The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1436 The Dragonborn is defeated!


Because of the Marauder's Map, Zhao Hao's part-time job to take over the dragons and dragonborn went very smoothly.

These giant dragons and dragonborn tribes all surrendered to him one after another.

Only if he not only has the expertise of the Lord of Dragons, but is also extremely powerful, will the dragons surrender to him.

After actually taking over Moriel's power, Zhao Hao understood why the other party was called the 'Dragon Queen'.

Because there are too many dragons under his command!

Due to the special nature of the underground world, most dragons live in groups, and there are countless large dragon tribes.

The Black Light Tribe that Zhao Hao took over ranked among the top ten at most, and there was more than one Dragon Tribe with more numbers than him.

After taking over, Zhao Hao was not in a hurry to start a dragon tide.

Even if he gives the order now, he can really gather tens of thousands of giant dragons.

But he didn't do that.

Previously, only hundreds of thousands of dragons died under the leadership of the Dragon Queen. Now that the dragons are dispatched to fight, no matter how ruthless they are, there is no way to play like this, right?

Therefore, he planned to mobilize the dragon people first.

Compared to the relatively small number of giant dragons, the number of dragonmen is really exaggerated.

Although the number is not large when viewed scatteredly, when counted, the number is astonishing.

With just one sentence, Zhao Hao made them join him without hesitation and fight for him.

‘For a blue and pure world! ’

This was also the slogan that the Black Cloud Group came up with for the underground army.

However, Zhao Hao did not just shout slogans, but directly gave him this kind of treatment.

Previously, the number of draconians migrating to the surface was pitifully small.

It’s not that they’re unwilling to migrate!

It's because the dungeon lords got a head start. This was the power they provided in exchange for logistics. In addition, the Dragon Queen wanted to seize the fertile land of the eight principalities and then let the dragon people migrate.

As a result, there is no dragonborn tribe in Greenham.

But Zhao Hao is different.

There is no cutting of the cake when it comes up, just feeding the cake directly.

He said that he would directly bring them to the surface world and win for them the right to live in the surface world.


Countless dragon people expressed on the spot that they were willing to die for him, the new 'Lord of Dragons'.

What a win!

Zhao Hao obviously wanted to win over the dragon people to be his thugs and occupy Greenham for himself.

But to put it another way, fighting for the Dragonborn, how could the Dragonborn not get excited.

As for those dungeon lords? .

Zhao Hao wants to build a "new underground army" and will not follow the old path of the Dragon Queen, so unless the opponent surrenders to him, he will fight.

Civil war is civil war, fear of wool!

In other words, civil war in the underground world is the normal situation.

It's absolutely abnormal to be like the Dragon Queen, who only gained unparalleled reputation by giving up all her interests.

Zhao Hao would not give up his interests, so he had an actual conflict with the dungeon lord.

If it were anyone else, there would be an army of alliances waiting eagerly outside, and they would definitely not choose this time to engage in internal strife.

But the one who can threaten the underground army is the Storm Legion!

In other words, this so-called threat was entirely aimed at the dungeon lord, but it was a boost to Zhao Hao.

It was precisely because of this once-in-a-lifetime external environment that he was prepared to beat Greenham into a "uniform" one.

If the lizardmen, unyielding dungeon lords and tribes are dealt with, then the entire Greenham will become his most solid backing.

This backing has the biggest advantage.


There is only one way into Greenham.

As long as we hold on to the Maginot Line of Defense, we will be able to defeat all enemies with one man.

After integrating the interior, and then guarding the passage, it is enough to cede territory and protect yourself.

Keep it under control!

Alliance players and the Storm Legion were responsible for dealing with the Lizardmen, part-time recruiting Dragonborn and Axis players, and began to cause trouble for the Dungeon Lord.

It seems that both sides are preparing for a decisive battle and will eliminate the remaining forces first.

In fact, the two parties are a family, but no one knows it.

After the alliance learned about the commotion caused by the part-time job, they completely let go of their worries about the dungeon camp.

