The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1099 A wave of huge gains!

To clean the battlefield, you must first deal with the earth element!

And this is very simple for Zhao Hao.

Because natural barriers are best at controlling, especially such large targets.

If it is a super giant target like the Crystal Dragon, it may still be uncontrollable.

But a group of earth elements whose highest level is no more than champion level and whose size is not too exaggerated are naturally no problem to control.

With him as the controller and several others as the output, it is not difficult to deal with the earth element.

Of course, two Crusaders also died in their hands.

After the battle.


Zhao Hao signaled the other party to harvest souls.

It's not that he won't let go of even this bit of soul, but because there are all kinds of magical abilities in the heroic world, and there is even a race of undead, he doesn't want to be turned into an undead by the other party in the future for revenge.

Anlos stepped forward.


Wisps of transparent light gathered in front of her.

Of course, since no ghosts are carried, these harvested souls will definitely go to waste.

But it’s okay, as long as it can achieve the effect of harvesting souls.

The soul turns into a point of light and dissipates.

In this way, this temple team will never become undead.

Otherwise, considering the quality of the other party's soul, the possibility of becoming undead is really high.

The battlefield was also blasted to pieces by the earth elements, and no traces could be seen, only the traces of corpses being trampled and blasted to pieces by the earth elements.

No matter who came to see it, the other person was beaten into pieces by the earth element.

Finally, with the blessing of the shielding rule effect of the 'Demon Court', if the other party can find out the traces of his actions, then Zhao Hao will admit it.

Taking the space bag with them, they left quickly.

On the way, Zhao Hao finally had time to check what was in the space bag, and it turned out to be worthy of the earth elements' pursuit.

After reading.


He gasped.

Because the space bag is filled with crystals of four colors: yellow, red, cyan, and blue.

The properties of yellow color are as follows.

Earth Element Crystal [Special Material]: The magic power of the earth element is highly solidified and then crystallized.

The four colors represent the four elements of earth, fire, water and wind.

Is the introduction similar to the description of the magic crystal? .

Yes, because strictly speaking, these are also magic crystals, but they have earth attributes.

The Silver Federation masters the technology of converting magic crystals into attribute crystals. This technology alone allows it to gain countless benefits.

for example.

Each ton of magic crystal can sell for 10,000 standard gems, but after being converted into crystals with corresponding attributes, it can sell for tens of thousands of standard gems, and the price will directly increase several times.

Of course, if you don't want to buy artificial conversion crystals, you can also find a way to buy natural elemental crystals.

What is the biggest difficulty in creating elemental pools? .

It’s material!

Not all materials can contain and condense magic power.

Only elemental crystals can carry it.

Of course, if you have the ability to use elemental crystal cores to build, the effect will definitely be a hundred or a thousand times better, but then you have to kill countless elemental creatures to gather the materials to build an elemental pool.

Creating an elemental pool requires four attribute crystals. The greater the number, the larger the elemental pool can be created.

The space bag in Zhao Hao's hand was much larger than the one Turing gave him.

It's almost 27 cubic meters, more than three times larger than the 8 cubic meters he has.

Of course, it's also temporary.

If it were truly a permanent space bag, it would be a supreme treasure, and it would be impossible for the other party to carry it.

The size of the space is not important, what is important is the elemental crystals filled inside.

It is precisely because of the large amount of earth element crystals inside that it attracts the earth elements to pursue the temple team crazily.

Surprise, huge surprise! .

Zhao Hao came to the elemental plane to hunt. In addition to hunting elemental crystal nuclei, he also planned to dig some elemental crystals back.

In the main plane, it is extremely difficult to obtain elemental crystals.

After all, there are not even many magic crystals in the main plane, let alone magic crystals with attributes.

When we plundered the Undercity, we only got over a hundred tons of magic crystals. This was because there were a lot of minerals in the underground world. If it were another main city, a few tons would be good.

But it's not a problem at all in the elemental plane.

After all, this plane is condensed by the four elements.

I dare not say that magic crystals are everywhere, but it is not difficult to find them. There are also many elemental crystals with corresponding attributes, as long as the elemental creatures that protect them can be dealt with.

It seems that the Holy Church has a team in the elemental plane that collects resources, and every once in a while, someone will escort the resources back to the main plane.

But he didn't expect to encounter him, so he directly gave the opponent a righteous backstab and snatched the space bag from him.

A rough estimate is that it is at least hundreds of tons.

Do you think the value is a bit low? .

After all, according to the market price, it only takes a few million standard gems to purchase such a batch of elemental crystals? .

Here comes the problem!

Magic crystal is a strategic material for all major forces, and the technology of converting it into elemental crystallization is unique to the Silver Federation.

Where can I buy such strategic materials? .

So the price is just a reference.

A wave of fat!

If you rob the Holy Church, you will immediately gain a lot of wealth.

Originally, Zhao Hao planned to spend a lot of time hunting in the elemental plane and slowly gather the required materials.


I don’t know whether I should say lucky or unlucky.

Fortunately, the elemental crystals that would have taken a long time to obtain were collected in one go.

Unfortunately, these elemental crystals have owners.

It would be difficult to deal with the death of a bishop with a background. If coupled with this batch of elemental crystals that the other party had accumulated for who knows how long, the Holy Church might go crazy.

Find wealth in danger!

This is really not a joke

After thinking for a while, Zhao Hao decided to swallow these elemental crystals.

Although I know that throwing things down will attract less hatred, which will at most result in 'son-killing hatred', but I'm just scared.

If you don't care about life and death, do it if you don't accept it!

Even if something unexpected happens, Zhao Hao doesn't lack the courage to start over.

At this time, after a lot of training, he is no longer the submissive little mercenary he used to be.

I feel a lot more courageous!

If before he was born again, he would have been trembling if he heard that he was provoking the Holy Church.

Now let alone the Holy Church, even if it is an enemy of the nine major camps, don't let it spit out the good things it has swallowed.

While thinking about this, Zhao Hao's eyes became firm.

After seeing him inspecting the harvest, Bai Ze also opened his mouth to report the reconnaissance results.

"No one else was seen within a radius of dozens of kilometers!"

‘In other words, the mining site is not nearby? ’

Zhao Hao realized this immediately.

If the mining site is nearby, there is no reason to avoid Bai Ze's detection.

And this also gave him a sigh of relief.

If the opponent's mining mine is nearby, then given the opponent's strength, he will definitely have to run away.

After all, I only have this few people here, and they are definitely not as good as the Holy Church that has been operating in the elemental plane for who knows how long.

After the team continued to move forward for a while, they finally saw the target.

"Hit the jackpot!"

Zhao Hao looked in surprise at the altar surrounded by light yellow river water a few kilometers away, as well as a college-like building and a small mound not far away.

It’s all good stuff!

First is the altar.

The full name is ‘Earth Element Altar’.

Countless earth elements are born in this place, but without exception, all earth elements will fight to the death to protect this altar.

The earth element represents the elemental crystal core and is also the target of hunting in the elemental plane.

Not to mention that this kind of elemental altar will definitely be guarded by a powerful earth element, which is the best hunting target.

As for the remaining two things? .

The mound is not big, and contains a large number of light yellow crystals.

Those crystals are the same as those earth element crystals in the space bag captured by Zhao Hao.


Unexpectedly, I encountered a mine of earth element crystals here.

The final college-like building was a good thing that almost made Zhao Hao laugh out loud.

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