The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1382 Strength test!


The claws swung with all their strength and hit the huge metal humanoid target hard.

boom! !

The air exploded and a huge collision sounded.

With Zhao Hao's terrifying size with a wingspan of 100 meters, he could deal horrific damage with just one strike.

Above the metal human-shaped target, a magically projected number appeared.


It's directly three-digit damage.

Note that this number is equivalent to the attack power of hundreds of standard fireballs.

Just scary.

One claw can cause such horrific damage.

Zhao Hao adjusted his posture, then twisted his body and pulled out the thick golden-red dragon tail behind him.

Under the attack of the dragon's tail.

Not only did the air explode like it was being pumped, but there was also the cutting feeling of a sharp blade ripping paper apart.


The metal humanoid target was directly exploded.

Even metal can't withstand the dragon's tail blow.

That is to say, it has the blessing of magic, otherwise it might have exploded with a claw before.

The world of heroes is a magical world, and steel is not necessarily stronger than flesh and blood here.

Just like after Zhao Hao transformed, the dragon claw can be used as a magic weapon without a strike.

Very satisfied!

Half of the high-level spells may not be able to produce this power.

Of course, this is achieved by relying on the advantage of body size to achieve such high output. If the body is reduced to human-sized size, the data may only be in single digits.


This data appears above the metal target.

The power of the dragon tail is really exaggerated! .

To put it bluntly, even if a steel battleship is in front of you, its tail will be smashed to pieces if it receives such a blow.

The last, of course, is the strongest attack.

A row of metal giants emerged from the ground and lined up in front of Zhao Hao.


He took a deep breath.

If it's a data-incarnated body, there's definitely no way to change the dragon's breath.

But the ultimate transformation technique broke through this limitation, allowing him to make changes to the dragon's breath.

For example, let the dragon's breath not spread, but condense as much as possible.

In this way, the power of the dragon's breath can be more concentrated and the attack range can be further.

Of course, it is not impossible to spread, but the power will be reduced and the distance will be shortened.

Dragon's Breath is not a rigid ability, but the arms are restricted, so you can't play it like this.

A few seconds later, Zhao Hao suddenly sprayed out dragon breath.


The extremely violent flame dragon breath spurted out, not like a flame at all, but like a substantial torrent of flames.

Dragon Breath is only as thick as a train, almost the same as before.

But this is progress.

Because his body is now much larger than before, but the dragon's breath he sprays is still as thick, which speaks for itself.

The flame dragon's breath hit the steel giant at the front.


Four figures of power jumped out, equivalent to the power of more than a thousand fireballs bombing at the same time.


The dragon's breath pierced the target instantly, as if it was not steel but a wooden board.

Zi, Zi….

Every soft sound means that a steel giant target has been pierced.


The power of the dragon's breath is no longer powerful, but scary.

No matter who it is, their first reaction will be to be frightened when they see such a terrifying flame dragon breath.

Because the power is too exaggerated.

It is equivalent to the power of bombing more than a thousand fireballs every second.

Who can withstand this? .

After breathing the dragon's breath for more than ten seconds, Zhao Hao stopped breathing.

It's not that it can't be maintained, but it doesn't make much sense.

The row of targets in front had long been pierced and melted by the dragon's breath.

In the past, if you sprayed the dragon's breath for more than ten seconds, you would definitely lie down on the spot, because it consumes too much physical strength and energy.

The longer the dragon's breath lasts, the higher the consumption will be.

Spraying Dragon Breath for 10 seconds once is more expensive than spraying Dragon Breath for 3 seconds ten times.

Zhao Hao just felt vaguely that if the time was doubled, it might be his current limit.

Tsk tsk!

After the body size increased, the limits in all aspects also increased by more than one level.

Improvement in all aspects!

Zhao Hao felt this.

Now let him face off against the legendary dragon, and he is confident... that he will win.

What's the strongest part of your equipment? .

It's not about improving strength, but about incredible resilience.

The source of life!

The effect of this suit's ability is to restore one percent of base health per second.

Of course, in the state of ultimate transformation, the body is not digitized, so it is vitality.

One percent vitality recovery rate per second!

Even if the recovery number is not calculated based on the tripled number, but based on the basic health value, it only takes four hundred seconds to recover from empty blood to full blood.

For agility and small creatures.

Not to mention four hundred seconds, even forty seconds is too slow, because it is not surprising to be killed instantly with one hit.

But for a creature with rough skin and flesh like a giant dragon, unless it is completely crushed by strength or special means are used, it is completely normal for a hand-to-hand fight to last for dozens of minutes, and it would not be surprising even if it lasts for several days.

Just like Zhao Hao, as long as he is careful not to be attacked by the reverse scale, even if he attacks the demigod dragon for several minutes, it is not a problem.

A few minutes were enough to revive him on the spot.

In other words, he is now qualified to entangle the demigod dragon.

A piece of equipment directly allows his combat power to jump to the legendary level after transformation, and he is not afraid to face demigods.

The value of the crystallization of divine power has really been stretched to its limit.

Investing such a precious item in a piece of blue quality equipment seems like a huge loss.

But it also depends on who is using the equipment.

As a lord, Zhao Hao equipped this piece of equipment and flew directly into the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun. Moreover, he obtained it before the battle with the Dragon Queen. It was really not too good.


This kind of treatment is really cool.

Without Turing, even if you get the divine power crystal, you won't be able to use it.

After the main profession has this equipment that has been strengthened to the extreme, personal strength is no longer an obvious shortcoming. At least it can compete with those demigod bosses on the battlefield.

After the test, Zhao Hao was very satisfied with the change in strength.

The next step is to accumulate strength and wait for the decisive battle with the Dragon Queen.

The opponent must be defeated in the first wave.

Zhao Hao was not willing to engage in guerrilla warfare with the other party, as the loser would definitely be himself.

You only have one chance, so be careful.

And he is already preparing a gift for the Dragon Queen, which will definitely surprise her.

Naturally, the more trump cards, the better.

And this trump card will be his absolute trump card.

It is also a special trump card that can determine life and death and determine victory or defeat when revealed.

Dragon Queen!

Zhao Hao never dared to underestimate the other party.

Of course, being cautious, he will not be satisfied with just one super trump card, and will also prepare more back-ups.

After all, this battle was too important and he couldn't afford to lose.

If you lose, your vitality will be severely damaged. For the time being, don't think about overthrowing the representative forces of the nine major camps. Instead, think about how to protect yourself from others.

However, the cost of losing is high, and the rewards of winning are naturally high.

Once you take in the dragons and dragonborns of the underground world, you can instantly let the storm leader fly into the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

In the heroic world, risks and rewards are always equal.

Since you have to take huge risks against the Dragon Queen, after defeating the opponent, not only can the Dragon Lord become your only specialty, but it is also normal to take over the opponent's game.

It was also such a big temptation that Zhao Hao did not complain at all, but went all out to plan and prepare.

The opponent is sure to be defeated!

His greatest advantage is not his strength, but his 'prophet' advantage.

With this advantage, we can plan ahead and form a decisive blow.

All he could say was that he was 90% sure of defeating the army led by the Dragon Queen.

But if the other party escapes, then he can only strengthen his part-time job to hunt down the other party.

In short, it's just one sentence, don't let the other party escape back to the underground world and make a comeback.

Well, part-time pursuit is the follow-up preparation.

I just hope it won't be used.

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