The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 229 Killing the Dark Knight! (Thank you guys for subscribing and voting)


As the most terrifying weapon in Zhao Hao's hand, it has been in the team but not used, just for now.

Freya's tail attack and dragon's breath combo!

Not only did it attract Archimonde's attention, but it also tricked him into using his defensive skills.

Poof, poof!

Three spear-like crossbow arrows penetrated the thick armor of the Dark Knight, completely piercing it and exploding. The thick armor exploded under the terrifying force.

In the passage between the ballista and the dark knight, which is more than ten meters wide and one hundred meters long, there are no soldiers or undead.

Of course not a miracle!

It was because Ellie commanded the Shadow Swordsmen to clear the undead in this passage, and then Memphela commanded the troops to block the undead from entering, that such a 'shooting boundary' appeared.

Five of the dark knights who had gathered to avoid the dragon's breath fell instantly.

The crossbow is Zhao Hao's ultimate move.

Although it has weaknesses such as being difficult to aim and taking a long time to prepare, its attack power is truly terrifying.


Archimonde roared.

These dark knights were his personal knights during his lifetime.

After being transformed into an undead, he not only wanted to "keep his family in order", but also brought his own knights under his command again.

However, he had only transformed a dozen people now, and now five people were gone in an instant. How could he not be angry?


Zhao Hao, who was concentrating on controlling the ballista, did not answer.

Because now he not only has to maintain the natural barrier, but also controls the ballista to aim, which can be regarded as two tasks.

At this time, the only ten remaining dark knights were also preparing to disperse to avoid the ballista.

If you just stay still and act as an arrow target, you won't be able to block the ballista attack.

At the same time, Archimonde also stepped forward to destroy the ballista.


Amidst the huge impact, the Filial Son Sword was forced to stop.

Freya stared at the other party with her eyes raised.

As for the Dark Knight wanting to disperse now, he is already a step too late.

The vine jungle that had appeared just now spread all over the surrounding area unconsciously, forming lines of bucket-thick vines, surrounding it in the middle.

Swish, swish!

The vine dragon surged towards the Dark Knight.

The dragons are dancing wildly!

In fact, controlling plants does not consume much, but it consumes more when they are spawned, so it is not difficult to control these small vine dragons woven from man-eating vines.


The dark knights swung their sabers quickly and chopped the vine dragons into pieces.

The swarm of vine dragons caused no harm at all.

But Zhao Hao's goal has been achieved.

Because under the attack of the vine dragon, the dark knights who were about to disperse subconsciously leaned together.

It’s impossible not to get close!

Vine dragons are coming from all directions. If no one helps to cover them, they can easily be hit or entangled.

No matter how sharp the Dark Knight's sword is, it is impossible to deal with the endless stream of vine dragons alone.

The assembled dark knights are naturally the best targets.

Boom, boom, boom!

Amidst the sound of explosions in the air, three crossbow arrows blasted four dark knights again, leaving only six.

His extremely cold eyes were focused on Zhao Hao.


If Freya hadn't stopped him desperately, he might have come and hacked Zhao Hao to death, the ant he had always looked down upon.

That is to say, this is not Wang Daoman, otherwise he would definitely explode in an instant.

"Incompetent rage!"

After Zhao Hao curled his lips, he continued to control the vine dragons to surge towards the remaining six dark knights.

If the other party can free his hands, there are definitely ways to save him.

But Freya threw a card in front of the opponent and attacked completely regardless of her own injuries. No matter how angry the opponent was, there was nothing she could do. Even if she wanted to control the power of death, she still had to have time and energy, right? .


The remaining six dark knights were bathed in pale light, causing the approaching vine dragons to slowly melt as if they had been showered with sulfuric acid.

The power of the undead!

It can only be said that if you dare to use ace-level soldiers to measure ace-level undead, you are completely seeking death.

The eleventh-level dark knight species in the cemetery cannot master the power of the undead, and it can be said to be infinitely weakened. Unless they are led by a powerful hero, they can hope to match it.

Unfortunately, in addition to the vine dragon, Zhao Hao also has a hidden skill.

