The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1024 Feida: Watch well and study hard!


There was a continuous sound of bones colliding.

White bones emerged from the piled corpses one after another.

There are beasts, dwarves, elves, minotaurs... there are hundreds or thousands of them.

And although the strength of these bones is far less than what it was in life, it can still maintain a few percent.

Like the minotaur's white-bone skeleton, the battle ax in his hand can still cause damage to the deadwood warrior, proving that his strength is indeed preserved by a few percent. Even if the white-bone skeleton is not as powerful as the awakened corpse, it still has a considerable effect.

The large swath of bones and skeletons seemed like a natural disaster.

It seems that the title of the Scourge of Bones was derived from this, and it is indeed very appropriate.

‘The scale is wrong, is it talent? , or are you talking about super-level performance when the corpse energy is gathered?’

Zhao Hao, who was standing behind the street watching the battle, squinted his eyes and guessed.

Although the effect of the opponent's move was far inferior to his part-time high-level spell of 'Resurrection of the Dead', it was obviously abnormally strong, so he made this guess.

The battle mode of the Pale Knights is extremely simple.

Two hundred death knight players act as the front row, constantly awakening minotaur corpses that start at the extraordinary level. Behind them, the undead wizards continue to gather corpse energy, and occasionally use spells to focus on enemies that are too powerful.

Finally, the White Bones Catastrophe awakens the White Bones to serve as containment and cannon fodder.

Summon flow line!

The entire Pale Knights are like a machine that can continuously summon the undead.

And once it is not defeated quickly, it will get stronger with each fight.

"Nice tactic!"

Anluosi gave an evaluation.

Although there are problems in all aspects, the Pale Knights have only just been established, and their combat effectiveness is already very satisfactory.

"It's really...unexpected!"

Zhao Hao's expression was subtle.

Because the Pale Knights and the Scourge of Bones have definitely never appeared in the original historical line.

In this timeline, because of his part-time job, he fully demonstrated the strength of the Undead Summoning style, allowing the other party to imitate and learn from it, and came up with this tactic.

Therefore, Zhao Hao's evaluation is not about whether he is strong or not, but about his unexpectedness.

Boom, boom!

Suddenly, a heavy slap sounded.

It was progressing smoothly, not only blocking the Deadwood Warriors, but also pushing back slightly, the Pale Knights were instantly crushed.

Golden dragon!

A team of 12 units of golden dragons burst out from among the dead wood warriors, smashing the corpses and bones into pieces with their claws.

In this narrow terrain, the competition is who has stronger defense and higher attack.

And these are the places where the dragon is best at.

Although the main street is extremely wide, it can only accommodate a few wingless golden dragons fighting side by side, so a small team of golden dragons can line up in two rows and crush forward like a steamroller.

The six golden dragons in the front row inhale at the same time.

"It's dragon's breath, retreat!"

The Scourge of Bones loudly reminds the players around them.

Faced with a terrifying attack like Dragon's Breath, as long as there is no problem in the brain, it is impossible to force it.

It's not too difficult to hide from the dragon's breath when taking risks. After all, it has an obvious forward shaking action.

The problem is that hiding on the battlefield is another level of difficulty.

Fortunately, behind the Pale Knights were Zhao Hao and Anlos. They were not packed into an army of dark elves and could easily distance themselves.

tumultuous! ! !

The flame dragon breath that seems to be able to melt everything spurts out from the throats of six golden dragons.

The buildings on both sides of the street have instead become props to restrain the dragon's breath, allowing it to concentrate its power.

The flame dragon breath that continues to spit out surges forward like a liquid and engulfs everything, whether corpses or others.

After the dragon's breath finally stopped.

The streets became clean, with nothing but potholes and gravel left by the fighting.

As for the dead wood warrior corpses, undead, bones, etc., they have completely disappeared.


The power of dragon breath is so overbearing.

Pale Knights!

Although the summoning of the undead flow looks good, it is only good now, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.


Zhao Hao signaled his family members to take action.

He didn't mean to look down on the Pale Knights.

Because the opponent's performance is worthy of the investment of resources, not to mention that the player's strongest point is growth, and the future potential is endless.

It's just that enemies like the Golden Dragon are not opponents that the Pale Knights can handle at this stage. At this time, it will naturally be their turn to take the field.

Step, step!

After receiving the order, Feida accelerated forward.

Although there was a 'no air' rule in the fortress, there were no restrictions on speed and jumping ability, so she quickly walked towards the other end of the street and the Golden Dragon Team came to kill them.

The other troops are still staying behind!

The reason is very simple. There is still a lot of time now, and at the same time, it can be regarded as showing the power of the black cloud's allies to the Minotaurs.


A large amount of flames enveloped the whole body, and the fine and fine red dragon scales wrapped the body like armor. Then the speed suddenly increased, and it hit the ground like a meteor.

Half-dragon transformation + flame enhancement + flame charge!

Feida went into full strength mode.


Feida, powered by the flame charge, hit the chest of a golden dragon, and the powerful impact even knocked it to the ground.


The huge body of the golden dragon fell to the ground, causing the ground to tremble slightly.

The scene of a human-sized body knocking down a behemoth more than ten meters high is truly shocking.

Hoo, ho!

The same kind on both sides of the fallen golden dragon attacked with their claws.

But Feida is extremely dexterous and even a little leisurely when dodging.

After dodging the attack, the gathered flames condensed into a red spear in his right hand, which was easily thrust into the golden dragon at his feet.


The powerful piercing force instantly pierced the golden dragon's tough scales.

Of course, just puncture damage is nothing to a huge golden dragon.

But Feida is epic.


It is only one level stronger than the champion level, but its combat power is completely different.

Like now.

Feida's face showed a look of joy like destroying a toy. She released the spear handle with her right hand and made a virtual grip at the same time.


A violent explosion appeared centered at her feet, followed by flames that swept everything.

The flame spear is made of condensed flames and can naturally explode.

The point is that the place where the explosion exploded was within the golden dragon's body.

In other words, Freya's 'internal blasting' technique, which is the most lethal to large targets, has been learned by Feida.

The explosion lasted for more than ten seconds!

After the flames were extinguished, the champion-level golden dragon soldier at Feida's feet was already seriously injured.

In other words, the health of giant soldiers has a powerful bonus. Otherwise, if they were small and medium-sized champions, they would have been defeated by this move.

But it's okay. Although Feida's flames are not as good as dragon's breath in terms of quality, they can make up for it in terms of quantity.

The biggest advantage is low consumption.

Yes, dragon's breath is powerful and consumes a lot of energy, while fire consumes very little for Feida, and she can even use it all the time.

Next, it’s Feida’s performance of defeating a small team of golden dragons.

Epic strong man, so terrifying!

I can only sigh like this.

Soon, a small team of 12 units of golden dragons turned into corpses and fell to the ground.

Zhao Hao can be regarded as teaching a lesson to the Pale Knights.

That is, although quantity is important on the battlefield, quality cannot be ignored. If there is only quantity but no quality, the enemy will be beheaded or broken through.

"let's start!"

After seeing Feida's performance, Anlos signaled for a full-scale attack to begin.

After the individual strength is over, it is the turn to show the strength of the army.

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