The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1381 Special equipment!

Training Course!

Naturally, it is a must-have for the Mage Tower.

The area is surprisingly wide, at least several kilometers wide and several hundred meters high.

It sounds incredible, because the tower is not that wide.

But if you know that there is space expansion technology inside the mage tower, you will know that this is completely a basic operation.

Not to mention this size, even if it is a small plane as a training ground, the mage tower is not without it. This training ground is completely basic operations.

Turing also came, and Zhao Hao didn't mind. The other party was not an outsider.

He took a look at his health before transforming.

HP: 139600

It was a blast.

Note that if your main profession is a hero, you will not be able to enjoy the effect of giving up this identity and the health value * 10.

In other words, if you give up your identity as a hero, your life points can exceed one million in an instant.

Completely out of character.

Because even a champion-level dragon has only a few hundred thousand health points, but it is really an exaggeration for a hero like him to have this health value.

"First test the defense and recovery speed, and let's do a standard fireball!"

Zhao Hao spoke out the request loudly.

Since this is a training ground, of course all kinds of training can be completed.

"Test begins, 3, 2, 1, launch!"

A mechanical voice sounded out of thin air, and then a standard fireball the size of a fist hit.

And Zhao Hao had no intention of evading.

He is a player, not a real flesh-and-blood creature. As long as his health points are not exhausted, nothing will happen to him.


The fierce flames exploded and engulfed his body.

Turing stood dozens of meters away, staring at Zhao Hao's equipment with great interest, as if he wanted to see how powerful this enhanced equipment made with divine power crystals could be.

A standard fireball is powerful enough to easily kill an elephant. It is conceivable that the power is not something that a flesh and blood body can resist.

But when the flames dissipated, Zhao Hao stood still intact, but his eyes were fixed on the attribute interface in front of him, as if he was looking at something.



Seeing the rapid recovery of his health, Zhao Hao's mouth opened uncontrollably.

Because this reply speed really makes me want to scream!

The first is defense!

After the spell's effect was reduced by 70%, the remaining damage meant that even if he received a standard fireball from the front, he would only lose less than a thousand points of health.

What needs to be understood is that the fireball technique mentioned here refers to the full blow of an intermediate spellcaster (elite, extraordinary, ace level).

Although there are tricks for beginner spellcasters to learn the fireball technique, the power is definitely different.

Fireball is the most common and extremely powerful attack spell in the heroic world, so it is used as a testing tool and data.

Just like a spell power of 100, it is almost the power of 100 fireball bursts.

Major guilds and training grounds have specialized testing tools.

Of course, you have to pay money to use these services, and this money is not a small amount.

But in the Mage Tower, there is no need to queue or pay, you can just use these functions casually.

This is also one of the benefits of the mage tower. Coupled with the growth rate of magic in the mage tower, the mage tower is simply a must-have artifact for cultivating spellcasters.

Now the Storm Legion's mage group has begun to take shape and is ready to go on the battlefield.

The cultivation was completed so quickly because the resources and conditions were so good, not because of other reasons.

After testing spell resistance and recovery ability.

Zhao Hao is extremely satisfied!

The recovery speed of several hundred points per second is even more exaggerated than drinking a perfect quality life potion.

Even if it is a god-level health potion, it only has the key attribute of instantly restoring all health points. The sustained recovery is far inferior to the recovery speed of the suit.

Now, both his health limit and health recovery speed have been qualitatively improved.

In this way, the natural barrier will also be affected, causing the power to change.

Of course, testing the natural barrier is something that will happen in the future. Today he came to the training ground to test the last attribute.

Soul Attachment: (You can also enjoy the equipment effect even in the transformed state)

This new attribute is brought about by the crystallization of divine power and is also the focus of testing.

He glanced at Turing beside him, who continued to retreat.

No way, the next test is really not suitable for getting too close, otherwise it may cause accidental injury.

After seeing Turing retreat further, Zhao Hao began to test below.

"The ultimate transformation technique!"

Yes, this attribute of the soul is completely added for the ultimate transformation technique.

It would be terrifying if the equipment attributes could be enhanced to the transformed state.

The body becomes larger as if inflated, and the field of vision is constantly raised.

The seemingly slow but urgent transformation technique took some time in Zhao Hao's opinion, but in fact it was surprisingly fast.


After the transformation was completed, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

Body shape!

After the transformation, his body was more than half bigger than before.

In the past, even with the ultimate transformation skill +20 levels and a 30% increase in all attributes, the body was only a few times larger than a normal golden dragon.

But now?

"Project the standard golden dragon model!"

Turing's voice sounded.

At this time, he also wanted to know how big the gap was now.

Various functions are available at the training ground.

Magical projection is also one of them.


In the light, a golden dragon phantom appeared beside the transformed Zhao Hao.

'so small? ’

Zhao Hao had this idea as soon as he saw the projection.

Because this golden dragon shadow is only half as tall as him, and its body is also very thin.

And he was more than half taller than his opponent just in height, and his strength was not on the same level.

A standard golden dragon is about ten meters tall in a squatting state, nearly half taller than a normal dead wood warrior.

But now Zhao Hao has the same posture but is tens of meters tall, so the gap is indeed huge.


Zhao Hao spread his wings.

A strong wind appeared out of thin air due to his movements.

Wingspan 100 meters!

The standard golden dragon has the physique when it enters the realm of legend and demigod.

Although this does not mean that his life level has entered the realm of legend and demigod, it does mean that his combat power should have been qualitatively improved.

After his originally terrifying health had doubled several times, he felt like there was an explosive force in his body.

The shortcoming of the ultimate transformation technique, apart from the 100% pain, may be that there is no data.

Yes, there is no data after transformation.


Do you think these two words are for nothing? .

After the transformation, it is no different from a real flesh and blood creature. Not only will it be 100% painful, it will even have a fatal weakness.

Reverse scale!

Zhao Hao felt that there was an extremely weak place under his neck. If someone could attack it, he would be seriously injured or killed instantly.

Of course, the advantages of flesh and blood creatures also come after transformation.

For example, the use of power is not as restricted as when there is a data panel.

In other words.

In the state of ultimate transformation, how much power he can exert depends entirely on himself.

It's not a problem for Zhao Hao to do a vigorous dance with the dragon's body, and he can even do tricks with the dragon's breath.

All these are the benefits brought by the ultimate transformation technique.

In other words, the upper and lower limits of strength are locked under the data panel, while the ultimate transformation state cancels the limit.

Increasing health points actually means increasing 'vitality', and this requires a larger body to carry it, so the body will become larger after transformation.

Just like carrying more water, a bigger bottle is needed.

Of course, just because the body is getting bigger, it does not increase the level of life.

But for giant dragons, changes in body shape also represent changes in strength, because for giant dragons, the formula 'size equals strength' exists.

"Large test target!"

Zhao Hao spoke, and a dull voice sounded.


A gleaming steel giant emerged from the ground, a target specially used for testing.

Next, we need to test how much the strength changes after the body size becomes larger under the effect of equipment.

Zhao Hao was looking forward to this very much.

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