The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 240 A heaven-defying treasure!

"System prompt: Drink the fountain of youth!"

"The physical condition remains in youth until death, and the upper limit of life span is tripled (the effect is determined according to race, cannot be repeated, PS: it acts on the body when the user is a player)"

"Your strength, physique, agility...spirit will be permanently increased by ten percent!"

The system prompts in his ears made Zhao Hao uncontrollably raise the corners of his mouth.

Before his rebirth, the Fountain of Youth was a treasure that he could only see in his dreams. He never expected that he would be able to obtain it so quickly after his rebirth.

Sure enough, rebirth is the biggest cheat.

Among several effects.

The physical condition can be maintained in youth until death, which is completely understandable.

This stage is the period of highest vitality and fastest growth of human beings.

The reason why the lifespan is tripled is because the upper limit of human lifespan is not high. It would be good if immortal species like elves could increase their lifespan by half.

The Fountain of Youth is not the 'Fountain of Youth'. It can only prolong life, but it cannot make people immortal.

But three times is an exaggeration!

After all, it has absolutely no side effects and even has enhanced benefits.

And all physical attributes are increased by ten percent.

Note that the improvement mentioned here does not refer to an increase in attributes.

Rather, it means that the effect is ten percent stronger under the premise that the attribute value does not change.

Just like I could lift a hundred kilograms before, I can now lift a hundred and ten kilograms, but my body shape and food intake have not changed at all.

And this is equivalent to increasing potential.

Of course, the effect also depends on race.

For ordinary-level races like humans, the effect of the Fountain of Youth is extremely terrifying, but for some elite, extraordinary...champion races, this is not necessarily the case.

At the same time, talking about the effect without talking about the dose is a hoax.

Just like Freya, the Fountain of Youth will definitely work on her, but even if she drinks all the remaining portions in the bottle, it won't work.

Champion-level dragons require different weights than humans.

It is precisely because he understood this truth that Zhao Hao did not leave any part for Freya to improve her strength.

Anyway, if she has a chance to get her hands on the spring in the future, that will be the chance for her to take it.

But what surprised him was that the effect could affect the main body.

It was normal for the two worlds to merge, but now they are not merged. I didn't expect the Fountain of Youth to break through the restrictions.

But it’s not surprising if you think about it carefully.

Just like the fifth-level artifact, the Phantom Divine Bow, can also break through limitations, it is not an exaggeration to say that the legendary treasure, the Fountain of Youth, has this effect.

A surge of vitality surged out of his body, as if he had just stayed up for a few nights and resurrected with full blood after a long sleep.

At the same time, Zhao Hao noticed slight changes in his appearance and temperament.

If he could only be considered handsome before, now his facial features have been slightly adjusted and his temperament has also changed. It is like evolving from Master Kang to Master Kong, a qualitative change.


It refers to the stage of optimal physical condition.

Under the influence of spring water, various skin diseases, black spots, and tanning are completely non-existent. It can be called the best beauty treasure.

Now you know why countless women are crazy about chasing the Fountain of Youth, right? .

After discovering his own changes, Zhao Hao could only find a way to disguise himself to avoid being discovered by Tolan, who would then suspect that he had 'lined his own pockets'.

Just when he was busy with this, two figures rushed towards him with a large number of pursuers on the beach behind him.

The fastest golden figure jumped high and landed on the ship over a distance of more than ten meters.


The figure stood firmly.


Freya shook off the Ryuga dagger in her hand.

Killing all the way, she finally released the desire to fight in her heart, and she was naturally in a good mood.

"Yeah!" Zhao Hao nodded and looked at the figure in the sea water that was dragging water towards it at high speed.


Amidst the splashing water, a strong figure jumped onto the boat.

It's Haihu!

As a pirate, there is no need to say how strong the opponent is in water. This matter is completely trivial to him.

Of course, what if the opponent swims slowly and cannot catch up? .

What does that have to do with Zhao Hao?

