The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1077 The hunting begins!

"The hunt begins!"

Zhao Hao looked at the enemy in front and ordered to start facing the enemy.

“What a delicious meal!”

An evil smile appeared on Homan's face, and his red eyes were firmly locked on those members of the Holy Church.

Although the Holy Light restrains vampires, the other party's blood is also extremely delicious to it, so it is natural to keep an eye on the other party first.

And on the ground below the shop.


Led by the bone hound with the potential to be a king, hundreds of bone hounds pounced together, as if they were hunting in a pack of wolves.

With the arrival of the Bone Hound with the potential to be a king, the Bone Hounds that used to fight independently have a tendency to cooperate.

The carrion giant had no intention of evading and continued to throw corpse bombs towards the main street.

The troops fighting in formation are too strong, so long-range attacks are naturally needed to destroy the formation to create opportunities for the Vampire Kings.

As for yourself? .

Come on, the Carrion Giant is not as weak as other long-range troops, but like the Cyclops, it can be used in both long-range and melee combat, and both hands must be strong.

Compared with the powerful long-range attack ability, the melee strength is not inferior. The giant white bone club in the right hand is not a decoration. Even if it is a bone dragon, as long as it dares to give up its flight advantage and engage in hand-to-hand combat, it can still beat the opponent to the point where it can no longer take care of itself.

With such a powerful melee capability, it's no wonder why the Carrion Giant didn't retreat.



"These are bone hounds, characterized by their extreme speed!"

The Bone Hound's surprise attack caused a lot of trouble for the enemies who came suddenly.

After all, it is powerful, fast, and protected by the sky of death, which greatly enhances the threat of the Bone Hound.

However, it was precisely because the Death Sky Curtain had been improved so much that Zhao Hao spent a lot of time casting it. If the effect was not good, he was not willing to waste time.

The Bone Hound is just saying hello, the real attack is the next spell.

"Corpse Explosion Technique!"

The voice blessed by magic shocked the hearts of everyone who was charging.

They knew the information about the corpse explosion technique, so they had already thought of countermeasures.

But there are some things that cannot be dealt with just by knowing the information.

Like corpse explosion.

In this area where corpses are everywhere, we can only try to avoid the corpses, but there is no way to avoid them all.


In the huge explosion, several people were torn apart, and a large amount of green minced meat carrying the plague swept everything around them like a storm.

With a basic investment of magic value, the lethality is already very strong. If a large amount of magic value is invested, combined with the corpse of a large extraordinary creature, it can definitely cause horrific damage.

If the Corpse Explosion Technique was just for attack power, it would actually be just that. Among high-level spells, the single-target lethality of Pyroblast Explosion Technique would definitely rank first.

But the problem is that other high-level spells have a cooldown time of tens of minutes or hours, while the cooldown time of Corpse Explosion is only half a minute. In addition, Zhao Hao's spell specialization reduces the cooldown by half, which is directly 15 seconds.

A high-level spell in 15 seconds, everyone is afraid of this! .

Moreover, the corpse explosion technique has another characteristic.


For example, if you use an ordinary corpse to blow up an elite professional, and then use the elite professional's corpse as a casting material, the power of the corpse explosion technique will be increased many times.

Getting stronger and stronger!

If there are not enough corpses in the early stage, then as the battle progresses, there will only be more and more corpses, and the ranks will get higher and higher.

Squeak, squeak!

And not only the bone hounds, Homan also brought a large number of vampire kings and began to intercept these advancing troops.

Flesh and blood cannot ignore the vampire king's claws.

Especially with the bonus of the King of the Undead, the strength is increased by half, and with the improved attributes of bone structure, the threat of the current Vampire King is not low.

Homan himself turned into a bat with golden patterns, quietly hiding in a corner, staring at the team passing by.

On the outside are knights and heavily armored guards, and inside are spellcasters and priests.

That is to say, the strongest epic warriors, epic knights and several quasi-epics rushed to the front. The archangels hadn't come yet, otherwise Homan wouldn't dare to take action against them.

