The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1000 Go deep into Diya! (Spreading flowers to celebrate breaking one thousand chapters)

Before setting off, Zhao Hao took the opportunity to restock some supplies.

Furious hate!

Previously, when I was in the Titan Arena, I was killed by two people using Pyroblast.

This kind of war machine was very useful, so he naturally placed an order with Mia.

14 pieces!

Made so much for him again.

It's not that Mia doesn't want to make more, but because the manufacturing materials for violent abominations include 'dragon corpse', so there is no way to make them in large quantities.

In addition to the dragon corpse, other materials are also valuable.

Therefore, it is doomed that no matter how easy it is to use, Violent Hatred cannot be popularized on a large scale.

Adding these 14 to the remaining 10, the number of violent abominations in Zhao Hao's hand became 24.

If it were anyone else, even with such strong combat power, it would not be easy to carry.

But Zhao Hao holds the Book of Death, an epic piece of equipment, which comes with the Space of the Dead epic ability, the size of which is related to the holder's spellcasting attributes.

The space area was not large when it was first obtained, because Zhao Hao's spellcasting attribute was not too strong.

But now the spellcasting attributes have been horribly improved, which has also made the dead space that was crowded with a few undead before become huge.

24 large-scale modified undead such as violent abominations may only occupy less than half of the space.

In fact, in addition to Furious Abomination, Mia also recommends Death Knight.

But he was rejected by Zhao Hao!

Remember the difference between a Death Knight and a Black Knight? .

wisdom! .

Once you have wisdom, placing it in dead space is punishing.

In other words, if the space of the undead contains undead souls without wisdom, it is no problem, but if it contains undead souls with wisdom, it will not work.

This can be regarded as Zhao Hao's bottom line.

Before setting off for Diya, he first went to the Bull Principality alone.

On the way, he put on the demon court uniform and camouflage robe, used nutrient supplements to multiply a thousand bottles of plague, and designated the strategic granaries of major forces as targets. All he had to do was crush them after entering.

He gave a high price for a simple task, but required it to be launched at the same time.

Because the major aboriginal forces are not yet aware of the 'version update' of the plague, the first wave of attacks is the easiest to succeed. If they are prepared, they will be in trouble.

For the development of the Storm Territory, the indigenous people can only suffer a little more.

After completing the mission, he returned to the Nest of Flesh and entered Diya through Mia's channel.

Without the help of a powerful undead lord like her, one can imagine how difficult it would be to go to the depths of Diya.

It's not even possible!

The territories controlled by the death lords formed layers of defense lines, so that all outsiders who dared to step into Diya had no chance of returning. They were either buried here or joined them.

Tight on the outside and loose on the inside!

In the border area, countless death lords formed a defense line, but deep in Diya, there were not many restrictions, and it was completely a paradise of the undead.

Diya area? .

Even the undead themselves don't know how big it is. They only know that the deeper you go, the more dangerous it becomes.

Yes, even if they are all undead, it does not mean that they will not be attacked. When passing through the opponent's territory, they should attack you anyway.

For example, the Eternal Sleep Council is considered the ‘official force’ of Diya.

However, this official force only occupies a small part of the area and population, and a larger area of ​​land and population is divided by different forces. This is the situation in Diya.

It took Zhao Hao a week to arrive at his destination.

It takes so much time because we can still rely on the information and help provided by Mia in the early stage.

But the further you get to the back, the less help there is and the more danger there is.

If it weren't for their amazing ability to protect themselves, they might have died halfway through.

"Okay, this is the land of bones!"

Zhao Hao stood in a place where there was no trace of soil in his field of vision and was filled with various types of white skeletons.

He was very tired during this time.

In the depths of Diya, all kinds of powerful monsters emerge one after another.

After all, the undead do not have the concept of "life span", which means that they have unlimited time to become stronger, and they can also live for an unlimited time. They can only be freed by "suicide".

That’s why we say that eternal life is a ‘curse’.

The undead have lived too long. If their obsession is not strong enough, they will either go crazy or commit suicide.

On the contrary, the undead souls without intelligence will not be affected at all, which can only be said to be a kind of irony.

In this way, one can imagine how many powerful undead there will be in such a place, and it is normal for the danger level to be high.

"Are there any high-level undead with great potential here?"

Freya looked around curiously.

"This is dangerous enough, and it's also the best hunting ground!"

Feida on the side gave a definite answer after careful sensing.


Even on the surface, this land of bones is extremely quiet and there is no danger at all.

But her instincts were calling the police like crazy.

As if to remind her that the land of bones in front of her was terrifying.

"Summoning of the Dead!"

Zhao Hao started summoning directly.


Fifteen seventh-level vampires appeared in front of them, and then flew forward.

Next, he will use death contracts to subdue a sufficient number of potential undead here, and then throw them to the underworld, which is equivalent to carrying them with him.

He does not dare to enter the underworld, but he is not afraid of throwing the unintelligent undead under his command into the underworld.

Is it true that the integrity of a big boss like the ancient god of death has no lower limit like those of the nobles, only a lower limit? .

If it were Zhao Hao who entered the underworld on his own, because of his outstanding performance, he might be 'tempted' by that being, but as for high-level undead...are they worthy? .

The vampires had just flown a hundred meters away.


The sound broke through the air.

A shower of raindrops formed by white bone needles rose into the air from the gaps between the bones everywhere, tearing apart the vampires in mid-air.

"Summoning of the Dead!"

Zhao Hao continued to use this ability.

However, what was summoned this time was not a vampire, but four bone hound leaders.

Next, it's up to these guys to lead the way.

The land of bones!

As you can tell from the name, this area is made of bones, and the undead are only of the bone type.

As introduced before, the undead are roughly divided into three categories.

Bone system, flesh and blood system, ghost system!

Among them, skeleton soldiers and bone dragons belong to the white bone system.

Walking zombies, vampires, dark knights, etc. are flesh and blood.

Ghosts, reapers and the like are the ghost type.

There are only bone-type undead in the Land of Bones, and Zhao Hao came here specifically to contract the bone hound.

Although there are bone undead with stronger strength and higher potential, he has no intention of slowly searching for them, because in addition to conquering more bone hounds, he also has to go to another place not far away to conquer the undead race that he covets. Conquer.


At this time, he wanted to improve his strength, but he couldn't spare any time.

Of course, I am also waiting.

Wait for the news you want to appear.

The death contract's process of subduing high-level undead was not very smooth, and they were often hunted down during this process.

But the harvest is also amazing,

In less than a month, not only did he conquer hundreds of bone hound bosses and potential undead (elite level strength) and above, but also dozens of coveted high-level undead.

But at this time, even if he was reluctant to leave, he had to leave.

News came from the Pale Collar.

Elrollan has reached an agreement with Anros and will jointly send troops against the Undercity.

So she called the players together to discuss their next action.

The Storm Territory also received an ‘invitation’ to participate in this extraordinary meeting.

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