The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1100 Outdoor Building: Academy!

Academy [Wild Building]: The hero can spend gold coins to learn one of the four primary battle skills. If he already has a battle skill, he can upgrade it by one level.

Do you see it!

A place to learn battle skills, and you can choose one of four.

nice one!

Really good stuff.

It is well known how effective a powerful battle skill is, and it can even make a qualitative difference in a hero's strength.

No wonder Zhao Hao was happy when he encountered such an unexpected surprise.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the guards can be eliminated, then everything will belong to them.

If it can't be solved, that's another story.

"Bai Ze, monitor the area!"

Zhao Hao first asked Bai Ze to start monitoring the surroundings to avoid being backstabbed during the battle.

This kind of mistake does not need to be made many times, even if it is only once, it is enough to cause them heavy losses.

After receiving the order, Bai Ze nodded and retreated.

Next, she will find a suitable place to hide, and then summon the queen ant to enter a semi-fused state, which is not only responsible for monitoring the surroundings, but also providing communication.

The rest of the team continued to advance slowly.

Although it is surrounded by flat stone ground, everyone knows that the most indispensable thing near the elemental altar is elemental creatures, and their number is definitely not a small number.

Not to mention hundreds or thousands, even if the number exceeds 10,000, it is not impossible.


A stone arm as thick as a human waist hammered directly from the ground towards Freya, who was walking at the front.

Facing this kind of attack, the normal choice is to dodge.

After all, no one would stand up to an attack that was so powerful that it was obvious at first sight.

But Freya is different!

She was a giant dragon and would not dodge if possible, so she also punched out.

The size of the arms on both sides is extremely disproportionate.

One is thick and solid, as if cast from gray stone.

One is white, tender and slender, as if carved from white jade.

But after colliding together.


The air vibrated slightly, and a stream of air spread from the place where the fists of both parties met.

But no one was knocked away, not even knocked back!

Freya blocked the blow head-on.

The rock giant, which was almost two stories tall and extremely strong, sat up from the ground.

Before that, they had discovered nothing at all.

It can only be said that in this home field where earth elements gather, the opponent can really do whatever they want.

Just as plants can take root in the forest and camouflage themselves, elements can also camouflage themselves in their home turf.

The elemental giant stood up slowly, and Zhao Hao also saw the message.

[Earth Elemental Elite]: Eleventh level elemental creature, level 112.

After arriving here, the earth elements I encountered were truly elite and powerful.

And now we are still several kilometers away from the altar. It is despairing to think about how difficult it is to get past.

And here, there is no need to hide much.


Zhao Hao finally decided to play his most powerful trump card.

Yes, this time I dared to hunt in the elemental plane with a small team of several people, and I felt that I would definitely be able to 'return with a full load', precisely because I had a cheating trump card in my hand.

"As you wish, my lord!"

Anlos stepped forward alone.

Next, it's her performance moment.


Illusory figures appeared around her.

Level 12 Death God!

Officially going into battle.

This is the true ‘one man becomes an army’.

Because people really carry legions with them.

Zhao Hao didn't switch to a part-time job because the undead were useless against the elements. It was better to use the natural enchantment of his main profession to control the field. No matter what happened, he could transform into melee combat.

Death soon crowded around Anroth.

Of course, it looks like a lot, but in fact the number is only a thousand units, less than a few tenths of the total.

For this hunting, Zhao Hao had made up his mind, even if it meant consuming all the Death Gods that he had saved up for who knows how long.

After all, Death can slowly accumulate, but the opportunity to hunt in the elemental plane does not come often.

He was able to come this time because Archbishop Lins didn't know that he had an alchemy giant like Turing under his command, who could quickly build a plane teleportation array.

In the opponent's calculations, even if he got the elemental plane information and coordinates, by the time he collected the materials and found someone from the Silver Federation to help, the effective time of the coordinates would have long passed.

The calculation was indeed subtle, but Zhao Hao still seized the opportunity.

Once you miss this opportunity, you don’t know how long it will be before you hunt again next time, so you have to seize the opportunity to take a bite.

Whether you want to eat hot and spicy food or eat bran-pharynx vegetables, it all depends on the next one.


Anros commanded the Death God suspended close to the ground to attack.

Facing elemental creatures, the God of Death is actually restrained, at least the 'Soul-Draining Blow' cannot be used.

After all, this ability is aimed at attacking the 'spirit' or 'soul', but elemental creatures only have instincts and do not have these things, so this effect is directly invalid.

Dang, Dang!

The sickle struck the earth elemental, leaving a palm-deep cut mark.

For ordinary people, this wound is extremely fatal.

The problem is that for the two-story earth elemental elite, this kind of injury is not even considered a minor injury.


The giant arm swung, creating a strong wind.

But for the God of Death, it is impossible for this kind of attack to hit him.

Then there was a sound of slashes as dense as a torrential rain.

Although only a few dozen of a thousand units of Death Gods can attack at the same time, the good news is that they can be cut quickly enough.

That’s the inconvenience of melee combat!

No matter how many there are, not many can kill one target at the same time.

Tread, step!

Anlos walked past the earth elemental elite and acted as a pathfinder directly in front, not worrying about her own safety at all.

Don't underestimate her!

Magic shield, ghost form, ghost king's protection... With the superposition of several life-saving abilities, Zhao Hao might not be able to match her in terms of self-protection.


The magic shield was activated, allowing Anlos to withstand an ace-level earth elemental attack.

Compared with the earth elemental elite, this earth elemental is not only shorter in stature, but also much weaker in strength.

Even if they are all at the ace level!

As a result, the earth elemental was quickly cut into pieces by dozens of reapers.

As we advance, the number of earth elements increases, just like the ground is full of earth elements.

The good news is that Zhao Hao and the others who were walking behind were not attacked.

No, it should be that the earth elements were surrounded and killed by the gods of death before they could be killed.

Don't forget one thing.

Space bag!

One-quarter of the space bags captured by Zhao Hao were earth element crystals, which have an extremely strong attraction to the earth element.

So now he's also making a cameo as bait.

At least with him here, the surrounding earth elements can take the initiative to get up and kill them.

But as he got closer and closer to the altar, the quantity and quality of the earth elements appearing around him began to increase significantly.

Suzaku in the team was a little unhappy!

Because she also has to guest play the role of ‘support worker’.

Collect elemental nuclei.

Elemental creatures that are not soldiers have a chance to explode elemental crystal nuclei after death. This is a super good thing that is a higher level than magic crystals.

The biggest goal of this hunting trip is to obtain a powerful elemental core.

It's not the element pool that needs it, but the mage tower that needs it.

Do you still remember that in addition to the elemental pool, there is another extremely important thing that is necessary in the mage tower? .

That's right, it's Ta Ling!

Just like a magic battleship has a ship spirit, the mage tower also has a tower spirit.

How to make tower spirits and ship spirits? .

Not to mention technology, this is super precious knowledge, and very few people know it, but as long as you know, the manufacturing material is the nucleus of elements.

And it must be at least the championship level, and the better the quality of the crystal core, the more powerful the tower spirit and ship spirit will be.

Zhao Hao was excited when he saw the altar because he knew that there would be a powerful elemental guardian on the altar, and the other party would be their best prey.

Of course, it’s hard to say who is the hunter and who is the prey now.

When they finally reached the small river a few hundred meters in front of the altar, they finally woke up their 'prey'.

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