The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 879: Be careful!

Chapter VIII, Be careful!

Seeing a big foot descending from the sky, one wants to put this Kunlun shrine into a slag. The enlightened beast was ruined, and the nine heads turned at the same time, rushing up to jack up the devil's big feet.

"I want to destroy the shrine ------" Kaiming beast screamed.

"Little caterpillars, dare to compete with me?" Cui carefully sneaked a mocking smile, then violently forced, big feet rumbling down.

She not only has to smash the shrine, but even the guardian of the shrine, the beast must be trampled together.


In the eyes of Li Muyang, the light flashed and he threw out the white silver gun in his hand.


The silver gun is like a lightning bolt, and it turns into a golden dragon. It is fierce and rushing to the sky, and it is tied to the big foot that the devil keeps pressing down.


Cui was careful to know that the dragon gun was so powerful that he did not dare to fight with it. The huge incomparable foot plate quickly contracted and became smaller.


The dragon gun passed by and flew to the sky.

Soon, it swooped down from the sky and inserted it straight into Cui's head.

Cui carefully made a fist in his right hand and banged it out.


A black ball of light flew out, slammed into the dragon's faucet, the faucet was snored, and the rifle changed its trajectory and flew away.

"Li Muyang, if there is only this ability, I will give you the dragon heart -----"

"This has just begun." When Li Muyang spoke, the body vacated.

When the flight suddenly, the body suddenly burned a blazing flame, and the flame of the big group wrapped him in it, and disappeared.


In the sea of ​​fire, a golden dragon rushed out, clawing his teeth, dragging his huge body and carefully rushing toward Cui.

Cui carefully saw the golden dragon body, looked excited and his eyes were full of blood.


A roar, a huge body full of spurs of three-eyed Warcraft appeared in the sky.

Different from the other three eyes of Warcraft, other World of Warcraft are dark brown or gray, green, and the three-eye Warcraft of the Demon King is white, white as Kunlun snow.

There are only bones in the body, no flesh and blood.


The demon screamed in the sky and rushed toward the golden dragon.

A pure white, a golden.

Two huge monsters torn, entangled, rolled, and smashed into the air.



A towering mountain peak was broken into two by the body of the devil.


A large river was smashed into a mud pit by the body of the dragon, and the lake inside disappeared instantly.


A large thorny forest was smashed together by a dragon and a beast to destroy the whole.

From the day to the night, from the mountains to the big river, from the nine heavens to the **** -------

The whole world has only one other, only opponents in battle, and nothing else.


After another fierce collision, the body of a dragon and a beast flew out at the same time, and then fell heavily on the ground.

After landing, the dragon and the beast have not moved for a long time.

Because of the heavy injury and weak body, the golden dragon became the human form of Li Muyang. And the huge white demon body has also turned into Cui carefully.

A man and a woman lay down there, dead and quiet.

For a long time, Li Muyang’s fingers moved.

Then quiet again.

Suddenly, Li Muyang climbed up from the ground and strode over to Cui's carefully lying position, then grabbed Cui's careful neck.

As long as she is a little harder, she can twist her neck into two pieces.

However, in the face of Cui carefully this very familiar face, Li Muyang is somewhat hesitant, it is difficult to deal with it.


Cui carefully opened his eyes slowly.

"You are ------" Li Muyang is nervous and has an instant force on hand.

Cui carefully breathed, and he coughed up sharply.

Coughing and coughing, there is a lot of black blood splashing out. The blood slid down the cheeks and the whole face became smashed.

Li Muyang quickly let go and said: "Are you cautious or cautious?" ------------------ ”

"I am careful." Cui said carefully.

"You are careful ----- No, you are not careful. If you are careful, you simply don't know what happened before." Li Muyang stared at Cui with caution and said with a voice.

