The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 134 Epic equipment: Rod of Nature!

Rod of Nature [Purple Epic]: The spell effect is increased by 50%, and the consumption is reduced by 50%. Epic ability: Gift of nature (converts plant vitality into own health, can only be used once per hour)

Requirements: Feng Liuyun (championship reward, ignores equipment requirements)


After reading the attributes of this piece of equipment, Zhao Hao understood what "epic equipment" was.

The spell effect is increased by half, and the consumption is reduced by half. The overall increase is more than doubled.

Not to mention an epic ability.

It's simply ruthlessly strong.

Able to convert plant vitality into its own health.

With this staff, not to mention other aspects, at least if Zhao Hao uses the natural barrier, the power can be increased several times.

Originally, his HP was high due to his talent, but now he has this epic ability, which is a complete qualitative change.

Well, Natural Barrier can now compete with Ice and Snow Blizzard Bear, not because of his strong skills, but because of his talent.

The thirty-fold increase in health increased the power of this field skill by N times.

If he had no talent, it would take him a few seconds to take action and a few hours to wait for more than 100 health points. Not to mention the giant vine dragon, it would be difficult to even control a dozen vines.

"This is too exaggerated!"

Zhao Hao couldn't bear it when he thought about what he would look like after equipping this epic piece of equipment.

He is a reborn person himself, and coupled with this cheating general strength, he will not give others a way to survive! .

If this happened to anyone else, he would naturally feel that his fate was unfair.

But when this happens to me, it’s ‘really fragrant’.

He directly chose to hide the light of the equipment. This equipment was completely a 'business card'. He didn't want to be watched by people wherever he went.

So the gorgeous staff of nature instantly turned into an 'ordinary staff'.

With this epic piece of equipment, his personal strength has directly entered the extraordinary level.

He was level 72 at the time of the competition, so his combat effectiveness at that time cannot be used to measure his strength.

At this time, there is an extraordinary level of strength. The talent and natural enchantment are too consistent, and coupled with the blessing of epic equipment, this kind of strength can be achieved.

The top players at this stage are only around the elite level in terms of strength. At most, they rely on their talent to rise above the level and challenge themselves.

But Zhao Hao is stable at the extraordinary level, which is very scary.

Before his rebirth, he worked hard for decades (in the game), and his combat power was only around the elite level, but now he has surpassed it.

I can only say that those who work hard cannot compare to those who cheat, and those who cheat cannot compare to those who are reborn.

Next, he was going to collect the, collect the money.

Xia Guo Telecom!

He has not forgotten the gambling agreement between the two parties. He seizes the opportunity to advertise for the other party in the arena. Why can't he lose his own advertising fees?

The other party must have smiled crookedly at this moment.

Twelve million gold coins, let the champion of the Hero Competition advertise for them, which is completely earned by blood.

Of course, the financial gains won't be much.

But the intangible benefits are huge!

At least let him become familiar in front of billions of players, and no matter what he does in the future, he will not be regarded as a "nobody".

Even for this reason, the other party has to admit that asking Zhao Hao to advertise is a huge profit.

That is to say, there are too few gold coins in the hands of players now. If they ask the competition champion to endorse in the future, they may not be able to get it even if they cost hundreds of millions of gold coins. It also depends on the relationship.


In comparison, he only receives 12 million gold coins, which is a bit shabby.

Soon, he brought Freya to Xia Guo Telecom's booth.

As expected of a wealthy state-owned enterprise, there are only one or two small stalls, and they are directly connected in a row.

And it not only purchases all kinds of materials, but also sells all kinds of equipment, props, medicines...etc.

‘Have you started planning so soon? ’

Zhao Hao's heart sank.

Because with the current skill level of players, manufacturing means losing money.

Precisely because he knew this, he suggested to his sisters that they purchase raw materials, sell most of them to aboriginal forces at a raised price, and use a small amount to train their own logistics players.

But Xiaguo Telecom was completely throwing away money. Although it suffered a huge loss, the other party could afford it.

After all, Xia Yuan is just paper to him. If it weren't for the difficulty of using Xia Yuan to buy gold coins, the other party would be able to smash them no matter how many.

Feng Liuyun: I'm in front of your booth!

Zhao Hao sent a message to the other party.

Just after sending the private message, he saw a shrewd middle-aged man not far away looking up.

Although there were extremely dense players on the commercial street, there were not too many people wearing full-body robes, let alone two people, so the other party found them immediately.

After the other party smiled and nodded, he walked towards a coffee shop not far away, indicating that he should go there to talk.

In the heroic world, there are plants such as cocoa, tea, and even some plants with special abilities that are suitable for use as drinks.

So it’s no surprise that coffee shops are popping up.

However, this kind of store will only appear in big cities, and small and medium-sized cities cannot afford such things.

Walking into the quiet coffee shop with a faint aroma, a waitress wearing a clean uniform and holding a tray walked over quickly and extended her hand to signal.

"this way please!"

While speaking, it was as if he didn't notice the weird costumes of the two of them. It was obvious that the representative of Xia Guo Telecom who came in first said hello.

After passing the lobby area, they came to an area divided into small private rooms by wooden boards. The waitress opened a private room for them.

Inside was a middle-aged man named Xia Guo Telecom.

After leading the two people into the private room, the waitress turned around and left while closing the wooden door.

"Congratulations on winning the hero competition, I am Mu Chengfeng!"

Fang Daoxi introduced himself at the same time.

If it was just a casual investment before, now that Zhao Hao has won the championship, the importance attached to him is completely different.

That's why Mu Chengfeng took the other party here to meet after receiving the private message.

After this period of time, they understood one thing.

Being able to make money is not important in the gaming industry. What is important is that you have the strength to protect your own business. Otherwise, others don’t need to be able to make money, as long as they can steal money.


It can be relationships or one's own force.

Xia Guo Telecom's approach is very wild, but most of them are not from the gaming circle, and the gaming circle is extremely resistant to them.

Afraid of being annexed!

The capital gap is too big. Once cooperation begins, it is very likely that the dove will occupy the magpie's nest.

That is because they have a good relationship with Nulong, the leading guild of Xia State, otherwise Xia State Telecom would not be able to develop with peace of mind.

And simply relying on the Raging Dragon Guild is naturally not enough, so it is necessary to make good friends with the 'Storm Herald', whose combat effectiveness is at the top level.

"Just a lucky break!"

Zhao Hao lifted his hood and sat down opposite Mu Chengfeng, and Freya also sat down.

There are three handles of steaming coffee on the table, so you don’t have to worry about someone coming in during the conversation and asking what you want to drink.

"You can't win the championship by luck..."

Mu Chengfeng has been paying attention to the Hero Competition. How could he not know that Zhao Hao was just being modest, so he directly praised him.

It has to be said that for the other party to be the representative of Xia Guo Telecom, he really has a lot of skills and social skills.

That is to say, she is far inferior to Han Yue Rose in terms of appearance, otherwise she might really be able to fool Zhao Hao into lameness.

Of course, Zhao Hao's rebirth experience was not fake, and he also took the opportunity to discuss his own remuneration payment plan with the other party.

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