The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 1437 Part-time leveling time!

Part-time VS Dungeon Lord Alliance!

Compared to the Alliance's speed in annihilating the lizardmen, the part-timers' actions were faster.

The reason is also very simple, that is, he can slaughter the city alone.

With his part-time combat ability, he can completely deal with Dungeon Lords who are not strong enough alone.

With strong mobility and support from axis players, don’t kill too fast.

Rivers of blood!

In reality, it is an exaggerated idiom, but it is an accurate description of his part-time job.

At first, Dungeon Lords may not be able to react yet.

But after slaughtering a large number of dungeon lords who were unwilling to surrender, the remaining dungeon lords also reacted.

So, they prepared to join forces.

They also got a lot of information about Zhao Hao's part-time job.

The heir to the Dragon Queen!

Naturally, this identity cannot be concealed.

But what makes these dungeon lords sad is that.

You inherited the Dragon Queen's ideals and power, why didn't you inherit her character? .


How could they agree to actually ask them to surrender?

If they are only asked to provide logistics and send troops to help, then as long as the interests are well divided, they are not unable to help, but if they want to surrender, there is no need to talk about it.

And Zhao Hao wished they could resist.

Because in this way, not only can you level up part-time, but you can also take the opportunity to clean up these thorns and accumulate resources.

Dungeon Lords are not poor!

After killing a large number of weak lords, Zhao Hao learned how rich these guys were from the reports of the axis players who cleaned the battlefield.

It was a complete charge to let the dragon queen advance, while he frantically plundered the wealth from behind.

How can I bear this!

In order to 'avenge' the Dragon Queen, these guys cannot be let go.

Anyway, the more Zhao Hao kills, the more excited he gets.

Note that you are not excited because of mental problems, but simply because of the huge benefits.

In the past, if you wanted to kill creatures part-time, you still had to worry about 'justice from heaven'.

it's good now!

At this time of the world war, no matter how much he kills, no one will do justice.

The experience points obtained by leading an army to attack are not at the same level as those of attacking alone. Therefore, during this period of time, Zhao Hao acted alone, and at most allowed the axis players to clean up the battlefield.

But not anymore!

The dungeon lords also realized that if they fought individually, they would be defeated by him one by one, so they prepared to join forces to deal with him.

But before joining forces, of course, we must discuss it first.

For example, logistics, troop dispatch ratio, post-war benefits...etc.

If these are not discussed in advance, do you believe that the coalition forces will start fighting among themselves halfway? .

Why is there only one Dragon Queen with terrifying appeal in the underground world?

Naturally because others prefer backstabbing to cooperating.


It is also the day when the dungeon lords gather.

As long as they are discussed in the Mystic Jungle, they can easily form a coalition to attack the Dragonborn who are migrating to the surface and directly force out the "Ghost Car".

Well, nearly a million Dragonborn have migrated to the surface now.

There are several reasons why migration is so fast.

First of all, dragon people are mostly back-level creatures.

In other words, after adulthood, the average combat power is at the mid-level level. This physical quality makes it not weak in survival ability, and naturally it is not easy to die during migration.

Then there are supplies!

The biggest problem with migration is supplies.

But these are not problems at all in front of Zhao Hao.

Medicines, food, tents, tools...etc. are all ready.

Therefore, after the dragon people came to the surface world, they did not need to collect food in the swamp at all costs like other races, resulting in heavy casualties.

After all, the races in the underground world are not easy to mix in the swamp, let alone the diseases caused by changing the living environment.

That's why it is said that the casualties caused by migration are not lower than those of war, or even higher.

Only with perfect logistical support can the casualty rate be minimized.

Material support is extremely difficult for other forces.

But it's not a problem for the Storm Territory.

In terms of productivity, the Storm Territory, which has now become an industrial territory, can already produce all basic materials.

It can be produced as large as a battleship or as small as a pin nail storm collar.

There are tens of millions of people in the storm territory. Except for the millions of people engaged in agriculture, the rest are invested in industry.

In the real world, something would definitely go wrong.

But not in the heroic world!

As long as Zhao Hao, the lord, is willing, he can formulate the development route of the territory at will.

There is no problem with supplies, let alone food.

With the terrifying food reserves and production of the Storm Territory, it would not be a problem even if they kept raising dragons.

Of course, that's just a metaphor.

At most, they just sell food to the dragon people.

Under the premise that all aspects are guaranteed, it is no wonder that the dragon tribes migrated so quickly and safely.

The dragon people who had long wanted to escape from the underground world were very excited about moving to the surface world. They would not miss the opportunity if they had the opportunity, so they moved so fast.

Moreover, all dragon people are soldiers and have formed a legion.

The kind that starts at the elite level of strength.

Dragon Legion!

This is the main force prepared by Zhao Hao for the 'New Underground Army'.

Ask a question!

The Dragon Man is obviously not weak in strength, but his performance on the battlefield is not too exaggerated. What is the reason? .

It’s equipment!

Wearing simple leather armor and holding equipment such as an old wooden stick or a long sword, what kind of combat power does that bring? .

There are indeed Dark Iron dwarves in the underworld.

But this race is not famous for forging, so no matter how rich the underground world is in minerals, the weapons they use are still crude, and their armor is even more pitiful.

In contrast, the storm leader's forging ability is extremely exaggerated.

In the past, a large number of dwarf blacksmiths were obtained, which directly improved their forging capabilities to an astonishing level.

Moreover, Turing also designed some magic instruments such as 'Magic Forging Hammer' and 'Magic Furnace'.

Note that these things are not only driven by magic crystals, but can also be adapted to local conditions and use scorched rock volcanoes as power.

With these magic instruments, the Storm Territory's manufacturing efficiency has skyrocketed.

Do you now understand the value of Turing? .

Just strike at will and you will be invincible.

At this time, the Storm Territory has begun to enter the era of industry + magic.

Productivity explodes!

Coupled with the improvement in combat effectiveness, it is no wonder that Zhao Hao stepped onto the stage early.

At this time, the territory is urgently producing heavy armor. Once completed, a powerful army composed of dragons, like a war machine, will be available in an instant.

It's just that today, the dragons don't need to take action.

Zhao Hao wore a 'Ghost Car' uniform and came alone to the Mysterious Jungle where the dungeon lords gathered.

It's not difficult to enter here, just find a team.

Because there are too many dungeon lords, the number of those who occupy Greenham's territory alone has exceeded three digits.

With such a large number of dungeon lords, it is impossible for everyone to recognize each other's people, so if you want to sneak in, you just have to be smart.

This time, Zhao Hao is planning to do something big.

The previous slaughter had brought him huge gains, and he would certainly not miss this opportunity.

This is a harvest opportunity!

It was rare for these dungeon lords to give up their defensive advantages and gather together. If he didn't take the opportunity to cause trouble, he would be sorry for his status as a necromancer.

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