The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 135 Invitation and Huiyao Chamber of Commerce!

Payment for resources and materials!

Twelve million gold coins are actually not too much for Xia Guo Telecom.

But because the opponent's gold coins were all invested in purchasing various materials, it was difficult to withdraw them in a hurry.

But if it is paid with materials and resources, that won't be a problem.

The resources are mainly wood and ore, and each unit is discounted by 1,500 gold coins.

Don't look at the trading market where you can purchase resources, and there are only more than a thousand gold coins per unit.

But not only is there an upper limit on the number of purchases, there are also not many goods.

The purchase price of Xia Guo Telecom from players is 1,400 gold coins per unit, and selling it for only 100 gold coins is definitely the 'cost price'.

The point is large quantities!

2000 units of wood, 2000 units of ore, 30 units of gems, 30 units of crystal

In addition to basic resources, there are dozens of units of advanced resources.

The recycling price for high-end resources by major indigenous forces is 10,000 gold coins, and the recycling price for players is between 15,000 and 20,000. If you give it to Zhao Hao at the price of 50,000 gold coins per unit.

This is no longer a discount, but a fracture.

Regardless of how many times the price is, the point is that no matter how high the bid is, there is nowhere to buy it, so there is no problem calling it a discount.

The resources alone are worth 9 million gold coins, plus a large amount of supplies and materials, Xia Guo Telecom can pay easily.

If these things were sold to other people, the asking price of 30 million gold coins would be a competition for power.

But the other party 'discounted' 12 million gold coins, making it clear that he wanted to befriend him.

Zhao Hao readily accepted this.

He has no grudge against Xia Guo Telecom, and the other party is not a kneeling licker, so how could he not accept it.


After receiving this batch of supplies, he owed the other party a favor.

If the other party needs his help in the future, for the sake of this favor, he will help as long as it is not something difficult to do.

All resources are included in the system panel.

Anyway, since he has a territory, he naturally does not need to sell resources or put them in a warehouse like Xia Guo Telecom (resources can be collected or put away, and they can be used after being collected, but they cannot be traded).

As for supplies and materials, people from Xia Guo Telecom will be responsible for transporting them to the port on the transport ship.

"By the way, the Raging Dragon Guild will have an action in half a month. I wonder if you can participate? The reward will not disappoint you!"

When sending Zhao Hao away from the warehouse, Mu Chengfeng suddenly spoke.

This is a private message just sent from the Raging Dragon Guild.

The Raging Dragon Guild has a close relationship with Xia Guo Telecom. The other party could not contact Zhao Hao who had turned on the function of rejecting letters from strangers, so he asked him to ask.

"..." After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Hao really didn't expect what the Furious Dragon Guild's big move was.

Due to injuries before rebirth, I only entered the Hero World a few years after the server was launched (game time, more than half a year after the real world). I only know some famous events in the early stages of the game, so naturally I can't remember the big actions of the Raging Dragon Guild.

All TM Monster Tianhai Group.jpg

"I will come when I have time. Is this an invitation from Xia Guo Telecom?"

Zhao Hao gave a reply that he would come when he had time.

As the leader of the Xia Kingdom, the Raging Dragon Guild has a lot of good things, and it is indeed worth a vote, as long as nothing goes wrong.

Of course, it also depends on whether Xia Guo Telecom is willing to use the favor he just owed. If the other party uses it, it will be there, and it can be done for free, but if not, it will be businesslike.

"of course not!"

Mu Chengfeng shook his head hurriedly.

The Raging Dragon Guild has a relationship with Xia Guo Telecom, but they are two different systems. They are not so good that they can use tens of millions of gold coins to exchange for favors and help.


Zhao Hao left with Freya, and he still had things to do next.


This time Ellie was asked to come on a large transport ship, but for slaves.

Now that supplies and materials are available, the most important slave has not yet been secured.

As for who to buy from, Zhao Hao already has a target.

Huiyao Chamber of Commerce!

A super chamber of commerce that can rank among the top in Mingyue City with just one branch has influence not only in the Xia Kingdom District.

