The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 805 Plague and Food Collapse!

Step, step!

A group of people walked in from the hall door.

Everyone subconsciously stood up from the sofa and ended the conversation at the same time.

the reason is simple.

Because among the group that came, the first two had special status.

Among them, the eldest old man with a tough attitude and a hawk-like attitude is the owner of the manor.

Duke Barlov!

He is also the military boss of the Bucks Principality and is the commander of the coalition forces supporting the army this time.

Being able to be the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces is not because the Bucks are the strongest, but because they are the most reassuring.

Next to the other party, the young man wearing the dress of the Falcon Principality should be the quartermaster + special envoy this time.

Of course, the others were not ordinary. They were all dressed in formal wear, military uniforms, etc., and the group looked majestic.

Except for the Griffin Principality, the remaining major principalities have arrived.

Well, the Griffin Principality is now in a miserable state.

The territory and power have been eroded by the major principalities. If Griffin City and its surroundings had not become a place where the undead are inhabited, and the major principalities have kept a large distance for safety reasons, it would not be surprising to declare the country's subjugation directly.

Now there are eight principal principalities in name, but in fact they are seven principal principalities.

After the group entered the hall, they did not waste time and walked directly to the specially built speaking platform in the center.

The young quartermaster standing next to Duke Balof took a step forward and spoke.


"We, the Falcon Principality, are resisting the invasion of evil demons and undead!"

“That’s why I specially invite you all to come!”

The other party spoke with great passion, as if the Falcon Principality was not fighting for itself, but to protect the world.

good results!

Just look at the enthusiastic and excited expressions on the faces of the people gathered to know how great the effect is.

Well, if Zhao Hao didn't know the inside story, he might have really believed it.

Just kidding, if these people were so easy to impress, they wouldn't be able to stab them in the back. The war has been going on for so long, and apart from supporting the Wolf Principality, they have no intention of setting foot in the Falcon Principality.

In this case, looking at the appearance of these people, don't you think they are a bit...hypocritical? .

But there is no way.

Businessmen and nobles are the two most hypocritical groups. If they act, those little fresh meat will be turned into scum in seconds.

So the enthusiastic and excited look now is just an act.

If you ask them to provide money or send troops, the other party will immediately perform a show called "turning the page faster than turning the page in a book".

In fact, this speech was to explain the purpose of the reception.

Although the quartermaster's words were mixed with a lot of nonsense, he also said the serious things.


The other party will provide a catalog of purchased materials, and then the merchants present will bid for the supply.

The reception is not a banquet, and of course there will be no complicated programs. After the speech, we will go directly to the topic.

A waiter distributed purchase orders to everyone, including members of the military.

Are the military also businessmen? .

It sounds weird, but it's normal.

Most of the top military officials are nobles. If this group pays attention to the appearance, they will support the Chamber of Commerce. If they don't care about the appearance, they will end up on their own.

The ones who come to share the cake today are naturally the nobles, but they appear as military personnel, so they pay attention to their eating habits.


Zhao Hao exclaimed subconsciously when he saw the catalog in his hand.

Fortunately, he was not the only one who screamed, so no one else noticed.

Because compared to him, the others exclaimed louder.

The reason is naturally the purchasing catalog in hand.

Take the simplest example.

Flour: 50 million tons.

Maximum purchase price: 500 gold coins/ton

One very important thing can be seen from this data.

The Falcon Principality is extremely short of food.


Zhao Hao murmured to himself.

The Falcon Principality is not like the Buck Principality, which is an environment with many mountains and little land. Although the other side needs to import food, there is absolutely no such exaggerated gap. Even if it is caught in a war, it will not be so short of food so quickly.

Looking at this data, it is not a problem to say that the other party's food inventory has collapsed.

"I heard that there is a plague among the undead. Just a little bit can slowly erode the food of an area. Something happened to the Falcon Principality's main granary!"

Phyllis leaned over and whispered a piece of information.

It has to be said that the other party is indeed from the Greyhound Principality, and the information is well-informed.

