The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 814 Handover and being cheated!

Golden Valley!

The area is not too exaggerated, it is only an area with a radius of tens of kilometers.

But just like the name, the terrain of this valley is complex and full of various mines. It is like a maze + a honeycomb.

At the same time, this is also the only passage to the northwest region of Falcon Principality within a few hundred kilometers nearby.

It is precisely because of the importance of this place that it was taken care of by the devil's harassment team, causing a large number of miners' casualties.

It’s not easy to defend.

Of course, the Falcon Principality has set up a forbidden air formation, which not only prevents it from flying over, but also makes it impossible to use space capabilities.

If a large army were sent to attack, it would easily alarm Eagle Claw City. The Archangel Legion there could arrive quickly and directly outflank the demon's retreat, and the losses would be heavy.

So small-scale attacks are the strategy of the devils.

"No wonder no city was built here!"

Hanyue Rose looked around and complained at the steep terrain.

Food, water, and other basic supplies have to be transported from other places, and the supply pressure is indeed not small. If there are more demons constantly attacking the transport convoy, it will be difficult to withstand it.

"Let's go!"

Zhao Hao led the team towards the fortress that was several hundred meters wide and tens of meters high in the middle of the valley entrance.

The fortress is built of blue-black boulders. Although it is not a fortress built by the Lord's Heart, its defensive power is also exaggerated.

As long as we hold on to this place and are covered by long-range firepower, we don't have to worry about the enemy army passing through the Golden Valley and directly entering the principality.

Of course, it would not be easy to stop even a small force.

Since someone had notified them in advance, and Zhao Hao and the others were holding the flag, naturally there would be no bloody plot.

When the other party handed over, he looked at Zhao Hao with a trace of pity in his eyes.

"If you really can't stand it, send a signal, and Eagle Claw City's support will arrive quickly!"

An army of this strength is indeed unbearable.

The legion under his command is composed of 300 units of fourteenth-level archangels, 3,000 units of tenth-level priests, 10,000 units of eighth-level crusaders, and 20,000 fourth-level marksmen.

Even though it was so powerful, more than half of it was lost due to the continuous harassment of demons.

The opponent's small number of troops may not be able to withstand it for long before they will be disabled. In addition, there are orders from can we not be pitied.

I hope everyone is okay.

"Thanks for reminding!"

Zhao Hao didn't know it yet, but he was being pitied.

In fact, in terms of combat effectiveness, he is definitely stronger.

Although he has few champion-level troops under his command, he has two special units: phantom shooters and shadow swordsmen, which can absolutely crush the opponent in a fight.

Especially for phantom shooters, no matter how many enemies there are, they can't shoot enough.

Especially here it is invincible.

Forbidden air array!

This means that the area of ​​dozens of kilometers can only be advanced from the ground. If you cannot fly, with the terrifying long-range firepower of the Phantom Shooter, it is a complete dream to cross the valley.

The main defensive force of the legion stationed before was not the archangel, but the two long-range troops, the priest and the marksman.

The role of the three hundred archangels is not to fight, but to revive.

With Archangel, even if the long-range troops are severely damaged by the enemy, they can be resurrected at once.

Not a bad tactic!

This move may have tricked many demons.

Think about it, those demons managed to wipe out a large number of long-range troops with long-range firepower, but in the blink of an eye they found that they were resurrected and continued to fight, and their morale might be gone in an instant.

It's a pity that Zhao Hao can't copy this tactic.

Because he does not have an archangel under his command, a champion unit with resurrection skills.

As for why the melee unit is the elite-level Crusaders instead of the ace-level knights with stronger defense? .

It’s because of the terrain! .

In this rugged terrain, there is no room for the knight to play, so he is naturally not suitable for fighting.

After the other party got the handover documents and left with the legion, Zhao Hao turned back to Hanyue Rose behind him and said:

"You go find a flat place in the valley to set up camp. I'll check the fortress first!"

The fortress is not large, so it is naturally impossible to set up a camp inside.


Hanyue Rose led the convoy towards the valley.

The camp is used for supplies, task distribution, rest, and trading. Just relying on these alone can make Baihua Club very profitable.

Five hundred black ox carts can barely move in a place like this, but the carriages are miserable, and the speed is completely less than a fraction of the normal speed.

That is to say, the carriage and horses are very special. If it were replaced by a normal carriage, it would have fallen to its knees.

"Ellie, take the Shadow Swordsman and clean up the valley. I don't want to be attacked by demons!"

Zhao Hao ordered his silver-haired and purple-eyed hero.


Ellie and the Shadow Swordsmen spread out and poured into the valley from both sides of the stone castle.

With the ability of the Shadow Swordsman, cleaning it once will at least make the Golden Valley much safer.

"Beo, please cooperate with Blackstone, and we'll leave the camp to you guys."

Zhao Hao did not send troops to defend the camp, but asked Viking warriors and half-elf archers to cooperate.

There is no problem with the types of troops in combat.

But the camp is not only responsible for security. Once there are more players, there will be a lot of troubles, and non-army troops will be needed to maintain order.


Blackstone and Beo followed the Baihuahui convoy into the valley with Viking warriors and half-elf archers.

As a result, there were only 6 golden dragons, 300 unicorn beasts, and 9,000 phantom shooters left in the Stone Castle Fortress.

The phantom shooters climbed onto the city wall.

The unicorn beast is still responsible for providing magical defense to prevent demons from using spells to cause casualties.

The golden dragon crawls near the city gate. If the enemy really wants to break in, they will be blocked.


Zhao Hao, who followed the phantom shooter onto the city wall, let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?"

Freya subconsciously took a step forward and prepared for battle at the same time as Feida.

"It's okay!" Zhao Hao waved his hand to the two of them to calm down, and then reminded: "Don't you notice something is wrong?"

There is indeed an awkward feeling on the city wall, as if something is missing.

"That's right, the war machine is missing!"

Feida saw the problem.

The castle camp is good at using external forces, and there are naturally no shortage of war machines.

Bed crossbow, trebuchet!

This is a must-have for almost all fortresses, but there is not even one here, which is a bit weird.

If it was destroyed by the enemy, the other party would definitely explain it during the handover, but they would not mention it at all, which is indeed very problematic.

"Then shall we complain to someone from the Military Affairs Office?"

Freya was a little dissatisfied.

It was obvious that my family had been tricked.

"No, that's useless!"

Zhao Hao shook his head.

Although he didn't know who did it, he knew that the other party was able to mobilize the war machinery, which showed that the Falcon Kingdom had a lot of power, and he was not afraid of being discovered by them if he dared to do this.

But he remembered this grudge first and returned it when he had the chance.

First place Hydra's Wrath on the city wall.

Defending the city with this powerful weapon is definitely a nightmare for attackers.

Indeed, the terrain of the Golden Valley, coupled with the forbidden air formation, is a complete slaughterhouse for long-range firepower.

What other long-range troops are more suitable for garrisoning than Phantom Shooters? .

With terrifying range and extremely powerful lethality, even champion-level enemies cannot withstand the long-range firepower of the Phantom Shooter.

Especially under the premise of forbidden air, the big devil is no better than ordinary extraordinary monsters in front of it, and the opponent's flickering ability cannot be used.

After everything is arranged, the real test comes.

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