The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1061 Territory allocation! (Thank you everyone for subscribing)

Pale collar!

Today is different from usual.

It’s not the number of players, but the fact that famous bosses are everywhere.

Everyone knows the reason.

Today's post-war meeting will determine the specific division of the southwest region.

And whether you can get a piece of land is related to your own vital interests, so these big guys will naturally come.

In the Palace of Bones, if it were not for the restrictions on the identities of those who enter, it might have been overcrowded long ago.

It is worth mentioning that the host of this meeting was not Anlos.

Although she is a pale lord, she has no interest in such trivial matters at all and prefers killing and fighting.

But it is also because of her character that the players are more reassured.

After all, a lord who takes too much power is not good news for them.

It is this kind of lord that the Pale Alliance hopes to see most.


As a result, most of the territorial power falls into their hands. Who doesn't love this kind of lord? .

In fact, this kind of 'conception' was specially created by Zhao Hao and An Luosi.

In this way, the Pale Territory is the real ‘player territory’, and the Pale Alliance will also invest resources in the territory.

See, Anlos doesn't have to do anything. She just needs to work hard to improve her strength. The territory can grow quickly without management.

The merchants of the Pale Alliance didn't see clearly.

That is, this is the hero world, not the real world.

Strength is everything. Without strength, even the lord may not be able to defend his territory.

As for today's meeting, if An Luosi doesn't come, someone will naturally have to chair it.

This person is naturally...Zhao Hao.

That's right, if the Pale Lord doesn't come, then he, the Storm Lord, will naturally come online.

First of all, he has no demand for the land in the southwest region, coupled with his recognized strength, and finally, he can obtain this status only by adding his identity as a player.

Although he wanted to refuse, Zhao Hao finally agreed after being invited by many big guys.

Who made the food look a bit ugly before, but none of these forces objected, which is considered a favor.

Of course, there is also the reason why he wants to fight for the Black Cloud Group. Otherwise, he has a lot of things to do and there is no way he would have time to chair the meeting.

Standing in the center of the conference hall, feeling the intensely hot gazes all around, it was as if he was being roasted.

There is no way, as the host of today's meeting, he holds the power to distribute benefits, how can he not be noticed.

"Okay, everyone's time is precious, so I'll get started!"

Zhao Hao glanced at the people coming today.

None of the two major heavenly groups and lone strong men came. All those present were the Raging Dragon, Ice and Snow Bear, God's Left Hand, Guinevere... these powerful men with power behind them.

A huge sand table was placed in front of them.

The sand table is occupied by various colors.

Black, green, white, yellow, red, blood!

Among them, black is the most common, followed by white and yellow, red and blood are also numerous, and green is the least.

Everyone present is not a rookie, so they naturally understand what each of these colors means.

Black represents the unknown, the unexplored place.

Green represents safety and is mostly where the cities, towns, and resource points of the elves used to be.

White means there may be some danger, mostly outside the green area, yellow means areas that need to be careful, red means danger, and blood means forbidden areas.

Although Ilolan has been operating in the southwest region for a long time, the green area is less than 1%.

It's not that the elves don't work hard, it's because the territory is too big.

Although it is only the southwest region of the Irollan Empire, its area is larger than the three major powers combined in reality.

Well, the area belongs to the area, and the land that can be used belongs to the land that can be used. This needs to be clarified.

If we only count the area, the heroic world is huge and there are countless territories everywhere.

The problem is that the 'safe zone' needs to be cleared and maintained continuously over a long period of time. Once it is interrupted, it needs to be restarted.

Such harsh conditions are the biggest reason why it is precious.

"Of these safe areas, the Raging Dragon Guild occupies 5%, the Consortium Alliance 4%, the Chariot Guild 4%, and the Sin Domain 3%...the remaining 40% will be allocated by the remaining guilds!"

Zhao Hao gave a plan.

There is no emotion, it’s all about profit!

There is definitely no problem with the distribution plan, but the problem is with the people.

As early as when the elven reinforcements were forced back, the distribution actually began.

The one week left deliberately is for these forces to fight in private... collude, trade, etc.

So inviting Zhao Hao to host today is actually asking him, an outsider, to ‘endorse’.

Although Anluosi, the pale lord, did not come, the people from the Pale Alliance were her representatives. Coupled with Zhao Hao, the storm lord, it meant that today's allocation was approved and acknowledged by the two of them.

If someone thinks it is unfair in the future, it is impossible to overturn today's plan.

One thing to note is that the Pale Alliance, as the host of the plan, did not receive any territory.

The reason is that they are an alliance mainly focused on business, not military. It is enough to have the Pale Territory as their base, and there is no need for other territories at all.

And I got a lot of business privileges. Isn’t this great? .

"If you have no objection to this distribution plan, we will distribute it according to this ratio!"

After Zhao Hao finished reading, he asked.

As long as the territory distribution is completed, his work is over, and he does not need to preside over those details.

"I have an opinion!"

A voice attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone wanted to see who was so brave, but after seeing the speaker clearly, they all looked thoughtful.

The plague of bones!

The combat leader of the Pale Alliance and the leader of the Pale Knights.

"Oh, what do you think?"

Zhao Hao was also curious about his opinion.

Logically speaking, the other party is on the same side as you, so there is no reason to cause trouble for you, right? .

Moreover, this distribution is a compromise plan between the major forces after a series of conflicts and internal fighting. It cannot be said to be the best, but it is definitely the most acceptable plan.

"Black clouds!"

"I have no objection to letting the other party participate in the allocation, but isn't the location of the Undercity a little too good?"

"And the future is too threatening to us!"

Talk about the disaster of bones.

He did not oppose randomly, but was reasonable and confident.

As for why you object? .

Of course, it was to give Zhao Hao a warning and let him understand that this was the Pale Territory, not the Storm Territory.

Although the Storm Leader is invincible against all players, their Pale Alliance is even more powerful. How can they show their powerful status without choking? .

Zhao Hao quickly guessed what the other party was thinking and found it a bit funny.

If the other party knows that their biggest supporter is one of their own, who knows what their reaction will be? .

But this is also a good thing. The more the opponent targets him, the more people will not think about the true relationship between the Storm Territory and the Pale Territory. He explained:

"The ruins of the Undercity are not too far from the underground passage. If it is assigned to you, who is confident enough to hold it all the time?"

This is also the actual situation.

As long as the underground passage exists for a day, underground races will continue to appear from there.

Black Cloud Group can absorb some of them, but other guilds do not have such convenient conditions, so allocating it to Black Cloud Group there is not a fool's errand.

People really have a ‘good location’.

The Raging Dragon, Ice and Snow Bear, God's Left Hand, Guinevere... After thinking about it, they all shook their heads slowly.

They are confident if they can hold on for a while, but they really can't stand it if they hold on forever. This is the biggest reason why they had no objection to this allocation during the previous discussion.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to get out of such a nice place so easily.

"As for future threats...will they be as big as Irollan?"

Zhao Hao's words left the Bones Disaster speechless.

Because it's true.

Players occupy the southwest area. The biggest enemy in the future is the Irollan elves. They are not an underground race. Instead, they can rely on their strength, so he really has nothing to say.

After completing the distribution plan, Zhao Hao found an opportunity to run away with the bucket.

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