The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 239 Acquisition and interception!


A wooden box the size of a coconut was thrown out by Freya.

But Zhao Hao didn't look at the box, but secretly stared at Haihu beside him.

If the opponent makes the slightest move, he will take action decisively.

This is also a kind of temptation.

If the other party had a problem and solved it directly, he didn't want to be stabbed in the back.

It was obvious that Haihu was tempted, his hands shaking subconsciously.

After all, he knew that the box was most likely the 'Fountain of Youth', a legendary treasure from pirates.

But for some reason, he didn't take action in the end.

Once the fountain of youth comes out, there will be no more brothers!

Being able to withstand such a big temptation, Zhao Hao really wanted to know how Tolan controlled the other party.


Freya jumped out of the pit and looked at Haihu with some disappointment.

If the opponent had taken action just now, she would have immediately opened the field to deal with him. Killing a champion was a rare enjoyment for her.


Zhao Hao opened the lid of the box.

The box was stuffed with cotton pads, and a crystal bottle made of clear crystal was placed on top to prevent collision. It contained almost two hundred milliliters of green liquid.

There is no attribute prompt.

But as long as you are not blind, you can see that these liquids are extraordinary, because just looking at them gives you a feeling of vitality.

'so much? ’

This thought came to Zhao Hao's mind.

If he remembers correctly, the player who gets it in the future may only get about half of it.

In other words, the spring water leaving the spring will dissipate over time, so it is no wonder that the amount is extremely rare.


After closing the lid, Zhao Hao did not do anything extra.

Although Hai Hu has always been obedient, that is based on the fact that he has not done anything to affect the plan. If he directly comes into contact with the fountain of youth, the other party will definitely get angry.

Now Tolan needs to stand up and act as a target for the major forces. This is not the time to fall out.

But the Fountain of Youth doesn't mean he doesn't have a chance.

He didn't say how many specifically at the beginning.

It only takes one sip to take effect, and two hundred milliliters here are four servings. It is not a problem for him to find the opportunity to use one serving.

Of course, the premise is that it must be out of Haihu's sight.

With his mind spinning rapidly, Zhao Hao used the special connection between his master and his pet to convey the order to Freya.

So she, who was walking at the back, disappeared for a while, but soon reappeared.

Arriving at the lobby on the first floor of the hotel and looking at the pirates on alert, Zhao Hao's eyes flashed with coldness.


"Let's leave quickly"

He motioned to Haihu to let the little guy activate his abilities.


The listless little guy managed to activate his ability and made them disappear from sight again.

But this should be 'optical invisibility', not camouflage.

Zhao Hao has the ability to camouflage his troops, so he clearly knows that he has to rely on the surrounding environment and cannot move.

But the mirage's ability doesn't matter whether it's stationary or moving.

This time the plan went smoothly!

In addition to the bloody battle at sea that attracted attention from the front, the biggest contribution was this mirage.

But when the team advanced a certain distance and landed on the beach behind the military port, something unexpected happened.

Several hundred soldiers set up a defensive line in front and blocked the road.

No one is surprised by this.

After all, as long as you see the hotel door being slashed, you will definitely find something wrong, so it is not surprising to set up defenses everywhere.

"Do it!"

Zhao Hao gave the order without hesitation.

With every second of delay, more patrols would arrive, and there was indeed room for delay.


The sea tiger rushed out first, and the mirage's ability failed when it accelerated.

The scimitar in the opponent's hand flashed with blue light, and he cut off more than a dozen warriors in half. It looked bloody and terrifying.


As a strong champion, of course he cannot rely only on his body, he also has a profession, which should be professional skills.


Other pirates also came out like tigers emerging from the cage.

Fighting is what they love most, and they don't like the kind of stealth action just now.

Zhao Hao and Freya followed behind.

Even though there were more navy soldiers blocking the road, they were completely in danger against the wolf-like pirates.

If he hadn't been well-trained and cooperative, he might have been killed long ago.

The strength gap is too big!