Most of the people who attended the reception did not know this news.


Zhao Hao's tone was extremely subtle.

If he remembered correctly, his Mia had talents in two directions. One was the transformation of the undead. This could be seen from the fact that the batch of abominations became the most popular unit under the undead lord.

Another talent is plague, which is also the main reason for the opponent's reputation.

In the original history, the other party did create this kind of plague that specifically targeted food. As long as it was covered for three days, it could not be eaten, and if it was forcibly eaten, it would become undead.

It is precisely because of this plague that the Filial Son Sword made those forces miserable on the battlefield. After all, you can't fight when you are hungry.

The question is, is it too early to show up now? .

According to the original history, it would have taken at least several decades to appear.

And it was this plague that killed countless forces. If the Holy Church had not formed the Alliance of Light in time to drive the undead back to Diya, the entire world might have been crippled.

It’s a big deal now!

Although I knew that the basic conditions provided to Mia were too good and that the other party's achievements would definitely far exceed history, I didn't expect such an exaggeration. I just hoped it wasn't her.

Looking at the people around him with pity, Zhao Hao knew that this time the castle camp was in tragedy.

As a reborn person who has seen this kind of plague, he knows that it is impossible to resist it in the early stage. Only by tasting its horror and characteristics can he understand how to deal with it.

But this is a good thing for the Stormlord!

Food production is really not a problem for them.

As long as there are enough demon corpses, frantic reclamation will be enough.

Planting has entered "industrialization", and there is no shortage of devil brand "fertilizer", so don't be too relaxed when it comes to harvesting food.

It’s okay to say now!

When the major principalities are short of food due to plague and war, they will not refuse the Chamber of Commerce's good deed of 'rescuing' refugees.

With the refugees, the Storm Territory, which has laid a good foundation, can soar into the sky.

The hard work before was not in vain.

Workshops, wheat fields, management systems, etc. are all laid out. As long as there are enough manpower to fill in, explosive development can be achieved in an instant.

Moreover, the people in the heroic world may be different from reality.

It's entirely up to whoever is in charge of the territory, and there's no need to worry about anything else.

After all, there are not many literate people, and their activities are always close to their birthplace. As long as they have enough to eat, it is completely impossible for this kind of people to cause trouble.

In addition to food, other needs are far beyond imagination.

For example, long swords can be purchased in units of millions. With such a huge demand, it is no wonder that they have to purchase from several major principalities. No matter which principality they are, they cannot afford such a large order.

Of course, the fact that the Falcon Principality has put forward such a huge list also means to win over several major principalities. After all, they are in urgent need of support.

There is also a quotation at the back of the catalog.

As long as you fill in the quantity and price on it, you can hand it over, and the Falcon Principality will choose the chamber of commerce with the lowest price to sign the agreement.

Of course, the quality will be checked when receiving the goods, and it is not impossible to pass it off as good, as long as you can afford the cost.

Two hundred thousand tons of flour!

Fifty thousand tons of salted fish!

Zhao Hao filled all the cargo brought by the fleet.

As for the price? .

It wasn't a discount at all, but a direct fracture.

Now wheat costs about 300 gold coins per ton, and flour costs about 500 gold coins.

The guaranteed price offered by the Falcon Principality is only a profit, but not a huge profit, so others will think twice every time it drops by 1 gold coin.

That means the quantity is large!

Otherwise, no one might be willing to sell to the other party. If you sell it to those Rannar orcs, you can get thousands of gold coins, isn't it good? .

While collecting the quotation form, the young quartermaster glanced at Zhao Hao a few times, said a few words to the waiter beside him, and then left the hall.

Not long after, a waiter came to Zhao Hao and whispered:

"Your Excellency, Viscount Jerry invites you to taste some fine wine. I wonder if you are free?"

"Of course!"

Zhao Hao stood up.

Jerry was the name of the quartermaster. When the other party called him, he naturally wanted it.

Looking at his back, Phyllis sitting aside murmured to herself.

"I didn't expect that!"

As for what he didn't expect, that's unknown.

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