The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1060 Negotiation and Victory!

"Lord Liuyun, come with me!"

After speaking, Anluosi walked forward.

Obviously, she was going to let Zhao Hao accompany her to negotiate.

The Scourge of the Bones looked a little ugly. After all, he considered himself a die-hard loyalist to the lord. He didn't expect that it would be... (Zhao Hao: That's right.)

But this choice is also convincing.

After all, the Storm Leader's performance in this battle was indeed outstanding.

Winning the battle of Moonlight Hills with the Pale Collar army is the key to success.

Without that battle, everything else would have been a bubble. Coupled with the Storm Leader's past record, even the Scourge of Bones only looked ugly, but did not feel it was unfair.

After walking to the front!

Zhao Hao felt that the blond elf at the head looked familiar.

No, it's really familiar.

Because they had dealt with each other once before during the invasion of the underground world,


That is, the extremely arrogant Violet Duke.

Unexpectedly, the other party was the commander-in-chief of the reinforcements.


Maybe it was after getting information about the Battle of Moonlight Hills that the other party rushed to the reinforcements.

After all, just as the commander of reinforcements, he is not qualified to negotiate on behalf of the Irollan Empire.

"I am Lord Anroth of the Pale Territory!"

Anlos introduced herself.

Note that the introduction here is very interesting, that is, Zhao Hao next to him is not introduced.

This happens naturally because of positioning.

Don’t forget, what is the role of the Storm Leader in this plan? .

Take money to do things!

He had absolutely no intention of going against Ellolan. He only stepped in to help the Pale Leader because he had 'made a mistake that all the lords in the world would make'.

Going all out on the battlefield can be called 'professionalism', but offering to help during negotiations would attract too much hatred.

"I am Duke Violet Soth Theron. Nice to meet you!"

Soth responded humbly and politely. When his eyes swept over Zhao Hao's face, he seemed to see nothing.

But Zhao Hao knew that the other party must have recognized him. The elf was not a salty fish with a memory of only seven seconds, so how could he not recognize him.

But it doesn’t matter.

After all, the stronger the Storm Leader appears on the battlefield, the more the opponent will try to win over him.

There was just something that made Zhao Hao very unhappy.

It's this guy Soth. The last time I dealt with him, he was so arrogant and arrogant.

But now when dealing with Anluosi, she is completely humble and elegant. If her appearance hadn't changed, people would have doubted whether she was a different person.

"Both of us are not allowed to enter the southwest area, it is used as a buffer area between us!"

Anlos repeated the condition.

The strengths of both sides are all here, and there is no need to play tricks.

The conditions had already been mentioned before the battle in Moonlight Hills began, and the other party would definitely pass the conditions back. Now the elves only had two choices.

Agree or deny!

As for changing conditions and discussing details, those are things that can only be discussed outside the battlefield. Naturally, things should be simple and direct on the battlefield.

"Yes, within three years, the Pale Territory and the Storm Territory will not be allowed to expand within the territory of Irollan, and we also promise not to take action in the southwest region!"

Soth was obviously prepared and gave a direct reply.

But after listening, a thoughtful look flashed in Zhao Hao's eyes.

That's why it's interesting that this timing was brought up by Elrollan.

They only had more than a year to take action against the Undercity, but now they have proposed a three-year truce. This can only mean one thing.

The elves of Irollan are in trouble!

If you want to severely damage the other party now, it is best to break down the negotiations and continue fighting with the other party.

The problem is, they have no interest in making wedding clothes for other people.

At this stage, even if something happens to Ellolan, they won't be the ones to get the biggest cake. Instead, they will have to be at the forefront. As long as they don't eat several kilograms of brain fragments, they won't be able to figure out this operation.


Anluosi naturally understood Zhao Hao's thoughts, so she nodded without hesitation for half a second.

Neither party said anything about signing a covenant.

Strength is the best guarantee!

If the strength of the Pale Territory is greatly reduced, then even the alliance cannot be torn up. Do you really think that the barrier is the camp of the Justice League, so it must be an honest person? .

It was like an invasion by demons and undead. The elves shouted loudly, but in fact they did not contribute.

At the same time, after the establishment of the Undercity, the major human forces also contributed a lot. Even if they are allies, it does not mean that they will be soft-handed when stabbing.

Otherwise, would the major forces in the Real Castle camp trade with the Undercity in such a tacit understanding? .

It is also because of knowing this that the elves have to deliberately choose when the major forces in the castle camp have no spare power when moving into the Undercity. Otherwise, all kinds of secret support are guaranteed to pour into the Undercity.

“Looking forward to our next meeting!”

After Sos said that, he turned around and left with several powerful elves.

Yes, negotiations are that fast.

The world of heroes is very different from reality.

The weak eat the strong!

What you can't get on the battlefield, you can't get at the negotiation table.

The battle at Moonlight Hills had already decided this outcome. The Elf reinforcements continued to advance just for dignity and a last-ditch effort. Seeing that there was no hope, of course they could not fight to the end.

Looking at the elf army receding like a tide, the players looked excited.

Because everyone knows that the retreat of the elves means that the southwest region of Irollan has really fallen into their hands.

Player territory and this kind of territory are two different things.

Just like battlefields and peaceful areas, although they are both land, can they be the same thing? .

"Very good!"

One player couldn't help shouting.

Following this player's voice, others also shouted excitedly.


"we won!"

"Finally we have a place that belongs to us!"

All kinds of uncontrollable cheers sounded.

Players such as captains did not stop them like they did before.

Because everyone knows that now is the time to cheer.

Of course, the next most important thing is to divide the spoils.

This is the most critical point. If this aspect is not handled well, internal strife is not impossible.

However, this matter naturally cannot be settled here like negotiating with the elven army. Instead, we have to go back to the Pale Territory first.

It was agreed to divide the money at the meeting a week later.

After all, we have to deal with the next few things first.

For example, monitor whether the elven reinforcements really leave, the army retreats, cleans the battlefield, etc.

There are many things!

That's why the division will be divided up after a week to give the major player forces time to make trades, alliances, etc.

For Zhao Hao, this is good news.

Because he was busy taking away the loot, this time was just used to rush to transport the loot.

Without the Storm, it would be impossible to transport such a huge amount of supplies back in a short time.

But with the Storm, it's a different story.

It can load hundreds of thousands of tons of cargo at a time, which shocked countless people.

Because even a heavy-duty carriage can only carry more than a dozen tons of cargo at a time, and it also has extremely high requirements on roads.

The transportation volume of the Storm at one time is equivalent to the transportation volume of tens of thousands of heavy-duty carriages.

In terms of speed, it is even worse.

All I can say is that the Storm is really easy to use.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Hao thought of 'upgrading' it to a stronger elemental pool.

With all his efforts, time came to the day of the meeting.

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