The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1078 Trump Card!

Space of the Dead!

Zhao Hao used the abilities that came with the epic equipment.

As his spellcasting attributes skyrocketed, the size of the space also skyrocketed, allowing him to carry more undead, and now it was mostly empty.

Boom, boom!

In the dark whirlpool, violent and abominable bodies like mountains of flesh walked out.

The 24 large-scale modified undead whose combat power is comparable to that of a champion can indeed serve as trump cards.

The abomination's combat effectiveness is no better than that of the Carrion Giant, and it is not even an opponent one-on-one.

The problem is that this is an extremely powerful human shield with mid-range and long-range capabilities. It is better than the Carrion Giant when dealing with targets like Archangels.

The focus is on resistance and recovery.

Although it is also restrained by the Holy Light ability, the abomination is made of the dragon's flesh and blood. If the basic 100 points of Holy Light damage are taken and other undead need to bear more than 500 points of damage, then it will only bear about 200 points.

At the same time, the ability to recover from gnawing corpses is even worse than that of the Carrion Giant.

In this battlefield full of corpses, as long as you are not besieged by the archangels, your abomination's ability to survive is absolutely extremely powerful.

100 units of archangels easily broke through the vampire kings' interception and killed them.

Unlike the cumbersome professionals, archangels are extremely dexterous. Vampires can use their speed to suppress others, but they are powerless against archangels.

As for the bone hound? .

The speed can indeed catch up with these flightless archangels, but the problem is that in this complex terrain, it is not easy to get rid of the small archangels.

That is to say, the Archangels' target is not the Bone Hound, otherwise it will definitely cause a lot of casualties.

"Corpse Explosion Technique!"

Zhao Hao cast a high-level spell into the middle of the dozens of most concentrated archangels, completely ignoring the hundreds of vampires over there.



The magic value is greatly consumed.

The power increased by 10 times, and the chosen target was an extraordinary professional.

Although the small size limits the upper limit of health, the health of the extraordinary level is at least four digits.

Based on this number, what would happen if the power was increased by 10 times? .

boom! ! !

Everything within a few dozen meters of the body was destroyed, leaving a deep pit.

In other places, the archangels would see the changes in the corpse in advance and use their powerful flight speed to distance themselves.

However, in the death canopy, the field of vision will be suppressed, and the corpse is blocked by buildings, coupled with the forbidden air circle, it loses its greatest weapon.

Terrifying flying speed!

Without this speed, of course there is no way to avoid the explosion.

Total destruction!

Using this carefully arranged extraordinary corpse, dozens of units of archangels were wiped out.

As for resurrection? .

The prerequisite is that there must be a corpse, even if it has a complete arm.

However, the terrifying explosion power of the Corpse Explosion Technique directly tore the archangel's corpse into pieces. There was no way to resurrect him in this state, and he was not an undead. Even if he was turned into pieces, he could still be pieced together.

Zhao Hao naturally knew how to counter the archangel's resurrection technique.

There are no invincible abilities, only invincible people.

Even the ability of the blood contract, which is against the heavens, can be broken using elements, puppets, etc., and resurrection is no exception.

The greatest role of the armor on the Valkyrie is to protect the integrity of the body and give it a chance to be resurrected. Defense during battle is only a secondary purpose.

After taking down dozens of units of archangels with one blow, Zhao Hao was approached by the epic warrior who had just retreated.

Star Shield!


A silver translucent shield with the light of stars enveloped the whole body.

Zhao Hao opened his shield.

If you are attacked at close range by the opponent, your spellcasting will also be interrupted.

And with this legendary equipment, it comes with a high-level shield, which is enough to ensure that his spellcasting will not be interrupted.

With the shield, Zhao Hao still kept dodging in order to find opportunities to cast spells.

As for the archangel who was killed nearby? .


With the sound of the iron rope shaking, the violent abominations took action.

Although it is extremely heavy, as long as Zhao Hao dodges around it, it is enough to give him a chance to use the hook.

Naturally, the archangels can easily dodge this kind of attack.

However, the violent hatred didn't mind if they returned in vain, because these were just interference and obstruction, preventing the archangels from pursuing them with all their strength.

Furious Abomination + Carrion Giant!

With the assistance of the two, Zhao Hao was able to avoid being attacked by the Archangels and Epic Warriors without any worries.

"Corpse Explosion Technique!"

When Zhao Hao stepped over a corpse, he used the Corpse Explosion Technique on the corpse behind him.

Since there is no 'silent casting' technique, the archangels and epic warriors chasing behind heard it.

The sound when casting the spell is blessed with magic power, which is obviously different from usual, so trying to use the 'crying wolf' method to make it relax its vigilance is completely useless, and the pursuers immediately want to disperse.


In the horrific explosion, 2 more units of Archangel were turned into pieces.

Because they had been on guard against this move for a long time, these archangels did not gather together during the pursuit, which greatly reduced the effect of this corpse explosion technique.


Seeing that the corpse explosion technique had no effect, Zhao Hao was not disappointed.

Because the enemy is not a mindless unit guard or puppet, it is not surprising that he would guard against this move of his.

So he no longer hesitated and rushed sideways at full speed, leaving behind the protection of the Carrion Giant and the Violent Abomination.


Epic warrior acceleration.

The other archangels also scattered to follow.

I rushed a few hundred meters away and came to a slum area consisting of simple wooden houses, tents, etc.


Zhao Hao suddenly stopped and turned around to face the epic warriors and dozens of units of archangels chasing after him.

"Gui Che, you can't escape, you have to pay the price for what you have done!"

The epic warrior roared and prepared to attack.

But a figure rushed out of the tent from the side, leaving him with no choice but to resist the attack.

However, when resisting, he found that the figure attacking him was very familiar.


This is the acting city lord of Qinglin City.

The problem is that the other party's condition is extremely wrong. Not only his eyes are pale and gray, but his skin is also the same, and there is a sense of death on his body. He looks like a corpse.

No, it’s not a statue, it’s just a corpse! .

The epic warrior reacted immediately, but before he could react, Zhao Hao took action first.

"Corpse Explosion Technique!"

His gloved right hand was aimed at Moore's corpse, which was blocking the epic warrior.



Zhao Hao invested a terrifying amount of magic value.

Every time the consumption exceeds the basic magic value by one time, the power can be increased by half.

In other words, the power this time is 25 times the basic damage.

Moore, who is in the state of resurrecting the dead, is a quasi-epic powerhouse. If not for this, he would not have been able to perform so well before.

Thousands or even tens of thousands of health points, coupled with 25 times the corpse explosion technique, the power...

"Spread out!"

Seeing Moore who was rapidly turning green in front of him and whose body was swelling, the epic warrior shouted to remind the surrounding archangels to prepare to distance themselves.

It's a pity that what he faced was not a corpse, but a corpse that could move, and it would naturally chase after him.


The atmosphere is like an indestructible divine weapon that shatters everything around it.

The air is trembling and the earth is wailing!

The solid ground was as fragile as cardboard and was blown away by the explosion.

After the explosion!

The entire slum area seemed to have been hit by a heavy missile, and a bowl-shaped pit a hundred meters wide appeared.

As for the results? .

Nature is extremely brilliant.

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