This is a bloody massacre!

It's not the Terran who slaughters the dragon, but the dragon who slaughters all Terrans.

The white dragon rampaged, bared its teeth and claws, and exhaled dragon breath. There were many people there, so he charged there. Where there is resistance, he sprays terrible dragon breath there.

Neither the huge body of the white dragon nor the aggressive dragon breath can be easily countered by the Terran.

The dragon clan is really too strong. Whether it's their natural dragon body or the dragon breath that makes people have no power to fight back, it makes people feel terrible and desperate.

It can overturn rivers and seas, break mountains and destroy cities.

It can soar beyond nine days or dive into the deep sea.

It has to be said that the dragon family is indeed the chosen family. God loves this race too much.

It is precisely because they bring a strong sense of oppression to the Terran, so the Terran wants to kill them by all means and at all costs.

Under the impact of the dragon and the destruction of the dragon breath, the Terran master was defeated and suffered heavy casualties.


Another breath of dragon breath.

Following the dragon breath, another 360 degree high-altitude rotating dragon wagged its tail--------





This is the fierce wheezing voice of the Terran.

The white dragon hovered in the air for a while, and its huge body fell slowly. When it fell around QianDu, it recovered its human shape again.

The red blood mist in the pupil is still boiling.

After a few interest, it gradually disappeared, revealing the eyes of Li shepherd.

Look at each other!


The atmosphere is depressing!

Everyone stared at Li shepherd and the cruel dragon.

"This dragon is so powerful"

"This dragon must be slaughtered today, otherwise it will be retaliated in the future."

"Terran friars should work together and do not hide their selfishness. Otherwise, they are not the opponent of this dragon at all."


Li shepherd's strength made them more afraid, and Li shepherd's bloody slaughter also made them more hatred.

Today, never die.

"Li shepherd, are you okay?" Chidu asked hurriedly.

"Nothing." Li Shepherd said in a deep voice.

He looked at the human friars scattered all over the holy palace. Some were full of hatred, some were full of fear, others were short of arms and broken pain, and tried to bear the pain. Some who were hurt and worried about their lives even howled regardless of their faces-------

In the worry free palace, holes appeared one after another on the vast white jade floor and walls. The wall of the whole worry free palace is full of cracks, big and small, like a huge cobweb.

Thus, it can be seen how much damage the dragon breath that Li shepherd had just caused to the holy palace.

Another round, I'm afraid the Kunlun temple, which has not fallen for thousands of years, will be destroyed by it.

"Boundless Heavenly Master." Immortal Tianbao bowed with one hand and recited the road sign. Because Long Xi swept the corners of his clothes just now, his blue Taoist robe was also corroded by the fire. If he didn't put out the fire in time, I'm afraid his clothes would be burned clean.

Looking at the broken limbs and arms of the corpses all over the ground, he hissed and shouted: "You evil dragon, kill countless people and hurt Tianhe ----- aren't you afraid of being hit by thunder? People can tolerate you, and heaven will not tolerate you. "

Li shepherd sneered and said sarcastically, "when I didn't kill people, did you allow me? If people don't allow me, I'll kill. If the sky doesn't allow me, destroy the sky. I don't want to die. Who can do anything? "

"Arrogant man." Yan Bolai looked angry and said in a cold voice, "there are thousands of strong Terrans in this holy palace. Outside the holy palace, there are thousands of strong Terrans. Do you think Terrans really can't help you? "

"Hey, can you kill this dragon? It's really two things to say - although there are a lot of Terrans, they don't have the same heart. One by one, they are greedy for life and afraid of death. When I was fighting with the Dragon just now, I could see clearly that you wanted me to die, and I wanted you to block the knife for me. Although Terrans have an advantage in number, they only have the share of being beaten passively. What can I do? " In the black fog, the voice of the ghost king was as harsh as the night owl.

"Ghost king, how dare you say such words? What did you do just now when everyone worked together to kill the dragon? " An elder of Changbai sword sect shouted angrily.

Changbai sword sect has a large number of people, but there are no experts who can beat the whole audience.

Moreover, I don't know if Li shepherd did it on purpose. When the Dragon just collided and breathed, the main target was them--------

Therefore, in the previous round of fighting, or the crazy slaughter of dragons, the Changbai sword sect is the one with the largest number of deaths and the greatest loss. The anger of Changbai sword sect broke out when he heard that the ghost king was still hiding behind and making sarcastic remarks, and his anger tended to tilt towards the ghost king. The ghost King Gaga sneered and said, "what? You Changbai sword sect can't kill dragons, so you want to live in the ghost land with me? Others are afraid of you Changbai sword sect, but I'm not afraid of you. If you're not convinced, fight with real swords and guns. How? "“ Fight, who? We won't kill the Dragon first. We'll kill you selfish demons first Cui Jianxin, a disciple of the ghost king in black, said aloud. Choking ------ Changbai swordsmen pull out their swords one after another, and they are about to rush over and fight with the ghost king. As they said, the dragon has not been slaughtered, and the Terran will have a civil strife again. Of course, the Terrans never regard this group of people from the ghost land as human beings“ Stop. " Immortal Tianbao shouted. His expression was ferocious, his eyes spewed fire, and he shouted angrily: "the dragon has not been slaughtered, the war has not stopped, the divine palace is still in existence, and the myriad spirit jade seal has not yet fallen into the hands of the righteous --------- but you have to kill each other. Are you not afraid of being laughed at?" According to the mind state of immortal Tianbao, there will be no such anger under normal circumstances. However, since he encountered the dragon, his anger surged out, and the Taoist "Qingxin mantra" could not completely suppress them. In order to kill the dragon and save life, he led many human races to kill the dragon. As a result, the dragon was not slaughtered, but lured by the evil dragon. Thousands of human elite were buried in the underground Dragon Cave. Finally, uncle Yongsheng persuaded the dragon to release the Terran, but his close friend master lotus ordered the dragon's hand. After entering the holy palace, these things make people hold fire in their hearts. That is, they hate the wanton killing of dragons, and they are angry that the Terrans are harbouring evil intentions and refuse to do their best. Now the dragon people beat them to pieces. They are still fighting inside and shouting the language of killing dragons ---- isn't this self humiliating? This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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