The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1018 Comparison and secret deal!

"…Just now!"

After a moment of silence, the 'Vice President' named Zhao Gao gritted his teeth and told the story.

In fact, the process was not complicated, but he ignored the reminder and pursued with all his strength to get here. The opponent used their backhand to blow up all the buildings, burying all the players they were chasing.

As for how many players are left? .

Well, this question all depends on whether fate is tough or not.

"Those with reconnaissance capabilities should take action. Find the person first, and then move the things above..."

After hearing this, Heiyun quickly issued the order.

Listening to her calm orders, and looking at the embarrassment of Vice President Zhao Gao, the remaining players in the black cloud group didn't say anything, but they knew what they were thinking with their feet.

The hero world is different from reality.

Here we worship the 'strong' more, both in terms of ability and strength.

In reality, 'connected people' can secure their position, but in the heroic world, incompetent people will only kill themselves and their subordinates, so it is not surprising to be hostile and ostracized.

Zhao Hao, on the other hand, silently watched Heiyun's performance.

Soon, the players trapped underground were rescued.

To be able to save people so quickly, naturally his help is indispensable.

Flesh and blood creatures have nowhere to hide in front of Homan, a vampire. It is naturally extremely easy to find alive players.

As for moving the heavy objects from the ruins? .

It's difficult for ordinary players, but for beings like the humanoid dragon and the first-generation dragonborn who can wrestle with ogres, it shouldn't be too easy.

That is to say, Zhao Hao is a 'ghost car' at this time and not Feng Liuyun, otherwise a natural barrier can save the person.

I am willing to help because I have a good relationship with Heiyun Tuan and I want to ask for help later.

In the 'legacy' of the Undercity, there are too many good things that Zhao Hao covets, and Heiyun Tuan's help is indispensable if he wants to get them.

Such as the Basilisk!

The Shadow Spider Tribe has a lot of them, and once Zhao Hao gets it, he can bring a large number of extraordinary-level 'coolies' to the territory in an instant.

The labor force of an extraordinary-level snake lizard is definitely far greater than that of an intelligent creature.

The Basilisk can transport hundreds or even thousands of tons of supplies easily. It can be transported by horse-drawn carriage or manpower, and it can only be finished if it is exhausted until it vomits blood.

All I can say is that even if you don’t want other things, you still have to get all the basilisk.

Although it can be redeemed with contribution points, the price offered by Undercity is not cheap, and Zhao Hao cannot redeem it all no matter how hard he works.

At this time, it is natural to cooperate with Heiyun Tuan.

The contribution value in the opponent's hands is amazing, and because of his identity, he can get the internal price, which can completely help empty out the Basilisk's reserves.

As for slaves and the like, they just need to have the information in hand.

Because compared to the snake lizard, the slave exchange contribution value is higher and more eye-catching, so Zhao Hao is prepared to "purchase it for zero yuan" when the time comes.

If he really wanted to exchange his contribution, he might have to kill the Irollan army all over again.

Basilisks are the hardest target to deal with, so they need to be redeemed and taken away in advance.

Of course, Zhao Hao had to pay something for letting Heiyun Tuan help him.

For example, this time he helped the other party kill people... No, he was helping the other party complete this war mission. He went all out.

It can only be said that in this war, their interests are bound together.

With Zhao Hao as a powerful thug, it will be much easier for Black Cloud Group to complete difficult tasks, improve their internal status, or strive for other things.

And Zhao Hao can also get what he wants or information through the black cloud.


It's a win.

Zhao Hao's philosophy has always been win-win, and he has never broken promises or resorted to tricks.

Even though this would prevent him from maximizing his gains in terms of benefits, the advantage was that his excellent reputation would allow him to have an endless stream of collaborators. Even enemies would never refuse cooperation.

As for his current identity, it was through the relationship of 'Feng Liuyun's friend' that he gained Heiyun's trust.

Otherwise, do people really trust a "notorious" guy so much? .

"It seems that the other party has been prepared for a long time and is not willing to leave any profit for us!"

