The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 880: Peace and joy!

Chapter VIII, Peace and Joy!

On the bank of the Nujiang River, the corner of the mountain is broken.

The Terran warriors are looking forward to waiting for the unknown result.

When the devil is born, the human race is destroyed.

When the devil dies, the human race saves.

The lifeline of the human race is above the battle of the dragon and the beast.

Li Muyang turned into a battle between Jinlong and the demon king. The two men went from the sky to the ground, and from the ground to the sky, regardless of time and space, and did not stay up all night.

It has been eleven days since the beginning of the battle until today.

The two fell to the bottom of the Nujiang River, and then disappeared and disappeared. The high-ranking masters who went to inquired suspected that they had entered the abyss forbidden-----

Until this time, those who have always been arrogant know that the devil's cultivation is superb, and it is so powerful. If there is no Li Muyang, the only dragon in the world can compete with it, and it can be beaten with it. It is difficult to beat him by the power of the whole human race.

In the flower plain, the devil murders like a mowing, where is there a combination?

In the realm of the gods, the step forward is the god, is this the common body of the flesh and blood of the common people can be compared?

"Li Muyang-----you must be alive------" This is the obsession of countless people.

Seeing the truth in the adversary, seeing the truth in life and death.

Those ordinary soldiers had hatred and misunderstandings about the dragons before, and there were all kinds of anecdotes that were unbearable. After this time, they realized that the dragons were not like the ones they imagined, they liked the slaves and liked to eat human liver-----

They can also be ordinary people, like ordinary people, who are kind to others, and can fight side by side with them like brothers.

Even the Terran rulers who least want the Dragons to exist are aware that they have made a huge mistake.

They think that the dragons are too powerful and too difficult to control, so they think that there is no dragon in the world. However, if they will expel and kill the powerful dragons. So, when they have a powerful alien invasion like the Devil, how will they deal with it?

One mistake, that is the catastrophe of the dead of the dead. Their identity is once more honorable, their strength is too strong, can they still go to heaven to live and live?

After all, it has not yet been made into a god.

In any case, Li Muyang is a man or a dragon. After all, he is standing on the side of the human race.

Otherwise, he can completely ignore this time, even with the devil to avenge the shame-----

However, he did not do that.

Excluding the suspicion, once again standing on the side of the Terran, **** killing, rushing to the front, once again set off the banner of the guardian Terran.

"Amitabha, I hope that the shepherd and the sheep will be all well and return safely ------"

"The open-minded beast that has nine heads is not said. Li Muyang is now the **** of the gods, the words of God-----playing a **** is not hand-to-hand?"

"You can't say that. Li Muyang is not God. We can't say this. After all, the guy with nine heads can't speak. The Kunlun Shrine is the Dragon Palace. There is nothing wrong with seeing the owner of the Dragon Palace as a god. However, there is still a gap between the realm and the real god.----The devil has been practicing in the abyss for thousands of years, and has almost immortal life. Even if it is a true god, Not necessarily able to kill it -----"

"Yeah, it is said that the first generation of dragon masters have fought with them. Although they have been defeated in the abyss, they have not been able to kill them completely----Is Li Muyang even more powerful than the first dragon master? I am afraid that it is not entirely true. However, the general trend is in my family, Li Muyang will certainly defeat the devil, returning safely -----"


Thousands of people were seriously injured in the battle with the Devil. Winning Bo Yan originally did not want her to rush to the river embankment. However, she insisted that she would not see her and would see Li Muyang returning. Winning the words of helplessness, he had to accompany him on the side every day, and he did not want to personally repair the body.

Li Si Nian is also scarred. In order to purify the abyss poisonous gas in the plain of Huayu, and to fight for the vitality of the army of millions of people, she is almost exhausted, her body is empty, and even the strength of standing is gone. These days are also accompanied by the masters of Buddhism and Taoism. Hou is treating the body on the banks of the Nujiang River.

There are also Lu Qingming, Qin Lan, Red Embroidery, etc. All those who care about Li Muyang's safety, and those who expect him to return safely all gather on the river bank, waiting for the hero to return.

Hearing the rounds of the human race masters around him, he won a thousand degrees of heartburn and once again looked at the wins around him. He said: "Two grandfathers, shepherd him----- can you really beat the demon king? ”

"Stupid child, you have asked me this question countless times in the past few days. Have I already answered it? The shepherd has already advanced to the gods, and is taller than the demon king. The strength is naturally stronger." A little granddaughter looking at her face with a grudge, replied in a loud voice.

"I am worried that the second grandfather lied to me, deliberately saying this is to widen my heart-----I want to hear the truth."

"The truth is ----- shepherd will definitely come back safely. Every word I say is true."

