The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 813 Golden Valley!

"While stationed, I will mine, and the output will not be lower than before, 30-70, you 3-7!"

Zhao Hao revealed his trump card.

That's right, I'll find someone to mine while I'm stationed.

Just because aboriginal miners can't do it doesn't mean that player miners can't do it.

Life players are not afraid of death. At most, they will lose levels and skill proficiency.

What's more, he still has two big moves in his hand.

Shadow Swordsman, Phantom Shooter.

The former is responsible for the mines, where shadow swordsmen are easier to use than any other type of soldier.

In the valley, there are also phantom shooters blocking the way. Not to mention the demon squad, even the big demon can easily kill them.

With these advantages, it is no wonder that Zhao Hao dared to pursue the idea of ​​Golden Valley.

Of course, he knew these things because of the information provided by the Hundred Flowers Club, otherwise he would not have known about the Golden Valley at the southernmost point of the Eagle Claw Defense Line.

See, this is the role of the other party.

Whether it's business, intelligence, or even attracting people to film, Baihua Club can play a role.

And because the other party does not develop combat power, it makes people believe that the other party is 'harmless'. If it is a guild with strong combat power, people will not believe it easily.

Business groups can be trusted by major forces because they only focus on business.


Mori's suddenly raised voice raised eyebrows, but after finding no follow-up movement, no one came over.

Just looking at the other party's twisted fat face, Zhao Hao smiled in his heart.

Because the other party did not refuse, but acted as if he had received less.

"Forty to six at most. You guys are an extra bonus. I'm the one doing the work. Taking 40% for free is enough for you to explain to your supporters!"

Zhao Hao continued to quote.

Thinking of the precious associated mines in the Golden Valley, his heart beat a lot faster.

With these precious metals, high-end equipment can be built.

The dwarf blacksmith's forging ability is naturally powerful, but there are not many high-end materials in the Storm Territory. There are no other high-end materials except ghost iron, and it is impossible to get any good equipment.

For example, those knights have heavy armor. If you add a little fine gold, even a ballista can't penetrate it (ordinary ballista). If you add mithril, you can inscribe a magic circle on it and turn it into magic armor.

Note that a 'little' high-end metal is added, not made of these high-end metals.

This shows the preciousness of associated metals.

Anyway, players have never seen these good things in the market.

Now that he had the opportunity to get involved, how could Zhao Hao let it go.

"No!" Mori refused at first, and then suddenly whispered: "Four-six, I'm six-four, Golden Valley has too many followers, if I give 40%, I can't make it!"

Even if the Golden Valley is discontinued, it doesn't mean that no one is paying attention. If you want to change the army to garrison, there are too many people who need to take care of it.

As for whether anyone will refuse? .

Faced with free benefits, these people are afraid that they will not get enough, but no one will want to refuse.

If the Golden Valley was being mined, of course they would not dare to agree, but now that work is suspended, how could they not dare.

At the same time, I am not afraid that the storm leader will not leave!

It is within the Falcon Principality, not a wilderness. You can take it back at any time if needed. From this aspect, it is more reassuring to have Zhao Hao as a player. If it were another principality, there might be trouble.

"Fifty-five, if it doesn't work, forget it!"

Zhao Liang reported the final price.

It was just a test before, and I knew the other party's base price in my heart.

Even though Mori gets only 50% of the profits, he still has a lot to do.

At least it is not easy for the Falcon Principality to ignore its large-scale mining of ores, and he may not get much of the profits.

But in the process of distributing income, he can gain connections and power, which is the real good thing.

"Deal, the Golden Valley and the nearby defense areas are yours, but in order to prevent overcrowding, I can't send other legions to help you!"

Morrie agreed.

The Golden Valley is usually under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior, but in this case, the other party has no intention of taking care of it. All he has to do is recruit people to take advantage of it.

"Then I'll go to garrison first!"

Zhao Hao said that he would go there immediately.

Of course, someone would definitely notify the garrison before he arrived.

Defense zone mission!

This means that as long as Zhao Hao defends that area, he can get a certain basic guaranteed contribution value every day, and he can get additional contributions by killing demons.

And he can also use his contributions to release missions such as clearing, patrolling, and hunting.

The legion commander's authority is so easy to use.

After leaving Eagle Claw City, he spread his wings and quickly chased the convoy.

The location chosen by Yuan Mo was in the plains two hundred kilometers away. It was the suggestion given by the Hundred Flowers Club. Now that the Golden Valley was available, it was natural to give up there.

Flying from the air, the speed is naturally much faster than marching on the ground, and it doesn't take long to reach the sky above the troops.


Land directly into the middle of the team.

"Let's go to the Golden Valley!"

Zhao Hao had a smile that couldn't be concealed on his face.

There is really no need to hide it, because this time they sent it out, and it was a big deal.

"Golden Valley?"

Hanyue Rose frowned slightly, not understanding why she suddenly changed her purpose.

The station was not chosen randomly. For this station, Baihuahui spent a lot of energy collecting intelligence, and it was really incomprehensible that they suddenly had to change the station.

But she didn't object. She just looked at Zhao Hao calmly, knowing that the other party would explain to her.

"I have reached an agreement with the people from the Ministry of Military Affairs. During the period of stationing, we will mine ore for a 50-50 ratio. In this way, we can obtain a large amount of precious minerals!"

Zhao Hao explained softly.

After hearing the explanation, Hanyue Rose looked excited.

Because she understands very well what those high-level minerals represent.

With those high-level minerals, you can build powerful equipment. If you don't have them, you can only get equipment from various channels. Not to mention the instability, the quantity is still small.

If you build powerful equipment in batches, the profits should not be exaggerated.

Thinking of this, she walked quickly towards the convoy regardless of her appearance, and at the same time crushed the amplification reel.

"Turn around, let's go to the Golden Valley!"

Following her order, the convoy began to slowly turn around, heading east instead of heading south.

It can be seen that her control over Baihua Club is extremely strong, so that the team can respond immediately. If it were a less prestigious president, it would be a disaster to suddenly change the goal.

The team starts again.

"The problem now is that we are short of miners!"

Zhao Hao waited for Hanyue Rose to come back and began to discuss this issue with her.

Gamer Miner!

Not all players like fighting, and more players choose life careers to make money.

It sounds like there are many players who choose miners, but most of the players with high life skills are in the hands of the major unions. After all, the other party has the resources to train them. Now we are discussing with the other party. In fact, we want to borrow some miners with high mining skills through the other party's connections.

"Borrowing miners is not a problem, as long as there is enough death compensation and remuneration!"

Hanyue Rose did not refuse, she naturally understood why Zhao Hao wanted to cooperate with her.


She can naturally borrow miners from major guilds, as long as she can guarantee compensation.

"These are not problems. The important thing is to have a large number. Our stationing time is uncertain, so the more miner players there are, the more they will earn!"

Zhao Hao naturally doesn't mind giving compensation.

The Storm Territory at this time was very wealthy.

After all, you don’t need too much money to open up material trading channels.

It is usually difficult to sell supplies, but at this time when all the major forces are hoarding supplies, as long as you have supplies, you don't have to worry about not being able to sell them, but you will start to be reluctant to sell them.

Anyway, the reason is easy to find!

The first batch of goods was so large because they had been saved for some time in advance, and now the quantity has naturally become smaller.

When demons and undead are fully spread, the value of materials will soar.

"That's no problem!"

Hanyue Rose nodded, and then began to make arrangements.

Not to mention other guilds, the Hundred Flowers Guild alone has a large number of living professions among the peripheral forces, many of whom are miners, who can be transferred this time.

After spending a few days, the team finally arrived at the Golden Valley area.

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