered towards the position where Li shepherd had just stood, like a huge flame wrapped around the past.

"Dragon breath" -- "

"Run away"

"Dragon" -- "


Poor Terran strongmen, they have just gathered together. Before they can compete with Li shepherd, there is a dragon fluttering over their heads.

Who dares to carry the power of dragon breath?

So the Terrans dodged like birds and animals.

When he ran away, he was wholehearted, and no one was lazy. Sure enough, everyone's speed is much faster.

Because QianDu has long been hinted by Li shepherd, when Li shepherd rises in the air, QianDu knows what Li shepherd will do next.

He wants to use the huge dragon body to collide and fight in this worry free palace, so that these Terran strongmen can't form a neat and unified offensive.

There are too many Terrans. If an orderly attack mode is formed and everyone works together, Li shepherd and his dragon protection team can't get out of the Kunlun temple.

He must disperse them, eliminate some people's courage and ambition, and even kill some people-------

Only in this way can we break them one by one and escape safely.

When Li shepherd was intercepted by the swordsman of Ba Dao League, he had the next plan in his heart.

He knew that there would be an endless bloody battle. Looking back at a thousand degrees is a hint of a thousand degrees. QianDu, with a glass mirror, led the weak Xie Wuyou and others behind him to retreat quickly. Bang ------- the dragon breath fell on the white jade floor of the worry free palace. Click ----------- the hard and beautiful white jade floor that has existed for thousands of years was shot down by Long Xi in an instant, creating a huge pit. With a strong corrosive Long Xi, it is still eroding the ground of the Dragon Palace, and the pit becomes larger and larger. The cracks on the floor were also spreading around. The floors and walls of the whole worry free palace were mottled and ragged, and the huge white jade fell down and hit the ground with a bang. Except that a few people ran too slowly, or were blocked by the teammates in front of them, did not escape from the shrouded area of dragon breath in time and turned into a smoke in an instant, other Terran strongmen escaped from the danger in time. It's just, that's just Li shepherd's first attack. When he soared in the air and breathed a dragon breath, his body was still accelerating. When the body was equal to those Terran masters, the dragon tail that had been dragging behind suddenly swept away. A sharp noise came. Countless Terran masters were directly pumped out. Some people were beaten to death, others were pumped into a pool of mud, and others were pumped to the white jade wall, and then directly inlaid into the stone wall, just like hanging blood colored murals on the white wall. After the white dragon flicked his tail and pulled the Terran experts out, the offensive kept on, opened his mouth again and sprayed dragon breath towards the place with the most Terrans in the worry free palace“ Roar ------ "where long Xi passed, a large number of Terrans disappeared. No flesh, no body, turned into smoke and disappeared between heaven and earth. The Dragon sings and breathes. In the worry free palace, the Terrans are worried. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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