Finally, seizing a gap that the opponent exposed in order to intercept the Vampire King, he instantly transformed into a human form, and with the blessing of powerful agility, he swooped out like a blood shadow and broke into the team through the gap.

Poof, poof!

Claws waved as he passed through the group, leaving several priest corpses in his wake.

Although there are also priests who attack, the opponent has protective items that are automatically triggered when faced with attacks, so Homan can only choose to give up.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the corpses of several priests are extremely shriveled, as if they have lost all moisture.

Because the blood in the other party's body was no longer there at this time.

In a house a hundred meters away from the team, Homan stared at a ball of blood floating in the center of his claws in confusion, completely ignoring the scars that had just been cut on his body.

“It’s so delicious!”

After sucking the blood from his hand into his body, he sighed with narrowed eyes.

For the blood nobles, blood is everything, so this reaction is not surprising.

At the same time, the injuries on his body were restored to their original state by swallowing the blood, and his aura was even stronger.

With gains, it is natural to make it more aggressive.

Don't forget that Homan has been beaten by Zhao Hao before. If he doesn't perform well this time, there will definitely be no good results, so it's not surprising that he works so hard.

There are benefits and threats at the same time, even if you don't work hard, you can't do it.

Homan's hard work also held back the team, which included church forces.

Zhao Hao on the other side also started fighting fiercely.

"Corpse Explosion Technique!"

Another corpse explosion technique blew up several people.


A dazzling sword light cut through the aftermath of the explosion and rushed toward him like lightning.

If he didn't have the body of an intermediate Dragon King, facing such a strong melee fighter, Zhao Hao might have been hit by the attack before he even had time to react.

But if he has it, regardless of whether he is a spell caster, in fact, regardless of the attributes such as strength, reaction, speed, etc., he is not inferior to the strong ones at the same level.

At this time, the only difference between him and the top melee warriors was weapons, equipment, skills, etc. Not only was his basic level not bad, he was even stronger.

Don't forget, there is still something inside him.

Dragon scales!

It is the talent when the Dragon King's body is upgraded to the intermediate level, and its defense power is extremely powerful.

It can be said that in terms of close combat, his foundation is not weak in all aspects.

Of course, with his melee strength, it is certainly not enough to face an epic powerhouse.

The problem is that Zhao Hao does not need to win the opponent in close combat.

He follows the summoning style. As long as he can withstand the attack, his subordinates will naturally take care of the rest.

For example now.


A big stick like a white jade pillar was smashed down, forcing back the epic warrior who had slashed Zhao Hao several times.

Another epic knight has been restrained by two carrion giants and has no way to break through.

The opponent is taking a defensive route, so naturally they can only take a beating.

If most of the fifty carrion giants who started at the ace level didn't continue to attack the other side's army from a distance, it wouldn't be surprising that the attackers might be pushed back.

Both sides are now firing on all cylinders, and the fight is inextricable.

But Zhao Hao's performance made Duke Qinglin unbelievable. His fat and oily face was filled with disbelief as he looked around and muttered to himself.

"How is it possible? He is just a despicable 'adventurer'. How can he have such power? How is it possible!"

"Your Majesty the Duke, please ask your subordinates to escort you away!"

The guard leader on the side suggested in a low voice.

The situation is not right now, safety must come first.

But some people are totally desperate.

"No, how could this Duke be afraid of a mere 'adventurer'? Kill him!"

At this time, Duke Qinglin was completely angry.

The guard leader could only command the army to continue fighting.

It is worth mentioning that following this order, the archangels who were killing the Vampire King were divided into half, that is, 100 units and went straight towards Zhao Hao.

Archangels are the most difficult troop.

Even though the flying ability is sealed, the combat effectiveness is still strong.

This time, Zhao Hao did not have the two thugs Freya and Feida escorting him. Faced with the sudden appearance of the archangel, he turned over his first trump card.

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