The power is so exaggerated, naturally because there is a giant standing behind it.

Holy Church!

Yes, the Holy Church, which represents concepts such as justice, light, and kindness, is its supporter.

If it weren't for the overwhelming evidence that would be revealed in the future, even the players might not be able to believe that the Holy Church is actually the controller of the Huiyao Chamber of Commerce.

Although this chamber of commerce is called "Huiyao", it does nothing but make money, and slave trade is one of them.

Of course, there are advantages to growing so big.

That is, as long as the money is in place, anything can be broken.

From Zhao Hao's perspective as a player, going to an ordinary chamber of commerce to buy slaves is not easy, but Huiyao Chamber of Commerce is different.

Need more money!

As long as the money given is enough, people won't mind whether he is a player or an aborigine.

The branch of this super chamber of commerce is naturally located in the core area, not far from the commercial street, so Zhao Hao arrived quickly.

Looking at the huge and gorgeous building in front of them, if it weren't for the signboard of 'Huiyao Chamber of Commerce', no one would have thought that this was just a chamber of commerce.

Players can occasionally be seen coming and going.

The Chamber of Commerce does not do small business, so there are not too many people coming in and out.

Enter a lobby the size of a football field.

In addition to a large number of tables and chairs placed in the middle, there are also a large number of material prices posted on the wooden boards on the walls on both sides, with staff updating the prices from time to time.

Directly in front is a row of counters. Uniformed chamber of commerce members are talking to the customers at the counter, and several chamber of commerce supervisors are patrolling behind.

Zhao Hao sat down in front of the slave counter with his eyes passing over the signs like 'Materials', 'Goods', 'Slaves'... etc.

"I need to buy slaves, price is not an issue!"

After sitting down, before the other party could speak, Zhao Hao first stated his purpose.

The most important thing is to say the second half of the sentence.

"Please wait!"

After the other party looked at Zhao Hao carefully for a few times, he stood up and walked towards the chamber of commerce steward who was patrolling behind.

He should have recognized Zhao Hao’s player identity.

Without the second half of the sentence, the other party might refuse directly instead of asking him to wait.

Because there is a "tacit understanding" among the indigenous people to suppress players.

The other party said a few words to the fat chamber of commerce steward, and pointed at Zhao Hao sitting in front of the counter.

Soon, the steward of the Chamber of Commerce walked around Zhao Hao from behind and said:

"Adventurer, this way please!"

Zhao Hao was already prepared for this, and immediately stood up and followed the other party to a table in the corner of the hall and sat down.

"It's impossible for the Chamber of Commerce to sell slaves to you adventurers, don't you know?"

As soon as they sat down, the other party directly stated that they would not sell slaves to players.

Well, the unified name for players is adventurers.

If you don't know the inside story of the hero world, you may be in despair.

But as a reborn person, Zhao Hao certainly understood the subtext of the other party's words.

Need more money!

The more impossible and difficult something is, the higher the price will be, right? .

He raised three fingers and made an offer directly.

"3,000 gold coins for a mature human slave, who needs to be in good health!"

The market price of a healthy human slave is only about a thousand gold coins, but he tripled the price.

"Actually, I also think this rule is too impersonal. I wonder how much you want?"

It's not that this fat pig has no moral integrity in his affairs, it's because Zhao Hao gave him too much.

"1,000, and this is only the first batch. We can sign a contract and guarantee to purchase at least 100,000 slaves within three years!"

Zhao Hao placed a super big order.

One hundred thousand slaves!

For ordinary chambers of commerce, this is a figure that is completely unimaginable.

But the steward took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat caused by excitement.

For Huiyao Chamber of Commerce, they are not afraid that your order will be big, but they are afraid that it is not big enough!

As long as there is profit, no matter how large the quantity is, it doesn't matter.

Because slaves are like "leeks" to them. They are everywhere in the wild and can be harvested at any time.

There are many "slave-catching groups" under the Chamber of Commerce. They worry about sales, but they never worry about sources.

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