"I am careful ------" Cui carefully smiled bitterly and said: "Don't worry, the magic king's magic core has been destroyed, the meridians are exhausted, the internal organs are hurt, and it is difficult to live again-----"

"What the **** is going on?" Li Muyang asked in a loud voice. When the first thousand degrees were also won by the Mozu, to kill the Mozu, it was necessary to kill thousands of degrees together. However, if you do not want to kill a thousand degrees, it will be difficult to kill the demon who occupies her body.

In the end, Li Muyang had to ruin the thousand-degree soul, and relied on half of the crystal scorpion of the North Ming to save her back.

Later, thousands of things were completely ignorant of what they were chosen by the Mozu. With their help, there were some unsatisfactory memories.

Cui was also taken up by the Mozu, and was occupied by the Devil. Before the killing, if the dominant is the devil, then Cui should be completely ignorant of the things he was chosen to be.

However, when she asked her who she was, she said that she was careful by Cui and knew the fact that the devil had taken his body -----

This is worth having fun!

"I know what you are suspecting ------" Cui carefully did not finish a sentence, once again violently coughed up, once again spit out the big mouth of blood, the voice said weakly: "I am careful, I am not Devil----However, there is no difference. In order to be able to defeat you, in order to make your magic core more pure, the devil uses all the fusion, it takes away not only my body, but also memory-- --- It combines my memory with me-----so, the one you defeated is the devil and the cui is careful----"

"--------" Li Muyang did not expect the result to be like this.

The devil in order to defeat himself, but also for his own magic core is more pure, not only took away the careful body of Cui, but also forcibly integrated her memory. In other words, the later demon king is Cui careful, Cui careful ----- became the devil.

“Is it disappointing to me?” Cui asked softly.

"No, I just------just-----I didn't expect it to become like this ------"

"This is the **** of the human heart, that is hidden in the depths----the greed that is unknown." Cui carefully said softly: "Family born in Cui's family, I act cautiously in my life----this from My name can be seen. Therefore, when I was in Jiangnan, even if I liked the danger, the young man who did not hesitate to use my hand to block the knife, still felt that he was too far away from him, and they were together. There can be no future. In addition to endless pain, there will be nothing left, and there is nothing to look forward to."

"So, when the family decided to pick me up, I resolutely turned and left-----remember the sunset over the lake? Under the sunset, you waved goodbye to me ------ I always thought that time The difference is Farewell. So, that admiration is lingering in my memory, and it appears in my dreams countless times. Sometimes I wake up with a smile, sometimes it is a tear. Wet pillow towel -------"

"Later, you know everything later. ------ Cui's encounter is a great disaster. The lives of the tribes are difficult to preserve. The whole family is like a run-down boat, swaying in the big river, at any time. It is possible to overthrow the seabed----I was very self-blaming at that time, blaming myself for being so weak and weak, so vulnerable, when the family suffered such a disaster, could not stand up to protect them and protect themselves. Loved ones, protect themselves -----"

"In a moment, there is a feeling of fullness in the body, as if there is a power that can not be used ------- Suddenly, I feel that I have another way of living. I can do something crazy, Can be enemies with the most powerful repairers in the world, and you can shine with you under the same starry sky in the same era----like Li Si Nian and the Princess of the Peacock Dynasty-----they I can do the things that can be done. When they fight alongside you, I can only read and write in the yard. Even if it is a very disgraceful character."

"Be careful, why are you suffering ------"

"Is it the devil's consciousness that dominates me, or ------ it just releases the evil in my heart---- these are not important, it has become one with me, so all sins are I am responsible for it alone ------"

"Be careful-------"

"You must have never thought about it, will Cui be careful to become such a bad woman?"

"That's not you, you are not you now-----the devil is in control of you, her consciousness has affected you------"

"No, Cui is careful in your mind, but Cui is careful in Jiangnan City----whether the Devil is in control of me, or its consciousness has affected me, now Cui is careful, and still Cui is careful-- -----Cui carefully you don't like it."

"Be careful, don't think about yourself like this ------" Li Muyang reached out and took the careful pulse of the old Cui and said: "I will help you with treatment, take you back ------"

"Go back? Where are you going?"