A dozen huge bodies approached, slapping the Dark Knight together like a baseball with huge wooden palms.

Deadwood Guards!

Zhao Hao called in this extraordinary soldier to help without sacrificing martial ethics.

With the blessing of the epic hero Memphela, the Witherwood Guard's defense is so terrifying that even a giant dragon can withstand a few blows without the dragon's breath.

Now he directly used his strength advantage to block the Dark Knight's plan to evade.

The power of death is also very damaging to the deadwood guard, but it can hold up.

After all, the Deadwood Guards are an extraordinary class of soldiers, and their resistance is not comparable to that of the Man-Eating Vine.

Boom, boom, boom!

Another round of ballista launches.

However, this time only two units were achieved, and one arrow missed.

After all, it is a small body, so it is not difficult for the Dark Knight to dodge.

If it weren't for the help of the Vine Dragon, maybe not only would he be able to achieve good results in the first round, but it wouldn't be surprising if he missed all the shots later.

But the smaller the number, the harder it will be to escape when faced with the interception of the Vine Dragon and Deadwood Guards.


After Zhao Hao laid out the plan, separated Archimonde from the Dark Knight, and then used the vine jungle to form a vine dragon, the outcome of the battle was already determined.

Even if the remaining dark knights fought back with all their strength, they did not change the result of being shot and exploded.

The ballista is so domineering.

It doesn't matter if it misses, as long as it can hit, no matter how strong the defense is, it can easily explode, unless it is as hard as a crystal dragon to block it.

The artillery force is strong here.

It has many flaws, but its only advantage is that its attack ability is extremely terrifying. Unless it is immune to physical damage or is fast, it can be shot over.

Although Archimonde tried to command the undead to destroy the ballista and cover the Dark Knight.

But Memphela naturally couldn't let it succeed, and directly commanded the troops to block the undead's offensive, preventing it from threatening the ballista and covering the firing range.

With the experience brought by the reborn person, Zhao Hao directly arranged the Filial Son Sword in place.

In the final explosive counterattack, the Dark Knight still cut down four units of Deadwood Guards, which made Zhao Hao heartbroken.

This is under the premise of the blessing of the epic hero Memphela.

If not, maybe all the Deadwood Guards combined wouldn't be enough for the Dark Knight to kill.

I can only say that the ace level is so terrifying!

After taking care of a dozen Dark Knights, the next step is to deal with the Filial Sword.

Zhao Hao took a look at the health value first.

HP: 800

It should be enough, since it's not a duel anyway.

Facing the filial son's sword that was so tyrannical and terrifying that it almost overwhelmed Freya, anyone would be embarrassed in a one-on-one fight.

Therefore, there is no need to talk about martial ethics at all, shoulder to shoulder is the kingly way.

"Natural enchantment: Jiao transforms into a dragon!"

Zhao Hao developed another ultimate move during this time.

The natural barrier application method of Vine Dragon has made a leap in his combat power and method, and based on this, he developed a big move.

Swish, swish!

The small vine dragons merged together and finally turned into a giant green dragon the same size as Freya.

He used it once during the finals of the Hero Competition.

The difference from last time is that this time the vine dragon completely surpassed it in terms of strength, defense... etc.



Even simply controlling the vine dragon to form a giant dragon still cost a lot of life points.

After the giant vine dragon took shape, it pounced towards the Filial Son Sword.

Yes, it is so reckless.

The pale light in Archimonde's hand formed a sword of more than ten meters, and it seemed that he was ready to open it.

The surrounding vines were sizzling, which was being eroded by the power of the undead.


The giant vine dragon was chopped into pieces by a single blow of the pale lightsaber, looking like a flower stand.


But Zhao Hao looked at his ultimate move being broken with a smile in his eyes.

The vine dragon is indeed very strong. Even if it fights with the dragon in hand-to-hand combat, it can withstand several rounds, but in my plan it is just a cover.

Boom, boom, boom!

Three crossbow arrows shot through the thin layer of vine dragon body and hit Archimonde.

Since he had just used his ultimate move, he could no longer control the power of the undead to defend himself. Even if he tried his best to dodge, he was hit by an arrow in the knee.

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