The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 609 Take it easy!

Chapter 609: Take it easy~!

More than a day later!

Zhao Hao took several people back to the Blackstone Wilderness.


Landed directly outside the city.

A large dent appeared on the ground under the impact of his heavy body.

"grown ups!"

Meng Feila greeted Zhao Hao who had finished his transformation.

"Well!" Zhao Hao moved his body and asked casually: "Are you okay these two days?"

It took nearly three days to bring a few half-elves back, and the team that went to the Pale Territory to transport supplies had not returned yet.


Memphela did not mention the repelling of several scattered waves of underground troops, which was not worth mentioning at all.

"Next, you lead the troops and set off first to deal with the remaining underground armies in the half-elf settlements!"

Zhao Hao asked Meng Feila to take action.

They were stationed here before to intimidate the Blackstone half-elves.

That's different now.

With the "devotion statement" of the former Blackstone people, now even if he doesn't want the other party to move, the half-elves may cry and beg to be moved.

"Yes, sir!"

Memphis nodded and led the troops to set out.

Qian Heishi and others joined the tribesmen who came out to greet them, and were excitedly introducing all aspects of the Storm Territory.


"No way!"

"When can we go?"

Such sounds are endless.

If an outsider introduces it, no matter how good it is, they will never believe it.

But if the person introduced is the former leader and there are several half-elves who are usually prestigious, they will naturally be convinced.

And knowing that there is an extreme shortage of manpower there, and not worrying about being abandoned without any use value, of course I will be excited and excited.

At this time, their fear of migration has turned into expectation and longing.

The change in mentality made the half-elves extremely obedient, more obedient than when there was a large army stationed there.

After all, a lord who allows them to live in that kind of place is naturally worthy of their full following.

What does it matter if the other party is an adventurer? .

As long as they can survive, it doesn't matter if they are demons, let alone adventurers.

After half a day, the transportation team finally returned, but the transportation vehicle was not a carriage, but a large monster carrying a huge shelf.

Twenty basilisks!

That's right, only this kind of transportation can quickly rush from the Pale Territory to the Blackstone Wilderness.

If we use a carriage, it will take at least ten days, and it is impossible to come back so quickly.

The same cannot be said for basilisks.

It can pass through most terrain types directly, and its speed is not slow. Its extraordinary racial level also makes it not without the ability to protect itself, making it extremely suitable for this operation.

For this operation, the fleet brought with it twenty basilisks.

Don't underestimate this amount.

As an extraordinary creature, the Basilisk is not only excellent in combat, but also has great endurance and strength.

20 items brought back nearly a thousand tons of goods!

Less than half of it is food, and the rest is tents, medicine... and other supplies.

Before taking action, the death of half-elves had nothing to do with the Storm Leader.

But once he started taking action, he would die a lot, not to mention whether the other half-elves would complain. Zhao Hao couldn't bear the fact that he was losing his own labor force.

Therefore, he will solve all the problems during the migration process.

For every half-elf alive, there would be one more production tool, and this was a situation that he couldn't help but do his best.

"There is food!"

The half-elves became excited when they saw the food being unloaded from the shelves on the back of the Basilisk.

They were worried about food. How could they not be excited when they saw so much food? At least they didn't need to go hungry.

With expectations for the future and now able to fill his stomach, Zhao Hao finally established his prestige in the hearts of all Blackstone half-elves.

He called Blackstone over.

"Next, you take people to the Pale Territory in batches and establish a temporary supply point halfway. Then I still need your help!"

"As long as I can help you, sir!"

Blackstone confirmed that Zhao Hao was sincere in absorbing half-elves as subjects, and his trust level was naturally much higher.

"I hope you can let a few of them help me convince other half-elves to surrender to me!"

Zhao Hao made it clear that he wanted the former Blackstone to help him become a lobbyist.

"no problem!"

Blackstone nodded in agreement without thinking at all.

Compared with Blackstone Settlement, the situation in several other settlements will only be worse. After all, it has a geographical advantage, plus the largest number of people, the casualty ratio is not too exaggerated.

Several other settlements only have wooden walls and the number of people is not as good as here. Even if Zhao Hao didn't mention it, he would take the initiative to ask him to take action.

The reason why he didn't speak before was because he didn't completely trust Zhao Hao yet, but it was naturally different now.

Since the Shadow Swordsman and the Golden Dragon will resolve the dangers on the migration route, Blackstone will be responsible for the next migration.

The Storm Territory is only responsible for providing material and combat support.

With material and military support, the casualties from relocation will certainly not be too great, and may not even occur.

If there was an accident, no one would think that the Storm Leader was responsible.

After all, they were not the ones responsible for the migration, and they had provided so much help. If something unexpected happened, it would definitely be the problem of the half-elves.


And Zhao Hao and his troops naturally wanted to go to the remaining settlements.

Even though the distance between Blackstone Wilderness and Howling Abyss is not that far, the transport team even took a few days to go back and forth.

But migration is different from a normal rush.

Not to mention the slow speed, there were also a lot of troubles, so Zhao Hao passed the blame to Heishi and asked him to take charge of the migration.

Next, he naturally followed the same pattern and captured several settlements.

With the former Blackstone Tribe leader’s ‘devotion statement’, the whole process was easy and enjoyable.

The point is that these tribes suffered too many casualties.

The casualties were at least a quarter, and the worst was only a third of the half-elves left. The total number of half-elves in several settlements was no more than that of the Blackstone Tribe.

The good thing is that the other party regards Zhao Hao as a savior, and his loyalty is beyond the limit.

So sloppy!

Seeing the reactions of these half-elves, Zhao Hao was reflecting on whether he had taken action too early? .

If the Blackstone Tribe had been beaten more severely by the iron fists of the underground army, they might have knelt down when they met, and there would be no need for subsequent actions at all.

Of course, this idea is just a thought.

It is impossible to go back on my word now, I can only note this point and increase my efforts in the future.

When you are busy, time passes quickly.

One month later!

Zhao Hao finally obtained the remaining 190,000 and a half elves in several settlements.

The transport fleet made two round trips, bringing most of the half-elves back to the Storm Territory, leaving behind a half-elf militia numbering over ten thousand.

And the combat effectiveness of these half-elves has also improved by more than one level.

Thick and sturdy leather armor, combat boots, long bows, arrows, and daggers armed this half-elf militia to the teeth.

In terms of combat effectiveness, these half-elves who are usually good at hunting are extremely strong, and their combat effectiveness in the forest is far beyond imagination.

In the past, we were weak because we had no food, weapons and equipment.

But it's different now.

With the existence of Storm Territory, food is not a problem at all.

As for weapons and equipment, temporarily borrowing a batch of equipment harvested from Takagi City can also solve the problem.

Elf longbow!

The other party will not sell such good things.

But in the battle of Takagi City, countless elf shooters died. The four major merchant groups recovered all these weapons and equipment. Now there is no pressure to mobilize 10,000 weapons.

Greenfield Legion!

is the name of this half-elf vigilante group.

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