Zhao Hao walked to Heiyun.

What this means is that the Elrollan elves have long been prepared to destroy the logistics base.

In other words, Irollan is prepared to deal with the destruction of the logistics base.

"In this case, the Undercity will be in danger. It's really worrying!"

Heiyun responded seriously, as if she didn't hear anything, but the slightly raised corners of her mouth were enough to explain her mood at this time.

Why does this happen? .

Naturally because if Undercity is undefeated, how can she 'inherit the legacy'.

Although the current Undercity is developing extremely fast, Black Cloud Group is being squeezed out. Under such circumstances, don't blame her for wanting to stab her in the back.

When we first invaded the surface world, we called people 'Xiao Tiantian' and had a good attitude. Now that we have succeeded, we call people 'Mrs. Niu.' It's completely like burning bridges across rivers. How can we bear this?

It's actually not surprising that this would happen.

Previously, it was because Black Cloud Group did have an irreplaceable role, so not only Lena was reused, but other senior officials could only tolerate it even if they were unhappy.

Now that it's time to enjoy the cake, the 'outsider' of the black cloud becomes conspicuous.

At this time, Lena was not able to rely on the black clouds in certain aspects like before.

As a result, the situation of Heiyun Tuan will naturally deteriorate.

So now Heiyun no longer has a good impression of Undercity, but only has a good impression of 'Legacy'.

Knowing that Ellolan would not fail, I finally let go of my worries.

"Don't worry, Ellolan's trump card is far beyond your imagination!"

Zhao Hao sighed meaningfully.

It is precisely because he has seen the trump cards of these indigenous forces that he has many scruples. If he did not know this, he would have flown into the sky and stood side by side with the sun.

"Then I'm looking forward to it!"

An expectant smile also appeared on the face of Heiyun's charming imperial sister.

Now she also heard that Irollan should have a lot of trump cards, and there was no need to worry about letting the Undercity escape because they were too powerful.

"The rest will proceed as planned, okay?"

Zhao Hao asked.

If it were Qinglong, he wouldn't ask, but would directly take the lead in assigning tasks.

The two identities must be kept separate.

"No problem. I will exchange the contribution points into basilisks and transfer them to the Storm Chamber of Commerce. I will leave the rest of the tasks to you!"

Heiyun said there was no problem.

Next, the two sides will act separately.

First, Heiyun went back to take advantage of his achievements and exchanged the harvest contribution points into snake lizards to give to the Storm Chamber of Commerce.

The most important thing to mention is that the Black Cloud Group has taken on more than one mission, as well as a large number of 'interception and destruction' missions.

These tasks can all be outsourced to ghost cars.

Fight for me!

The task was completed by Zhao Hao, and the contribution points were collected by Heiyun Tuan, who then exchanged the contribution points into snake lizards and handed them to the Storm Chamber of Commerce.


In this way, Zhao Hao enjoyed the internal exchange price of Undercity.

The black cloud group seems to have received nothing, but in fact it can enjoy the "fame" of completing these tasks.

Fame is incredibly important in the fight for ‘legacy’.

When the time comes, you will be able to make a lot of money, so naturally you don't care about the 'small' benefit now.

Because the two parties have the guarantee of 'Feng Liuyun' as an intermediary, their trust is extremely high, and coupled with the bundled interests, it is enough for them to cooperate seamlessly.

As for the subsequent tasks, Zhao Hao will naturally complete them with all his strength.

Because this is a good thing.

The first is to be able to earn a large amount of contributions so that the black cloud group can exchange for the basilisks, and strive to take away all the basilisks before the Undercity is breached.

Then, it can bring a lot of fame to the black cloud group and let the underground races to which the Undercity belongs understand who is more capable and reliable at this critical moment.

Finally, weaken Irollan!

If you don't weaken the opponent while Undercity is the main force now, when the players confront it, they are guaranteed to be completely destroyed.

As for my personal gains, let’s not mention them for now.

The combination of multiple reasons forced Zhao Hao to go all out to carry out the next 'break-up' mission.

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