The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1027 Interception and falling meteor!


Debris and strong winds shot up from the left.

If it were just these, the giant beasts transformed by the druids wouldn't care.

Although the ordinary transformation technique is far inferior to the ultimate transformation technique, it can enjoy passive and spell-like blessings, and its defense and combat effectiveness are not low.

The problem is that the gravel and strong wind are just incidental, the real danger is the three poisonous dragons! .

What would it feel like if a huge monster dozens of meters high collided with you? .

At this time, Zhao Hao experienced it.

It's as if the mind is occupied, the vision is blocked, and the breathing is blocked.

This is not fear, but the instinctive reaction of small creatures when facing giant objects.

The giant beasts transformed by the druids were actually not small, and many were larger than giant statues. However, they were extremely small when faced with a poisonous dragon that was dozens of meters high and looked like a high-rise building. They were instantly knocked away and smashed into pieces.

Three poisonous dragons rushed out diagonally, blocking the clock tower wrapped in vines.

It is twice as tall as the golden dragon and is as tall as the bell tower. The strong and powerful dragon body is arranged in a 'pin' shape, completely not wanting to give the enemy a chance to approach the bell tower behind.


A large amount of air was sucked in, and the poisonous dragon's belly bulged rapidly.

That’s right!

Ready to use Dragon Breath.

In other words, poisonous dragons are soldiers rather than living beings, otherwise they would release poisonous gas from the gaps in their scales, which would be terrifying.

"Stop them quickly!"

One of the several epic heroes roared and accelerated forward from the rooftop, preparing to stop the poisonous dragon from breathing out its breath.


It was just that this epic powerhouse felt a fatal threat after taking a few steps forward, and subconsciously stopped.


The huge dragon's tail in front swept across, exploding the shop he was standing on, causing countless rubbles to fly. If he took another step forward, he might also follow in the shop's footsteps.

"so close!"

The epic warrior swallowed secretly.

Even if it reaches the epic level, it is still a flesh and blood body, but there is no way to resist such a terrifying attack.

The water at the epic level is deeper than that at the championship level, and powerful epics kill weak epics like killing chickens.

The few epic level elves are not the kind of strong ones who fight all the way up. They rely more on the resources of Ellolan to grow, and their combat effectiveness is at the average level of the epic level.

You can definitely deal with the poisonous dragon that is taking advantage of the water, but the problem is that facing the poisonous dragon with full firepower, that is another story.


A high-speed rotating golden full moon broke through the sky, interrupting the attack that was about to be launched by an elf standing on a high place with a bow and arrow, and a faint light shining on his body.


It was Freya who caught the whirling full moon!

She kept her eyes on the epic shooter.

The other party is too dangerous!

The Elf Archer has entered the epic level, and the threat has completely increased linearly.

"Go to hell!"

Freya attacked with a cruel smile on her lips.

Fighting against such a strong man and killing him was her favorite thing.

However, this epic shooter is not the type to kneel down when approached. He uses his dexterity and speed to dodge attacks while looking for opportunities to shoot from a distance.

As a result, only one of the three poisonous dragons was interrupted, and the other two successfully breathed out their dragon breath.


The green dragon's breath that corrodes all things spurts out, as if it is liquid.

However, if you look closely, you will find that it is just condensed mist-like gas.

The behemoths transformed by the druids are completely capable of carrying, fighting and outputting damage, otherwise they would not be able to break through the defense line.

However, when faced with the terrifying dragon breath of the poisonous dragon, the powerful defense and vitality were completely useless, and the body was quickly melted.

For example, it's like putting ice cubes in boiling water.

Of course, the elf shooters following the team also tried to use long-range attacks to interrupt the dragon's breath.

However, Poison Dragon's powerful defense and resistance allow it to withstand long-range fire.

Even if the elven archers couldn't stop it, they could easily get out of the dragon's breath attack range, but the druids who turned into giant beasts couldn't do it and were directly 'drenched' by the green dragon's breath.


It's too awful!