Not to mention Haihu’s champion-level combat ability.

The other dozens of pirates are at least at the elite level, and these naval warriors are only at the main force level on average. Even if they exert their backbone level strength through equipment and formation, it is impossible to stop them.


The sound of arrows piercing the air occasionally sounded, and Hai Hu, who was charging, could only distract himself from the attack. After all, he was not fully armored and was completely unafraid of bows and arrows.

The constant stream of patrols arriving made the situation a bit unsatisfactory.


Zhao Hao signaled his pet to help.

Although this was within his plan, he had no intention of letting the plan fail.


With the sound of the dagger being unsheathed, the golden figure rushed into the battlefield.

In terms of strength, Freya, who has not opened the golden realm, is only at the ace level, but her killing efficiency far exceeds that of the champion level Haihu.

Zhao Hao passed through the defense line and rushed towards the landing point behind the military port.

Behind him, Haihu and Freya were responsible for intercepting the warriors who wanted to pursue him.

Facing an endless number of warriors, even the strongest champions must be careful.

Because your physical strength and energy are not infinite, once they are exhausted... so the two of them fight and retreat.

As for those pirates who were furious, neither Zhao Hao nor Hai Hu meant to remind them.

Yes, Haihu doesn’t care either.

The pirates are all superficial brothers. Even if they were brothers just now, it would not be surprising to stab them for profit the next second. So how could Haihu care about these guys who are just like cannon fodder.

But after Zhao Hao rushed a certain distance, he found that his luck was not good.

A squadron of naval warriors rushed forward.

Natural enchantment?

Blazing orb?

Two skills quickly came to mind, but I quickly gave up the idea of ​​using them.

No matter how strong the natural barrier is, there must be a place to use it. The ground is now covered with solid and thick floors. It is completely useless to throw the seeds. If you force it to grow with health points, it will consume too much and bring a lot of risks.

The flaming ball is not weak in power, but it cannot open a path instantly.

In particular, the leader's strength is extraordinary, at least extraordinary, and cannot be solved by two skills in a short time.

In this way….

Zhao Hao glanced at the two people behind him who were intercepting the pursuers, and had no intention of letting Freya open the field to rescue them.

When the two sides were less than ten meters apart, Zhao Hao took action first and used his skill.

Flying dragon rides on the face!

It's not that this initial skill isn't strong, but because it's hard to use when it's needed, and it consumes a lot of money, so Zhao Hao just shelved it. Now is the time for it to show its effect.

After using the skill, Zhao Hao quickly transformed into a huge flying dragon more than ten meters tall that was somewhat similar to the green dragon.


He jumped forward with his wings fully extended.


The buildings on both sides of the street collapsed like tofu as the dragon's wings swept over them.

The soldiers of the squadron in front were knocked back dozens of meters before landing.


The heavy body of the flying dragon pressed the squadron of warriors into the solid ground.

If it weren't for the protection of the rules, these people would have been crushed to pieces. How could they just be dizzy?

After transforming back into human form, Zhao Hao removed his feet from the opponent's face and quickly rushed to the small wooden boat in the secluded area of ​​the beach.

"Leave quickly!"

After boarding the boat, Zhao Hao gave orders to several sailors in charge of rowing.

Although the sailors didn't know why he was the only one back, Tolan's order was very clear, that is, they just needed to obey, so the sailors started rowing quickly.

Zhao Hao took the opportunity to open the box, unscrew the crystal bottle and take a sip.

The portion size is also easy to control, because you will naturally feel it in your heart after it takes full effect, so after drinking a portion of the fountain of youth, he put the bottle back in the box.

Just pretend nothing happened.JPG

Anyway, several sailors did not see his movements, and Haihu was also held back by the pursuers, giving him this god-given opportunity.

Of course, this opportunity was created by himself.

He asked Freya to remind the End of the End mercenary group to report the news, which led to their discovery.

Soon, Zhao Hao knew why the Fountain of Youth was sought after by countless pirates.

Even he couldn't help but be amazed by the effect of this thing.

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