The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 230 The Fleeing Son of Destiny!


The long and thick metal crossbow blasted Archimonde's right knee and mount as he was dodging sideways, causing him to roll to the ground.

All beings are equal before the ballista!

That is to say, the opponent had to avoid it in time, otherwise it would not only have destroyed his right leg and mount.


Zhao Hao looked down at the battlefield from above his head with a murderous intent.

So what about the child of destiny, Jesus can’t save him today, I said that.JPG (FLAG can fly!)


The golden dragon tail, which almost shattered the air, fell with an indestructible force.

At this time, Filial Son's sword had just been hit hard, and he had not even regained his balance. It was completely impossible to dodge the blow.

But no one thought of it.

At this moment, a huge object fell from the sky and hit Freya, knocking her to the ground.

Bone dragon!

Strictly speaking, it is the remains of a bone dragon.

At this time, most of his body had been broken into pieces, and only the soul fire beating in his eyes showed that he had not yet expired.


The dragon's tail landed heavily carrying Wanjun's power.

The solid ground splashed to both sides like soft sea water in front of Dragon Tail.

And Archimonde's body also flew high with the dirt.


Zhao Hao cursed lowly, then pointed the staff of nature lightly, consuming the few remaining health points to create several small vines rising into the air, preparing to entangle them.

It's a pity it's too late.


With a crisp cutting sound, the vines were torn apart by the sword.

At this time, Archimonde had recovered from the serious injury and took action to cut off the vines in time.

Fall short!

Seeing the other party's appearance, Zhao Hao's eyes flashed with deep reluctance.

The bone dragon that just fell was too much of a coincidence, otherwise Freya would have left Archimonde alive and disabled with just one strike from the dragon's tail.

But just because of this collision, the dragon's tail tilted a little, giving the opponent a glimmer of life.

"Destiny's Child...?"

Zhao Hao chewed on these four words.

Hoo, ho!

The three-headed bone dragon broke through the fog and rushed over, catching Archimonde in mid-air.

Green Claw and Green Wing also appeared soon after, but were stopped by Zhao Hao when they were about to attack.


There is no point in continuing the attack now;

Because the other party already knows how to use their own advantages 'correctly'.


The opponent's fighting mode just now still has no way of escaping the living.

The undead's fighting method is to flood the enemy with endless undead. As long as you are fine, it doesn't matter how many undead die.

The opponent was facing each other head-on just now, just like a liberal arts student competing for physical strength with an athletic student.

Of course, there are also reasons why Zhao Hao deliberately stimulated him.

If the opponent had huddled in the center of the undead army and commanded it from the beginning and did not fight head-on, then Zhao Hao's difficulty in winning would change from easy to nightmare.

The three-headed bone dragon flapped its wings in mid-air to remain suspended.

Archimonde stood up on the back of the middle bone dragon with only his left leg, curiously looking down at Zhao Hao on the vine dragon, as if seeing him for the first time.

"I never expected that I would be forced to this extent by an ant like you!"

The arrogance has been awakened, so he has to re-examine Zhao Hao, this 'adventurer' that he has never placed in his heart.

Now it seems that the other party is amazing in terms of personal strength, commanding ability, and the power of his subordinates.

Coupled with the fact that Mingyue City was previously destroyed by his plan, it seems that it is not an accident.

"Yes, I am indeed an ant, but you are not a dragon either!"

Zhao Hao laughed at himself.

Now his health is regenerating.

Of course, he is right to laugh at himself. Compared with the nine major camps, he is indeed an ant now.

Any major city can easily crush him, let alone the principalities, kingdoms, empires, and even the nine major camps above it.

"I admit that you are qualified to give your name, adventurer!"

Archimonde's eyes were serious.

If an enemy who can severely injure himself continues to ignore him, he is not arrogant, but stupid.

"Feng Liuyun, give a defeated adventurer!"

Zhao Hao said his game nickname.

