The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 801 The plan begins!

Tens of millions of people were sacrificed in blood!

The blood sacrifices of demons are used to open the gates of hell.

The gate to hell like Diya is built with precious resources. Although it consumes a lot of money, takes a long time, and has high requirements, the advantage is that it does not require blood sacrifice, and it lasts long and has a high upper limit of passage. The biggest disadvantage is that there is a lot of movement.

But a place like Diya, shrouded in a canopy of death, happened to be a place where monitoring was impossible, which gave the demons a chance.

The door to hell opened at the border fortress of the Falcon Principality uses blood sacrifice.

The advantage is that it’s fast!

As long as there are enough materials, it can be opened in a few days.

There are many disadvantages, the biggest one is that it is 'too labor-intensive'. Blood sacrifice is not just a random target, it requires a complete soul, not an unintelligent creature.

Then it doesn't last long, and it requires continuous investment in blood sacrifices to maintain it, etc.

This is also related to the fact that every time the demons invade, it ends in an anticlimax.

In the early stage, the aggression was like fire, but in the middle and late stages, it withered.

Because in the early stage, you can easily find human blood sacrifices. When the major forces block the offensive in the middle and later stages, and then the people escape, and the opponent has no blood sacrifice targets, the hell channel will collapse. Without supplements, the demons will die one by one, and the offensive will naturally not be maintained. Go down.

The same goes for the undead!

No matter how strong the early offensive is, as long as there is no way to continue killing and creating the aura of death, it will not continue to snowball.

The major forces were not in a hurry to provide support because they knew that the Falcon Principality was very strong and could rival an empire like Irollan, so they were naturally not in a hurry to take action.

As for the casualties? .

After wars and natural disasters, no one died that time? , so they don't care about casualties at all. It is in line with the wishes of the major forces that the Falcon Principality can be severely damaged.

Even the Holy Church, which was 'incompatible' with evil, seemed to have forgotten this at this time and quietly sat back and watched the invasion of demons and undead.


The Falcon Principality was stunned by this stab in the back from the Holy Church.

Without the evil natural enemy of the Holy Church to take action, the Falcon Principality would naturally be in a situation where it would be defeated. At least it would not be able to gain the upper hand until it was well prepared.

As for what the Pope thinks, others don't know, but Zhao Hao knows it very well.

Alliance of Light!

An alliance with the Holy Church as its core is what he wants to see.

The current Justice League is composed of three major camps, and the Holy Church is only one of them, so he will naturally destroy it.

And to destroy the Justice League, there is nothing better than severely damaging the representative forces of the three major camps.

Of course, the Falcon Principality can see the attitude of the major forces and knows that it is impossible to obtain support, at least not until it reaches a desperate situation.

So in addition to going all out himself, he also pulled the only help into the battlefield.

That's right, it's a player!

At this stage, the only ones willing to enter are the players.

And in order to let the players do their best, this time it can be said that a lot of money has been spent, ranging from noble titles and territories to treasures and equipment, all of which are clearly marked and exchanged.

For this reason, it was protested by all major forces.

After all, once they have this example, they will have to pay more if they want players to contribute.

The Falcon Principality's reply was extremely tough.

‘As long as your support comes, then this decision will be revoked’

One sentence silenced all major forces.

Naturally, no one is willing to let them serve as cannon fodder for the Falcon Empire. If they want to harvest the spoils of war, they will rush to do it.

So this decision that made countless combat players crazy appeared.

Players are much more upright than the major forces.

As long as the reward is high, something will happen! .

Even though there was a lot of trouble and even hostility before, once I saw the rewards presented by the Falcon Principality, I instantly felt really good.

There are not many players on the demon side participating, except for players who like killing and destruction and pursue excitement, because the opponent is not as generous as the Falcon Principality.

It should be noted that Ofer did not move.

Oufei is the representative force of the main plane of the hell camp.

