The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1012 Delay and battlefield breakthrough!

Violent Hatred is here!

A total of 24 units and two squads.

Moreover, before the mission was carried out, the devouring ability had been fully fed with the corpses of the sea tribe, maximizing the ability to withstand beatings.

Boom, boom!

Not to mention the violent and abominable fighting power like a mountain of meat, the momentum is indeed high.

A complete war machine!

Moreover, Mia has improved her technology. As long as she has the materials, it is no longer a problem to create a championship-level version.

When these abominations were released, there was no expectation that they would be able to catch the shadow cats. There was a terrifying difference in speed.

Human shield!

The purpose of releasing these violent abominations is to use them as human shields.

24 units of meat-like abominations were evenly distributed around Zhao Hao in a ring.

Note that there is a distance of nearly ten meters between each abomination.

With such a wide gap, the Shadow Cat can easily pass through it, and the Furious Abomination is no different from a wooden stake in front of it.

But this is what Zhao Hao wants.

With his rich combat experience, he naturally understood that there was really nothing the Furious Abomination could do against the highly agile Shadow Cat.

But in this case, the other party only has two choices.

Either deal with yourself in the center of the formation first, or deal with these violent abominations acting as human shields first.

It will take a lot of time to deal with these incredibly fleshy and violent abominations.

After all, the attack landed on Violent Abomination, whose defense was not low, but it was far less exaggerated than when it hit Zhao Hao.

But once he chooses to behead first, he will fall into Zhao Hao's plan.

He really couldn't dodge the opponent's attack, but it would allow the violent abomination to surround him and cut his way out.

It's even better news if you want to jump out, hating chains is not something you can watch.

When the Shadow Cat is on the ground, with its speed and dexterity, it is impossible to tie it up with the iron chain.

But when it's in the air, it's not easy to avoid it.

And after using the Undead Space to release the violent hatred, Zhao Hao hesitated and did not summon the dozens of high-level undead obtained from the Land of Bones except the Bone Hound.

Anyway, it's just stalling for time and there is no need to lose precious high-level undead.

Yes, Zhao Hao's intention was to delay time.

After the opponent's transformation, his fighting power was terrifying. It was a dream for him to deal with him. He might as well wait for a breakthrough on other battlefields.

There is no way, the summoning style is really restrained by the assassin style.

That is to say, he has a strong ability to save life, otherwise the grass on the grave will grow flowers.

"Death Canopy!"

But take the opportunity to cast this chant to complete the spell.

A gray-white light curtain swept around, turning this jungle area into his home field.

In this environment, Violent Hatred moved a little faster.

The other party purified it twice in succession. Zhao Hao didn't believe that the great druid who transformed into a shadow cat could also purify the spell.

Do you really think that the top-level purification technique is just a street cabbage and everyone can do it? .

After casting the Death Canopy, Zhao Hao continued to summon vampires.

It is not summoned to deal with the shadow cats, but summoned to serve as sandbags and cannon fodder.

Never forget that he has a spell.

Soul connection!

Can share 70% of the damage received to nearby summoned undead.

Now, he has become a 'super human shield'.

Not only does his own life value be astonishing, but he also summons undead to share the damage. He doesn't believe that the other party can stop him.

Once it doesn't fall within seconds, dragging it on won't be a problem.

Zhao Hao used this tactic to successfully hold back this absolutely strongest enemy.

Next, the outcome will depend on other battlefields.

The first is the black cloud + Homan + thousands of vampires VS the moon god priest + thousands of elf guards.

Looking at the data, it should be that our side is overwhelming the enemy.

After all, there are more than ten thousand players in the black cloud group, including thousands of elites and many trump cards. They are not soft persimmons, let alone thousands of vampires led by Homan to serve as cannon fodder for the opponent.

But the fact is that they were pressed and beaten.

Those elf guards are okay. Although their strength is amazing, it is not hopeless to solve them.

The problem is that the Moon God Priest is really powerful.