Two mouthfuls of poisonous dragon breath killed most of the druids and turned them into blood, leaving not even a complete corpse.

With the poisonous dragon blocking the front, there are only a few people who can break through.


The vines behind the poisonous dragon swept out like pythons towards the elves who were lucky enough to break through.

Although the natural barrier is not very lethal, its control power is absolutely incredible.

Elf archers and warriors are not 'powerful' enemies, and will only be fooled by the train-thick vine dragons, so Zhao Hao only maintains the basic vine posture, which consumes less money, is faster, and has more numbers, making it extremely suitable for use. Come and intercept the elves.

With the protection of the poisonous dragon and the natural barrier, Anluosi also completed the spellcasting chant.

The staff in his hand pointed toward the battlefield ahead.

"Meteor shower!"

The sound of magic blessing echoes.

A large number of black spots appeared in the sky, falling in a ladder shape.

It's easy to hide when you're adventuring.

But on the battlefield, if you want to hide after the spell is completed, unless everyone is a speed type, and the area must be wide.

The problem is that although the Undercity is very big, there are buildings everywhere, and due to the restricted air rules, large and giant units such as the Golden Dragon and the Deadwood Warrior cannot move fast at all.

In contrast, both the God of Death and the Valkyrie can retreat quickly, but only the dragons are inconvenient to retreat.

But Anlos had already thought of this when casting the spell, so she selected the target area to attack and moved forward slightly. As long as she retreated as much as possible, she would only suffer the aftermath.

Hoo, ho!

The roar of the atmosphere being shattered became louder and louder, attracting countless attention.

The core army commander who intercepted Zhao Hao and the others couldn't sit still.

When he originally heard that the target was an adventurer, he thought he could easily complete the task, but who would have thought that Zhao Hao did not follow martial ethics.

After meeting, I opened it without even testing it, and it was still a fourth-level battle spell.

Who can withstand this!

Anyway, on the surface, this legion commander is as stable as an old dog, but he is quite panicked on the inside.

As a middle-level person in Ellolan, he has an extremely wide range of information sources, and of course he understands what the fourth-level battle spell 'Meteor Shower' represents.

Destructive power!

The only good news is that the attack range won't be too large, and the number of 'meteors' won't be too many either, which can reduce the losses, right? .

But when he looked up.

When he looked at the growing black spot in the sky above his head, his face instantly turned extremely pale.

The moon god is on!

If it wasn't for the fact that it felt so real, he might have thought he was dreaming.

Are the number and size of these meteors too large? .

It was completely different from the power he had heard of! .

Unlike the commander of the Airan Army who was in a messy mood, Zhao Hao, who was standing on the top of the bell tower, was in a very good mood while looking at the falling meteors.

Without the meteor shower, it might have been a tough fight.

After all, this core army is not a soft persimmon, but after being hit by a meteor shower, it is not a problem at all.

Under the attention of countless complicated eyes, the first ‘shooting star’ fell from the sky.

Stones weighing several tons fell from a high altitude, and their power was no less than that of a heavy missile.


Amidst the high-pitched impact.

The earth was torn apart, buildings were flattened, and the terrifying impact swept everything around.

Even a heavy tank would be flattened by such an impact, let alone a flesh and blood body.

Although the golden dragon was not directly hit, the surrounding golden dragons and deadwood warriors who were retreating were still torn to pieces and thrown away.

And this is just the beginning, there are hundreds of meteor showers.

The continuous falling of meteors is as terrifying as a natural disaster that will destroy the world.

The meteor shower falls at the center of the Golden Dragon and the Dead Wood Warrior.

These two arms pose the greatest threat, and coupled with their slow movement speed, they are naturally the first choice for attack targets.

In normal combat, these two arms can be said to have strong defenses and amazing vitality, making them extremely difficult to solve.

But when faced with the meteor shower, no matter how strong the defense is or how high the health is, it means nothing.

Boom, boom!

Meteors continued to fall down one after another, as if the gods were waving their war hammers to inflict 'divine punishment' on the world.

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