The relationship with the Abyss Hell is like a powerful colony and a sovereign state. Although they have the same origin, they each have their own ambitions and ideas. They seem to be a whole, but they are seriously divided internally.

In other words, both sides have nothing to do with each other, otherwise they would have started fighting each other long ago.

As for the little tricks in secret, they are completely commonplace.

The demons of the Abyss Hell would rather open the hell passage in Diya than in Ofer, which reflects the relationship between the two parties.

Soon, the opportunity Zhao Hao had been waiting for arrived.

The Falcon Principality began to send people to various major forces to grab supplies, from food to weapons and equipment, and they were all welcome.


It was extremely lively today, with countless people gathering and materials piled on the deck.

"Set off!"

Zhao Hao, who had been preparing for this plan for a long time, his eyes flashed with excitement and was ready to start the plan.

On this departure, he was separated from the fleet.

Because he had to negotiate the terms first, and the Storm would escort the fleet into the Bucks Principality under the command of Curry.

As for entering the Falcon Principality directly, that is completely overthinking.

At the beginning of the war, functions such as teleportation and two-way monuments within the opponent's territory were all unavailable. He was not willing to go there before the conditions were agreed upon, otherwise he would be deceived by manipulations such as withholding goods, without any negotiation.

In the past, when he was a player and approached the Falcon Principality to negotiate terms, they would only say, 'Who are you sending money to? ’, not even a bird at all.

But things are different now. After all, the Storm Territory is also the territory of the Buck Principality. Coupled with the two sea battles, the Storm Territory's special status has also been established.

This can be seen from the fact that the Bucks Dukedom accepted their ‘surrender’.

Although the natives exclude players, there is another set of rules for the strong, and the Storm Territory enjoys this rule.

It can also be said that although the Storm Territory is a player territory, all major forces will regard it as an aboriginal territory.

This is both good and bad!

The advantage is that the major forces have accepted him and can intervene in many things.

The disadvantage is that all major forces will be wary of him, and all kinds of dirty tricks and methods will emerge in an endless stream.

Freya transformed back into her original form, carrying Zhao Hao and Feida into the sky.

The Storm, a high-sea merchant ship loaded with cargo, slowly left the port.

It will take about a week for the fleet to reach the Bucks Principality.

But Zhao Hao and the others only took half a day to arrive at the south gate of the Summer Palace, the capital of the Buck Principality.

"Finally it begins!"

Zhao Hao looked at the city gate in front and sighed.

"Sir, the greeter is here!"

Feida reminded Zhao Hao, who was deep in thought, that someone was coming to greet them.

Step, step!

Amidst the heavy sound of horse hooves.

A gorgeous and mighty troop of heavily armored knights, all holding high the flags representing the royal family, slowly walked towards them.

Zhao Hao, the fiefdom lord, could be considered an 'important minister' after all. He informed of the arrival, so it was not surprising that he was greeted.

This is also a rule!

If there is no notification, then even if you are in the royal capital, the officials will treat you as invisible and default to handling private matters.

But if it is after the notification, it is official business, and naturally it must be carried out according to procedures.

Zhao Hao really had official business this time, so he informed him in advance. This is also why the other party's time was so well stuck.

Pedestrians on the road retreated to both sides of the road and bowed to salute.

At this time, the difference between players and aborigines can be seen.

Although the players also retreated, they not only did not salute, but instead started talking in low voices.

"Tsk, this score is really grand!"

"These armors are so beautiful!"

"The people greeted by the other party look familiar?"

"++, it's Feng Liuyun!"

The players looked along the welcoming team.

He saw a figure in the middle wearing green leather armor and carrying a staff, as well as conspicuous presences on both sides.

One gold, one red!

Wearing light golden armor, with two dragon-tooth-handled knives tied to her waist, the royal sister has blond hair and golden eyes, and has a cool temperament.

A red-haired girl with red leather armor and a fiery temperament.

The players were very familiar with their names and achievements, so they naturally recognized the person in the middle through them.

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