"Go back to heaven, go back to Jiangnan, go back to wherever you want to go -------"

"Shepherd, since I told you this, how can I go back?" Cui said with a smile: "I just thought, I can't hide these things, I should let you know the truth - here is the abyss The land is the nest of the Abyss, and it has never been where any Terran arrived. Since I am one with the Devil, I became the Devil, and that makes me ---- Forever Stay here. Here is my resting place."

"No." Li Muyang refused. He looked up and found that the red moon was hanging high above his head, and it was desolate and dead. "It's not suitable for survival here, I will take you back-----what's the matter, let's go back and discuss -------"

"I can't go back ------" Cui carefully shook his head, and said with a firm voice: "If you are alive, let me be here. Keep this abyss. If you die, die." Here, if you can live, you will keep the abyss for the eternal life of the human race."

"Be careful-----"

"Shepherd, I have already decided, you should not persuade." Cui carefully interrupted Li Muyang's comfort and said.

"You are here alone-----What should I do in the future?"

"Yeah, one person ------" Cui carefully sighed and said: "If you die, it is also a good thing. If you are alive, it is the eternal suffering of eternal life."

"Whether you control the devil, or the devil controls your body-----you are already the body of the gods, with almost immortal life, except for the advent of heaven-----"

"Then I will be the king of this abyss----the king of the abyss is also the king. Like the long princess of the Peacock Dynasty, will she also become the queen of the Peacock Dynasty?"

"Be careful------"

"There is nothing unwilling, this is all fate-----I was the first to meet you, and I was the first to let go of you, who is it?"

"If you don't leave this time, I am afraid that I will never go out again-----I will help the Terran to establish an enchantment, which is more indestructible than the previous enchantment----"

"I know, you are a protoss now----the enchantment that you help the Terran building, is the enchantment of God----Is it difficult to open the mortal body? I will not open it. Since I became the Lord of this abyss, the king of the billions of the Mozu-----I will guard the borders, and will not let the Mozu cross the border. This way, the two can be safe forever."

"You can-----"

"I can't!" Cui said with a slap in the face: "No need to persuade, go back. We----Farewell here."



At the bottom of the Nujiang River, the junction of the demons and the two communities.

Li Muyang stood in the yin and yang boundary, the territory of the Terran side, watching Cui careful to rush to come and see him off the line, silent for a long time.

"Li Muyang-----" Cui carefully called out.

"Be careful, if you change your mind -----"

Cui carefully watched the eyes wet, and hardly remembered the appearance of the white boy on the opposite side, and choked and said: "If the time is reversed, the years will be heavy, I will live in Jiangnan forever, forever----not separated from you."

The voice just fell, not waiting for Li Muyang to respond, it has already taken the lead, and laid the first enchantment in the middle of the yin and yang.

From then on, the demons are separated.

The pair of boys and girls who met in Jiangnan City will never meet each other forever.

“It’s inevitable that the top of the mud can bloom. Because it’s superficial, it’s rich in energy that can provide flowers for growth and bloom. It does its best to prove its existence with the flowers on the top of the head. the value of."

"If people don't love themselves, how can they expect others to love you? If people don't pay attention to themselves, how can someone respect you? I know that you are not stupid. From the conversation we had that day, I knew that you are very smart. You only need to be a little Work hard, don't sleep during class, your grades won't be like this, sir will not have such a big prejudice against you, and classmates won't think you drag their hind legs ----"

"Yeah, I am really worried. I am afraid that you will become the kind of person you just said. I know what you have experienced in the past year. I can feel all your pain. Unfortunately, I am trapped. Everything can't help you. Even if you want to say a few words of comfort to you, you don't have a chance-----there is no peace and no disease, and I see it is also a happy heart."


Thinking of all kinds of things in the past, Li Muyang could not help but feel sad.

"Caution ------ Caution-----"

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