The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 823 Delivery!

"Liu Yun, the Ministry of Military Affairs asked us to transport the ore to Eagle Claw City. Did something happen?"

A trace of anxiety appeared on Hanyue Rose's charming face.

Golden Valley has just gotten on the right track, and if something goes wrong, she will be willing to buy and kill people.

Zhao Hao calmly analyzed:

"It's normal. The demons are attacking Eagle Claw City now. There is no danger here anymore. The Falcon Principality just wants to take it back and mine it for itself!"

His confident tone infected Hanyue Rose, causing her to calm down and nod in agreement:

“But as long as we give the other party more ore, we have reason to refuse the other party to mine it themselves!

She had actually thought of this, but she had been unable to calm down before.

If you have no strength, you will naturally feel flustered.

Seeing that Hanyue Rose had calmed down, Zhao Hao continued:

"Load all the ore mined during this period into the truck, and I will lead the legion to escort it to Eagle Claw City!"

Now it is impossible to enter Eagle Claw City without the protection of the legion.

The demons did not surround the city.

The numbers on both sides were astonishing, how could a small Eagle Claw city accommodate them?

Therefore, fighting in the area in front of Eagle Claw City is indeed dangerous if you want to enter.

In fact, it is safest to go straight through the Golden Valley and deliver the ore elsewhere.

But the problem is that Zhao Hao's partner is Mori.

The other party is in Eagle Claw City, and the delivery target can only be given to the other party. After all, their agreement was private, and they didn't even sign the contract. The mining was regarded as "private" mining.

Only by placing the ore in front of the opponent can he convince the forces behind him to continue supporting the Storm Army to station in the Golden Valley.

Therefore, the only choice for delivery point is Eagle Claw City.

Hanyue Rose didn't know this, but she didn't ask why she didn't change the delivery location. She nodded and left the fortress to prepare.

And Zhao Hao is also thinking about dispatching those troops to escort.

You must bring two troops, the Phantom Shooter and the Shadow Swordsman, as they are the main force.

Bring the unicorn beast too!

Not only can it serve as a mount, but it can also provide spell defense.

Then there are six golden dragons.

Useful in both ground and air combat.

You should also bring some Silver Pegasus, they are not expected to be effective in combat, but they can provide reconnaissance capabilities.

Thinking about it this way, except for Viking warriors and half-elf archers, almost all types of soldiers must be brought.

In the past, if we took away so many troops, we might still have to worry about the safety of the Golden Valley.

But now the number of players exceeds one million!

Although most of them are miners, the remaining combat power is extremely strong, and there are Viking warriors and half-elves stationed in the fortress, so there is no need to worry about safety issues.

After all, the scythe plan is underway, and the demons have no interest in causing trouble for the players.

At this time, Zhao Hao had already vaguely guessed what the demons' strategy was.

A few hours later!

The army was assembled outside the fortress.

8920 unit eighth level phantom shooter!

3851 units of eighth-level shadow swordsmen!

100 units of eighth-level silver pegasus!

300 units of level 12 unicorn beast!

6 units of level 14 golden dragons!

The total number is only over 10,000 units, but their combat effectiveness is absolutely powerful.

The weakest is also the eighth-level elite unit.

Among them are phantom shooters, a type of unit that, with Zhao Hao's blessing, can achieve explosive long-range output.

The core is the Phantom Shooter!

This army cannot compare with the main force of demons, but it is really a challenge when encountering scattered demon legions.


The convoy has also arrived.

A giant black bull, several meters tall, slowly came dragging a metal vehicle the size of a container.

Black bull cart!

The transportation volume started at 100 tons, and more than 100 vehicles were dispatched this time.

Thirteen thousand tons!

This is the production during this time.

This number can only be described as an exaggeration.

Because in the past, this output was almost half the annual output of the Golden Valley. For this output, the Golden Valley maintained a scale of hundreds of thousands of people all year round, and more than a few hundred people died every day.

There are too many reasons for the yield gap, so I won’t go into details here.

And Zhao Hao didn't even keep his own half this time, choosing to take them all with him just to show one thing to Mori.

If you leave the Golden Valley to yourself, the benefits will far exceed what you get back.

Only in this way can the other party withstand the pressure and let the golden valley be mined by itself.

"Set off!"

Zhao Hao rode on the back of the unicorn beast and announced his departure.

Ellie, Freya, and Feida also set off with the team, and the fortress was handed over to Beo and Blackstone. At the same time, they were also controlled by the Cold Moon Rose.

It's not that Zhao Hao trusts the other party more, but because the other party needs this power.

There are too many players in the Golden Valley now. If she doesn't have reliable power in her hands, she won't be able to hold down the field.

The team is very fast!

Troop marching can be different from normal troops.

The terrifying power of the Black Bull allows it to drag a heavy vehicle full of ore without any pressure and can maintain a not slow speed.

That is to say, the vehicle uses special metal and is equipped with magic blessing, otherwise it will not be able to withstand it at all.

It took a few days to get here because the team was so huge.

Now after being streamlined and without the heavy carriage, the speed has more than doubled.

It only took more than a day to enter the area near Eagle Claw City.

After arriving here, we also entered the war zone.

With the team as the core, the Silver Pegasus monitors a thirty-kilometer range from the sky.

Only monitor such a large area.

It's because once you encounter a big demon, only such a close distance can make it quickly return to the range of the phantom shooter.

Big devil!

Without an archangel on our side, there is almost nothing we can do against the other side.

It is precisely because of this that Silver Pegasus brought so few.

As for the golden dragon? .

The battlefield lethality and deterrence far exceed that of the big devil.

In a one-on-one fight, unless you are within the forbidden air range, you will be beaten directly by the big devil.

It's not because the big devil is stronger.

Although the Golden Dragon is a military unit, after the Dragon Blood Altar enhances its attributes by 30%, there is not much difference with the opponent's attributes.

The key is restraint!

The big devil is small in size, and with the opponent's dexterity, it is enough to make all the attacks of the golden dragon fail. Even a single blow can severely damage the opponent, but it is useless if it cannot be touched.

The battlefield is a giant performance venue, and small-scale battles or one-on-one battles are really not possible.

The golden dragon didn't want to enjoy the pain of being beaten without being able to fight back.

"Sir, there is a demon army approaching from the front, numbering nearly 10,000!"

A Silver Pegasus landed in front of him and reported what he saw to Zhao Hao.

After listening to the report, Zhao Hao had no intention of asking the convoy to stop and wait for the battle, but just called casually.


After receiving the order, Ellie led the shadow swordsmen under her command to speed up and rush forward. Freya and Feida also followed to join in the fun.

The six golden dragons were not willing to be outdone and kept up.

In the face of big demons, they are submissive, but in the face of these demons, they strike hard.

Zhao Hao led the phantom shooter and the unicorn beast to protect the convoy. The sky was monitored by silver pegasus, which was enough to ensure that they would not be raided.

More than an hour later!

The convoy arrived at the battlefield, or rather the former battlefield.

Because the battle is over.

A large number of demon corpses fell to the ground, and the shadow swordsmen stayed aside quietly, their short black cloaks fluttering in the wind, looking chilling and powerful.

The demon troops numbering around 10,000 are standard 'guerrillas', the kind that are not even qualified to participate in the main battlefield. It's no wonder that Zhao Hao doesn't take them to heart at all.

However, when they were only a few dozen kilometers away from Eagle Claw City, they encountered a fierce battle.

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