The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 610 Tomb Light Goddess: Anlos!

Step, step!

A half-elf archer who appeared to be full of energy because of the sufficient food supply set off one after another.

The Green Field Corps has completed its training and will join the combat sequence from now on.

It was said to be training, but it was just a process in which Zhao Hao changed his clothes and supplemented his nutrition at the same time in order to reassure the other party about his clan members.

The sea monster meat harvested previously made these half-elves seem like completely different people.

The current Green Field Army is naturally far inferior to the Phantom Shooter in large-scale operations, but the advantage is that it can hand over some tasks to the other party.

This legion can complete tasks such as transportation, protection, etc. alone.

Since it was confirmed that the clansmen were really settling down in the Storm Territory, their morale was immediately boosted.

Referring to the half-elves' choices during the battle in Takagi City, we know that this new green field army will not be afraid of fighting to the death.

Of course, Zhao Hao would not let his little brother who had finally gained the harvest die.

The other party can not only complete the task independently, but also has room for improvement in strength. He can't let go of this kind of younger brother.

Therefore, the task given to the other party is to save other half-elves and protect the other party from coming to the White Territory.

Now you understand why he spent more time in the Blackstone Tribe, right? .

As long as they get off to a good start, the rest can snowball and let the half-elves help the storm leader pull people.

It is a safe place with plenty of food and no discrimination, but no half-elf can resist the temptation. As long as you can gain the trust of the other party, it is not easy to let them migrate.

It was with this in mind that Zhao Hao agreed to form the Green Field Army.

"I hope I can bring in some more half-elves!"

Zhao Hao looked forward to seeing the green field army leaving.

With the Green Field Army, all they need to absorb half-elves is to provide material and intelligence support. They don't need to waste energy at all. I don't know how much easier it is.

"Sir, it's almost time!"

Ellie reminded him from behind.

Today is also the day to start moving again.

During this period of time, Irollan and the underground world have been at war with each other, so even if the half-elves were relocated, the elves were not aware of it at all.

Normally, how could the elves not know about such a big movement.

During this period, the White Collar also prospered countless times.

After all, it is Anroth's territory.

Now she has earned the title of 'Grave Light Goddess'.

The light of the tomb means that there are only graveyards everywhere she passes. The goddess has attracted countless players to follow her because of her perfect appearance and figure.

Zhao Hao understands players very well.

The popularity of Hyoko Sword before his rebirth was really terrifying, and many of the reasons why the opponent was able to take the position of a super giant in the cemetery were due to the players, so he could definitely cultivate a 'top idol' of his own according to the script.

The benefits are too great.

Once this road is opened, the road will become wider.

Just raise your arms and get countless licks... Follow the players to keep up, or bring your own dry food and don't get paid. Isn't this delicious? .

That is to say, Zhao Hao is not suitable, otherwise he would want to take this path.

Anluosi was also confused about this.

I don’t understand why every time she fights, a large number of adventurers will help her overcome traps and dangers regardless of life and death, and even take the initiative to cut off the queen for her when encountering danger.

Due to the free 'cannon fodder' consumption, she suffered very little losses, allowing the number of Death Gods to increase like a snowball.

Now even if there is a brigade of 300 units stationed in the Pale Territory, the Death Gods she leads are more than 2,000 units, which is simply inhumane.

Killing too hard!

Over ten million souls fell under Anroth's hands.

Therefore, both Irollan and the Underworld sent hunting troops.

And she has grown amazingly.

The point is level!

Level 100!

This also makes people understand why the Cemetery camp is the public enemy of all major camps, including the other two major camps of the Evil Alliance, who are also extremely wary of it.

Because as long as you kill more, your strength will soar like a rocket.

Magic value: 2760 (3060)

Intelligence: 80

Knowledge: 76

Anluosi's basic attributes have been greatly improved, and including spells, she can be called an extremely powerful legal hero.

In particular, the magic of gathering spirits can ensure the survival rate of the God of Death, which makes their number increase like a snowball.


The horror of the legendary hero attracted a lot of attention, and even became the third-pole force in the southwest war zone of Irollan.

Even if it's just the God of Death and the ghost, it won't cause such a big movement at all.

But don’t forget, Anros also has another terrifying ability,


This snowballing ability is more terrifying than the God of Death.

Because the conversion ratio is too high, the number of converted skeleton soldiers will always be at full command.

According to level * template * 100, the level 100 legendary hero Anros can command 50,000 units of skeleton soldiers.

This number is actually not a big threat, after all, it is only a first-level unit.

But if it is combined with Anlos' own "Legion of the Undead" expertise, the situation will be different.

Command increased tenfold.

The effect can be described as simple and crude, but extremely terrifying.

The command limit of 500,000 units allows it to command a terrifying undead army.

In particular, skeleton soldiers have an ability related to quantity.

Sea of ​​Skeletons: For every 20,000 skeleton soldiers under the hero's command, the damage is doubled from the basic damage, with no upper limit.

With a twenty-five-fold increase in damage, the Skeleton Soldier's damage is no weaker than that of the Ace level. Once surrounded, even the champion unit will have to kneel down.

Of course, here we only say that the killing damage has reached the ace level, but it does not mean that the combat power has been reached. After all, its weaknesses such as being too fragile and too slow will not disappear.

But there are so many!

Skeleton soldiers all over the mountains and plains can be cut open with a sword and light armor. Are you afraid of them? .

With the existence of skeleton soldiers, Anluosi can become a third-party force.

As for spy information, it is naturally provided by those who lick and follow players. The other party has many ways to get some information. Although it is not as professional as the major guilds, it comes from a wide range of sources and is indeed very useful.

Let Anluosi avoid several rounds of ambushes.

No matter how much the skeleton soldier loses, it can be easily replenished, making it completely immortal. After losing the front legs, the back legs can be pulled out again, which is naturally extremely terrifying.

In other words, the maneuverability is a bit poor. If the marching speed is faster, the threat will be more terrifying.

But skeleton soldiers are not without their advantages.

There is no physical strength and no hunger. This is the most terrifying thing about the undead.

Having no physical strength means being able to march 24 hours a day.

No hunger means no need for supplies.

Otherwise, with such an army of arms, just supplies would make the leading hero despair.

Compared to the commotion caused by Anros, the impact of the players is much smaller.

But small impact does not mean little harvest.

Due to the advance preparation, several guilds all made a lot of money, and the contribution speed was at least several times higher than that of other guilds.

But now the time is ripe to take action again.

Previously, they had to disperse in order to let Elrollan and the underground army consume each other.

Now both sides are almost exhausted.

After the New Green Field Army set off, Zhao Hao arrived near the assembly area.

Willow City!

A first-tier city with a population of over one million, similar to Takagi City, its geographical location is very important.

Once this place is lost, it means that the Shenmu Castle, which is the most resource-rich in the southwestern region of Irollan, will lose its barrier.

It's a pity that it has been lost now.

The main force of the underground world in the southwest war zone broke through the city and began to besiege the main city of Shenmubao.

At the same time, Willow City Zhao Hao was also selected as a target.

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