The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1036 Life creates a line of defense!

There is a saying that ‘as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed’.

At this time, Anlos and Green were like this.

Just as their confrontation was stalling for time, Irollan finally made a move.


The ground surged, as if countless giant beasts were trying to break through the ground.

A layer of boulders slowly 'grew' from the ground.

Getting rocks out of the ground is not difficult in the otherworldly world of Heroes.

The problem is that there was too much movement this time.

It is tens of meters high, several meters wide and several kilometers long.

It’s nothing short of a miracle!

What accomplished this was a group of elven mages.

The opponent was good at earth spells, and it was because of his coordination with internal forces that he was able to quickly break through the Undercity's defense.

Now this move shows how powerful these mages are.

It is precisely because a large-scale mage group is an indispensable force in large-scale battlefields that Zhao Hao wants to cultivate his own mage group.

Of course, the group of mages he cultivated must not be like the "superior" people in the heroic world. Being a spell caster means you feel superior.

If the mage group goes all out, it can do countless magical things.

For example, build a wide road, canal, etc.

Doing it manually is a super project, requiring countless manpower and resources, and a lot of time.

But if a mage who masters 'turning mud into stone' and 'fossils into mud' can do it, one person can stand up to thousands of people. If there is a group of mage...

Now you understand why he emphasized that the trained spellcasters cannot be ‘superiors’, right? .

If you really follow the process of training in the hero world, you will only cultivate a group of uncles in the end, and you will still have to pay high fees and resources to maintain relationships.

In order to prevent this situation, he thought it would be best to train them with slaves.

When this stone wall appeared, Zhao Hao and the others had no intention of interrupting it, which surprised Green and the two legendary experts who were ready to intercept.

Because there is a city wall and there is no city wall, the difficulty of attacking is completely different.

In other words, the 'forbidden air' array cannot be set up quickly, otherwise it will be a temporary fortress.

"You don't think that this kind of defense can block attacks, do you?"

Zhao Hao kindly ‘reminded’.

Yes, this stone wall that blocks the hills from the two directions facing the water is indeed extremely strong.

But if faced with attacks by magic, dragons, etc., the defense of this ordinary stone wall is not that reliable. If it is replaced by an epic dragon such as the Poison Dragon, it may be easily broken through with a few hits.

"Of course it's impossible!"

Green shook his head, his eyes a little sad.

How could he not know the defensive power of the stone wall, but since he dared to do this, he was naturally confident.

at this time!

One after another, the dead wood warriors who were not soldiers stepped forward and took root in front of the stone wall. .

Seeing this scene, Zhao Hao's eyes shrank.

Because he remembered a special tactic in Ellolan.


The huge roar appeared again.

A stone wall similar to the one before slowly grew out from in front of the rooted dead wood warrior. The two stone walls sandwiched the dead wood warrior in the center.


At this moment, the sound of dense branches and leaves stretching was heard.


Countless roots shot out from the ground and penetrated into the two solid stone walls at the front and back. The Deadwood warriors used their own lives as the medium to connect the two stone walls.

In this way, the two stone walls and the dead wood warriors became one.

The key point is that the deadwood warriors who are not soldiers sacrifice themselves and add extraordinary power to the stone wall through their roots.

The stone wall, which is almost ten meters wide and has extraordinary power, would take a while for even the poisonous dragon to break through, so it is more than enough for defense.

Cruel enough!

Zhao Hao looked at Green.

Because those thousands of deadwood warriors were not a military force, and there were also ace and champion levels among them. They all sacrificed their lives just to build this stone wall. It was indeed admirable for their ruthlessness.

A stone wall more than ten meters wide can allow a large number of long-range troops to fight on it.

A sixth-level great elf and elf shooter quickly rushed up the city wall.

The big elves are okay, but those elven archers are extremely tricky. Once the opponent uses special arrows + skills, they are guaranteed to die in a rhythmic manner. After all, there are even epic archers among them.

Faced with this kind of long-range air defense firepower, Zhao Hao and the others might still have a chance to break through if there were no flying troops to intercept it.

But the opponent's flying troops are not a vegetarian. After intercepting most of them, it is impossible for the remaining ones to break through the long-range fire defense line.

"I have a proposal!"

Anlos suddenly spoke.


Green also relaxed a lot at this time.

Because he was delaying time just to complete this line of defense, and now that he has succeeded, he naturally feels a lot more relaxed.

"I think how about setting the southwest area as a 'buffer zone', a place where neither the Pale Territory nor Irollan are allowed to set foot?"

Anlos made suggestions.

In other words, this area is regarded as the middle area between the two sides, and no one is allowed to enter.

If the two major forces do not enter, it will naturally become a paradise for players, which is equivalent to achieving the strategic goal in disguise.

"Not an inch of Irollan's land is redundant. No matter how much you pay, you must take it back!"

Green shook his head and rejected the proposal.

He knew the problem with the proposal as soon as he heard it.

Although it is much better for adventurers to occupy this area than it is for the races in the underground world to occupy it, the reason why they finally solved the Undercity was not for this result.

"Really, that's really a pity!"

There was no disappointment in Anluosi's tone.

Because this is a pavement for subsequent negotiations.

If the Pale Territory were to occupy the southwestern region, then Irollan would continue to fight no matter how great the sacrifice was. The conflict between the undead and the living was irreconcilable, and the expansion was too strong.

But if it were occupied by players, their reaction wouldn't be so strong.

After all, even the occupation of the Undercity can be tolerated for a period of time, so there is no reason why players cannot be tolerated.

What Zhao Hao and the others want is the time for the other party to 'bear'.

As time goes by, Elrollan will find that the chances of recovery will only become smaller and smaller.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Ellolan must understand that if he wants to forcibly regain the southwest region at this stage, he will pay a heavy price.

In other words, the Irollan army in front of you must be defeated before the opponent will consider this proposal.

Otherwise it would be impossible to accept it.

This is also the reason why Anluosi is not disappointed.

Any benefit can only be obtained with fists, not tongues. This is an iron rule in the heroic world.

The two turned around and flew towards their own troops.

"Do you want?"

Another legendary boss's inquiry rang in Green's ears.

Now two enemy heroes appeared alone in front of them, which was a rare opportunity.

In terms of personal combat power, having two legends on their side certainly gives them an absolute advantage.

Well, this mysterious legendary strongman was invited by Green to 'help' and does not belong to Elrollan, so Lena did not expect that if he was a legendary strongman in Irollan, then she would definitely be able to invite someone to compete.

It was precisely because the other party was not a strong person in Elrollan that he made this proposal without caring about his reputation.

As an alien, Green's personality is different from that of ordinary elves. He will not stick to 'honor' and 'tradition', but he still shook his head slightly.

"never mind!"

Because he felt that if he really took action, something extremely dangerous might happen.

It was precisely because of this intuition that he gave up the idea of ​​taking action directly.

"It's up to you, but don't forget our agreement!"

The legendary and powerful assassin spread his hands to express his obedience and emphasized the agreement between the two parties.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have come to help.

"Don't worry, I don't want to be targeted by you!"

Green mobilized his Pegasus to land on the hills.

After the defense line is completed, the next step is the battle between the armies.

At the same time, the ground troops of the undead army finally arrived on the battlefield.

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