Originally, they were worried that the lords of the dungeon camp and the axis adventurers would fight their way out of the north.

Unexpectedly, they started fighting internally first, which of course made them relieved.

As a result, they also adjusted their strategic goals.

That is to support the Lizardmen and the Storm Legion in the arena, it is best to lose both sides.

Although they accepted the lizardmen, it was to prevent the dungeon lords from learning from dragons and going south again.

But everyone is worried about these guys jumping back again.

Now that there is no need to worry about the dungeon lords, it is natural to find ways to weaken the lizardmen.

The best way is to let him fight to the death with the Storm Legion.

If both parties died together, they would laugh even more crazy.

It can only be said that Greenham is in a mess, which is most in line with the wishes of the major forces in the alliance, so they are happy to watch.

Some of the transferred troops and supplies were also directly canceled or transferred to other theaters.

Now the alliance is facing a crazy attack from the two axis camps of Hell and Cemetery.

These things that were transferred are all based on the bottom line. After knowing that there is no threat from the north, they will naturally not invest in the bottomless pit of Greenham.

During this period, the Storm Territory was also restricted everywhere.

First, the Golden Valley was forcibly taken over.

Neither the Storm Territory nor the Hundred Flowers Club had any objections to this.

After all, I was prepared.

However, they have already laid out their backup plan, and if the opponent gets it, it will only be a quagmire, and it is impossible to obtain the output they achieved when they were in charge.

Most of the ore mined in the past was transported to the Storm Territory as a reserve, so there is no shortage of ore at all.

Baihuahui's losses will also be compensated from other aspects, and there will be no objection in their hearts.

In addition to the Golden Valley, the Storm Chamber of Commerce is also restricted.

The previous privileges of ‘100 million’ are now reduced by more than half.

Especially when it comes to refugees!

Major forces began to impose restrictions.

That is to say, the food shortage in the family is too big, otherwise an order was issued to stop it.

But even if there is no formal order, verbal orders are still given.

In this regard, the Storm Territory did not react violently.

What had been anticipated for a long time was now nothing more than a falling stone.

In the next time!

The Alliance's attention shifted from Greenham in the north to the other two battlefields.

Now the Silver Federation and Hell are fighting fiercely, and the Templar Church and the Falcon Principality are somewhat unable to withstand the attack from the Cemetery.

It would be okay if the only direction of attack was the Falcons.

The problem is that there are two directions: the Wolf Principality and the Bull Principality.

With the support of the Holy Church, the Falcon Principality can survive, but problems will arise in other directions.

Therefore, there are now many places that need support, and the resources of the major forces that originally supported the lizard people have also been invested in these trouble spots.

During this period of time, the Storm Leader kept a low profile.

But he does things in a high-profile manner.

The first is to command the alliance players to madly eliminate the lizard people.

Once the opponent gathers its army, it will usher in a joint attack from the Storm Legion + Storm.

But if they don't unite, and they can't resist reaping a lot of benefits, seeing the lizard people is like seeing an ally player who preys on them.

The Lizardmen are in a dilemma.

If their homes hadn't been destroyed by the dragon tide, it would have been impossible for them to be able to withstand the players.

When gathering, they are indeed not afraid of players, but they will usher in the Storm Legion.

In the past, the lizard people were naturally full of confidence and felt that the 'mere' adventurer army could be wiped out easily.

But after the Battle of Blood Swamp and seeing how the Storm Legion defeated the Dragon Queen and even their own support troops, they changed their minds.

Even if they verbally looked down on the Storm Legion, they still had no confidence in winning.

But it won’t work without fighting.

Because if you continue like this, it will be like cutting your flesh with a dull knife, and sooner or later you will bleed to death.

So the lizard people began to communicate secretly.

A war is brewing.

The major forces in the alliance were completely happy to watch the excitement, and even put an end to the idea of ​​​​interfering.

It would be best for all the forces in Greenham to die!

This may be their only idea.

But before that, another battle broke out in Greenham.

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