Auxiliary, strong attack, defense, command... proficient in everything, simply omnipotent.

Good news, the enemy is distracted!

Bad news, the enemy has no weaknesses!

Anyway, I was abused so much that I didn’t need it.

Fortunately, we have more numbers and can afford to die, and we constantly use death to slow down the opponent.

Under Heiyun's command, no one took even a step back.

Compared with the number of black clouds and the Moon God Sacrifice, the last battlefield was more lively.

Of course it is also the most dangerous.

Freya + Feida VS Treant + Chimera + Archdruid!

Among them, Freya's combat power in the golden realm state is really strong. With her own strength, she has gained room for Feida to perform.

Boom, boom!

In the flame explosion, a champion-level tree man was directly blasted by the flame throwing spear to smash a large tree body. Although he was not killed instantly, the spreading flames caused him to lose life quickly.

One shot per tree!

This is how Feida restrained the opponent.

Coupled with the difference in strength, having her beat these trees was exactly like a parent beating a child.

Anyway, in just a few minutes, most of the trees turned into charcoal and fell down.

If the enemy were replaced by non-army dragons, Feida would be considered good if she could kill a few of them now, and would have to pay a price, but now it was like hunting, easily killing the tree people.

She is also the game-breaker that Zhao Hao has high hopes for.

If these champion-level trees were to deal with Zhao Hao or the black cloud group, they would easily gain the upper hand without any explanation.

The problem is that he fought Feida and was completely restrained.

Their attacks were incredibly powerful, but they were completely unable to hit Feida who was in her half-dragon state and had full mobility.

Even the roots, which are good at dealing with highly mobile targets, are unable to get close at all.

Burning the trunk of the tree may be a little troublesome, but burning the roots shouldn't be too easy at all.

"Let the fire purify everything!"

Feida shouted softly, and a dozen condensed throwing spears around her flew out of the air, flying towards the tree man on the ground who wanted to break through the interception and go to the battlefield on the other side.

Not waiting for the shot to hit.


In the sky, Chimera's screams sounded first.

This was because he wanted to use his ice breath to help the tree people, but Freya slashed him on the neck with a knife, and a lot of blood spilled.

Although the whole body is covered with ice, it does not mean that there are no weak areas. With the addition of dragon's breath slash, there is no problem in breaking through these areas.

It was also because of this blow that the Chimera's breath was interrupted.

After Chimera's freezing breath was blocked, a dozen flame throwing spears landed on the tree man smoothly.

Boom, boom!

Explosions and flames engulfed these last tree men.

At this point, the tree army has been completely destroyed!

There are hundreds of champion level trees, or non-weapon tree people, even legendary strong ones, as long as they are not fire spellcasters, they can easily withstand them.

The problem was that he met Feida, not only the descendant of the first generation red dragon, but also an epic powerhouse who served as the 'Fire Tyrant'.

Can not bear to look!

It was a complete massacre.

Dealing with these tree men was as easy for Feida as chopping melons and vegetables.

Can you believe this? .

But it is what it is.

After dealing with the tree man, Feida, who had her hands free, locked her eyes on Chimera.

Freya Tenke, the great druid who takes the spellcasting route, as long as he can contain Chimera, the opponent whose spell effect is weakened by 90% will be chopped into pieces in minutes.

So she held a spear condensed with flames and rushed towards Chimera, while giving a reminder.

"Quick victory!"

The consumption of the gold field is not small, and now the duration is less than one-third, so we really need to speed up.

"Don't worry!"

Freya looked at Feida's chosen attack target and immediately understood her plan, and decisively attacked the Archdruid who kept using some talents or special spells.

If it's a one-on-one challenge, the remaining duration of the Golden Realm is more than enough.

"court death!"

The archdruid who was selected as the target of the killing shouted coldly, and at the same time began to counterattack with all his strength, hoping to wait for time for someone to come to support after the other two battlefields were won.

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