"But why he hasn't returned yet? And ------"

"Thousands of degrees, this is not like your usual style. At this time, you need to calm down, take care of your injuries, and wait quietly for the shepherd to return-----"

"On the eleventh day, the shepherd's life and death are unknown. How can I calm down? Or, I personally went to the abyss to go for a trip?"

"That can't be done." Next to the win, Bo Yan quickly sighed. "You are very hurt, not to mention going to the abyss forbidden, just down to the bottom of the river, you can also drop your half life------that is, the yin and yang stone is so good? The abyss is again So good to stay? Your second grandfather and the uncle's dean went in and searched for something, and they had nothing to gain. What is the use for you to go in?"

"I am worried that the shepherd in the abyss is too hurt to be treated-----there is the land of the devil, and the devil can do whatever he wants. If no one helps, the shepherd will suffer a big loss."

"Thousands-----" Win Bo said that he was impatient, and said with a loud voice: "You are the princess of my peacock dynasty, the future peacock queen, a young girl, how can I The day put a man’s name on his lips? Li Muyang, Li Muyang, Li Muyang, the father’s ears are all heard.-----

"This kind of words will be lighter to us. If you are listened to by others, what do you think? I am a peacock dynasty to win the family-----What is the relationship with Li Muyang?"

"Father, this is exactly what the daughter wants to say to you." Winning thousands of degrees does not care about his father's attitude. Although his body is weak, his eyes are firmly shining. "When Li Muyang returns safely, I will marry him as a wife."

"There is no reason!" Win Bo said furious. "I don't agree. If it's an ordinary woman, it's a special one, but your identity is special. A human race woman marries----- marrying that Li Muyang, how to unify the Shenzhou in the future? How to control the people?"

"Father, I have decided." Win thousands of steps. "If the father feels that the daughter of Li Muyang is not qualified to dominate the country and control the people - then I don't want this emperor."

"Don't? You don't want me to go to anyone? I won't be a daughter like you."

"Who will give it to the father and the love, but I want to go to this position-----"

"Let's let go! Others want it, then it depends on whether I want to give it." Win Bo said with a sigh of relief: "If that Li Muyang does not come back?"

"I took the name of my wife as the festival, and then unified the name of the dragon as the name of the dragon-----"

"For the name of the dragon, you can marry him as a wife."

"Father ------"

"Don't say it again, I am absolutely -----"


Suddenly, he stumbled in front of Win Bo Yan, his eyes were wet, and he said with a cry: "From small to big, the father is the favorite of thousands. Although thousands of people are born as daughters, they never feel the slightest. Despise and prejudice-----The father gave all my favors to me and my mother."

"Thousands, what are you doing? Your body is still not good, hurry up. You are my daughter, I don't like you to pet?" Win Bo Yan quickly squatted to pull up a thousand degrees.

Thousands of refusals, stubbornly stumbled on the ground, said: "However, a thousand degrees is not a well-behaved child, rebellious father again and again, taking advantage of his father's love for himself and arrogant. Father never never really Angry, as always, the love of compassion."

"From small to large, the father has always been the pride of her daughter. From small to large, I also thought about being a daughter who made my father proud. However, this life has made me meet Li Muyang-----I know the father The emperor gave me the best of the world. However, if I have to make a choice, I will choose Li Muyang."

"Thousands, you -----"

"Bo Yan, there is nothing wrong with saying a thousand degrees. One of the words is the most hurtful. You didn't say these things to your father at the same time. The blood of the winning family will easily give up." What do you like? Thousands of people like Li Muyang, and let her like it first."

"Moreover, you are worried that Li Muyang is sensitive. After he has been married to him, he will be a human race. The name is not smooth.----Look around and see the eyes of these people. Which one of them does not expect? Li Muyang returned safely? In the nine countries of China, who else has not received the favor of Li Muyang?"

"Moreover, Li Muyang has already advanced to the Protoss-----If you marry Li Muyang thousands of times, there is only gain for me to win the family, and there is no towing." Guoshi won no pains and thousands of degrees, and also gave a voice to the side. .

"Please ask the father to allow." Thousands of voices said firmly.

"Well-----" Win Bo Yan sighed softly and said: "I want you, I will give you. I will give you, you must also receive. Who makes me your father What?"

"Thank you father ------"


At this moment, a vortex suddenly appeared in the Nujiang River, and the vortex rolled more and more, flying a white figure from the center.

White wins snow, oh God.

It was the dragon and shepherd who disappeared after the war with the demon king.

"Li Muyang!" Someone exclaimed!

"Li Muyang is back -----"





On both sides of the Nu River, all the peoples shouted.

They waved their fists or weapons in their hands, and the word of the word was passed on to everyone.

Li Muyang!

(PS: It's not over yet!)

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