We are all adults and we only talk about positions, not right or wrong.

It is not difficult to explain to Tolan at the same time.

As long as the fountain of youth can be brought back, the other party will not be able to pursue it.

Although the loss of a strong and loyal subordinate would make him dissatisfied, there is absolutely no dissatisfaction that cannot be cured by the fountain of youth.

If so, add another serving.

Yes, no pirate can resist the temptation of the Fountain of Youth...or no intelligent being can resist this temptation.

With the Fountain of Youth, what kind of strong person can you want to recruit? .

"We've got the stuff, let's send the signal for the One Eye to pick it up!"

Zhao Hao reminded several sailors.

He never thought about escaping back on this small wooden boat.

Even if the navy focuses on that naval battle, it doesn't mean that it can't do anything with a small wooden boat.

Mirage sent!

The ability cannot be used for the time being, or it is useless to activate it. The artillery is aimed at this sea area.

Don’t even think about swimming back.

Attracted by this battle, the undead knew how many monsters there were on the seabed. Sea Tiger dared to go into the water when he was at the beach, but now that he goes into the water, he dare not say that he can swim back safely.


Several flares were launched into the sky, enough for everyone in the nearby sea to see them.

Why should we emphasize ‘getting things’? .

It is precisely because Zhao Hao understands that getting something and not getting something are two completely different things to Tolan.

If you don't get it, the other party won't pay attention to it at all. Even if they were half-brothers before, they won't take a second look.

But if you know that the thing has been obtained, the situation is completely different.

The other party is really willing to risk his life to save others!

Not for Zhao Hao, his half-brother, but for the fountain of youth.

Boom, boom!

Massive water jets rose into the air around the boat.

In this case, let alone continuing to move forward, it is already good to be able to ensure that the boat does not capsize.

"grown ups?"

Freya was a little anxious. Even in her dragon form, she couldn't withstand a few shots, let alone in human form.

"Don't worry, someone will be more worried than ourselves!"

Zhao Hao looked calm.

Because he believes that someone will be more anxious than himself.

Sure enough, as the artillery landed closer and closer.


On the sea ahead, a huge ship emerged from the air.

One-eyed number!

Moreover, the artillery fired back as soon as it appeared. Whether it was range, accuracy or power, it was all much better than the military port.

Boom, boom, boom!

Solid buildings were torn to pieces, and the earth groaned.

Several forts immediately fell silent.

Soon, the boat was hoisted by the hanging rope hook, allowing them to return to the One Eye.

As soon as he stepped onto the deck, Tolan came over to greet him.

Logically speaking, the pirate king like him should be reserved no matter what.

But the treasure he dreamed of was about to be obtained, and now he felt like a deer was hopping in his heart, and there was no way he could wait, even if it was only a few minutes.

"Great, luckily you're okay!"

Tolan opened his arms in excitement, as if he was excited for Zhao Hao's safe return.

Well, if the other party's eyes weren't glued to the box Freya was holding behind him, Zhao Hao would have believed it.

"Your Excellency, now is not the time to reminisce about the past!"

Zhao Hao looked at the side with a half-smile.

The battle between the two sides is continuing over there, but the other side rushes over as soon as they receive the signal. It can be seen that in the other side's heart, the weight of victory or defeat is far less than the fountain of youth.

What's puzzling is that the deputies who heard the Fountain of Youth were not on the One-Eye.


Zhao Hao saw several large pirate warships coming at full speed on the side battlefield, even ignoring their opponents behind them.

'I see! ’

He instantly understood Tolan's methods.

That is to use the battle to drive a few people back to his battleship to take control, and he was the first to contact himself who brought back the things.

I have to say, ginger is still spicy.

"That's right, let's talk about it later. Let's go back to the captain's cabin first!"

Tolan reluctantly looked away from the box.

The Fountain of Youth couldn't be known to too many people, so a few people quickly walked into the captain's cabin.

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