Of course I don't want to lick each other, but this is how things like fame come about.

To give the simplest example,

How much benefit would it bring him if the Raging Dragon, Feng Whispering Society and others knew his name? .

The former helped him pull out the lineup for this plan, and the latter was willing to facilitate him because of his reputation. A large number of seeds were collected with the help of the other party.

No one can have too much of such a thing as fame.

"Feng Liuyun?" Archimonde repeated, "Okay, my 'sister' will stay with you for the time being!"

Obviously, this is the moment to talk harshly before leaving.

Now his IQ has regained the high ground.

If you know that if you stay, although you have a chance of winning, the chance of encountering danger will also increase. After all, you are not in a good condition after being hit by an arrow in the knee.

"Green Claw, Green Wing, Freya, Silver Pegasus, take action!"

Zhao Hao suddenly spoke.

He just asked the green dragon to stop, which might not have failed to make the other party feel that the situation was still under control, including those who did not choose to retreat.

But I didn't expect that the other party would decisively choose to run away, so naturally I had to try to keep the other party behind.

Boom, boom, boom!

The ballista opened fire.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but a bone dragon on the side happened to move sideways and blocked the Archimonde bone dragon.

A large part of the body of the bone dragon was blown apart by the arrow, and even the broken bone wings had a lot of holes, but it didn't fall to the ground, which is amazing.

Replaced with flesh and blood.

A few such huge wounds would cause it to bleed to death, not to mention that the dragon's wings would be destroyed and it would definitely fall into the sky immediately.

But although the Bone Dragon is the disgrace of the champion, it is so magical that it can still fly even if its body is almost broken into pieces.

Hoo, ho!

Green Claw and Green Wing jumped out immediately after receiving the order.

Freya, who was beating up the bone dragon with only one breath on the ground, also spread her wings and prepared to take off.

But the fastest one is naturally the Silver Pegasus who serves as the reserve team.


The white wings of the Silver Pegasus flapped and chased towards the Bone Dragon like sharp arrows.

This unit is known for its flying speed. Coupled with its small size, it is not weak in dexterity and short-range bursts.

Seeing the Silver Pegasus chasing behind him, Archimonde didn't pay attention.

It's true that Bone Dragon can't protect himself, but he's not without means to deal with it.

Translucent figures wearing gray and black cloaks emerged from the white mist, surrounding Archimonde like a barrier.

Ghosts, ghosts!

These are the backbone level (fifth and sixth level) undead.

Not only can it fly, but it also has a great reduction in physical damage, and will suffer extra damage from spell attacks.

Although the Silver Pegasus is fast and has high attack power, there is really no good way to deal with this kind of undead.

After all, it is the nemesis of the caster, not the nemesis of the ghost.

The two unmanned bone dragons took the initiative to turn towards Green Wing and Green Claw, attacking with complete recklessness.

Although there was a gap in strength between the two sides, they were both rough-skinned and thick-skinned. It was impossible to decide the winner in a short period of time, so the two green dragons were stopped.

When Freya finally took off, the opponent had disappeared into the white mist.

If you continue to chase at this time, accidents are likely to occur. After all, there are undead all around, and the white mist obscures your vision, so it is easy to be counterattacked by the opponent.

"Abandon the pursuit and let the convoy behind come over to break out!"

Zhao Hao gave the order decisively.

Although he was preparing for the dragon to ride on his face and directly deal with Xiaozi Jian, the child of destiny, he knew what his top priority was.


The two teams, especially the latter team, are his top priority, not solving Archimonde.

It seems that Destiny's Child cannot be killed casually.

Even if the skull dragon hadn't smashed down just now, there would definitely have been other accidents. If the other party died so easily, he wouldn't be qualified to be called the child of destiny.

After receiving the order, the army gave up the pursuit and turned to clearing out the undead around them.

Without Archimonde's command, how could a bunch of scattered undead be able to block the front of the Stormlord army? They were quickly wiped out.

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