The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 824 The Seventh Legion!

Fierce fighting!

It refers to a fierce battle.

On one side is the Falcon core-level legion that has formed a square defense, and on the other side is the overwhelming demonic frenzy.

The number of core legions exceeds 100,000, and the number of champion-level units is no less than 1,000.

Note that this criterion is a bottom line, not an upper limit.

This core army numbered more than 200,000.

The sky is made up of 1,000 units of 14th-level archangels as the core, and tens of thousands of 6th-level royal griffons as wings. Corpses of soldiers and demons are constantly falling from the sky.

On the ground, the outermost layer of the legion surrounded by demons was a large number of spearmen.

The spearmen who set up a dense defensive spear array can play a great role on the battlefield, and their hidden characteristic of "impact resistance" can also well offset the demonic impact.

Behind the spearmen, there were 50,000 units of fourth-level marksmen shooting wildly. There were more than a dozen supply vehicles and ballistas in the formation.

Tens of thousands of Crusaders stood in front like a steel city wall, blocking the devil's attack.

In the center of the square are 10,000 units of tenth-level priests and 5,000 12th-level knights, protecting a group of heroes and legion flags.

[The Seventh Falcon Legion! 】

The flag indicates that this is a well-established regiment of the Falcon Principality.

The Legion was like a killing machine, killing the surrounding demons accurately and efficiently.

The number of demons is extremely terrifying.


Although most of them are cannon fodder summoned by demons using their natural abilities, on the battlefield, cannon fodder can consume the enemy's physical strength and energy, and its effect is not small.

The devil's tactics are simple.

Summon low-level demons to serve as cannon fodder, and then attack with all your strength.

It is completely overthinking to expect these demons to obey orders and execute tactics.

Perhaps for this reason, the League of Evil is also known as the 'League of Chaos', and the Justice League is known as the 'League of Order'.

Not only refers to its internal situation, but also refers to its battlefield performance.

But if not for this, the Evil League might have destroyed the Justice League long ago.

After clearly seeing the battlefield a few kilometers ahead, Ellie, Feida, and Freya turned to look

Faced with this situation, Zhao Hao was also speechless.

Who would have thought that something like this would happen when we were about to enter Falcon City.

Is there any remaining strength in Eagle Claw City? .

there must be!

But they won't come to support.

At this time, Eagle Claw City has already used all its main forces to fight the demons. There are not many troops left, which are needed to defend Eagle Claw City and cannot be easily dispatched.

Once Eagle Claw City is lost, no matter how many troops there are on the front line, they will have to kneel down no matter how capable they are of fighting.

The point is that Morrie had no command.

Even though he is the boss of the Military Affairs Department, there are many people with higher status than him in Eagle Claw City, and the command authority is not his turn, so don't expect anyone to come to the rescue.

"Let the convoy stay back and wait!"

Zhao Hao made a decision.


If the Seventh Legion wins, everything is easy to say. If the opponent loses, the demons' first target is the opponent. The opponent will not take their small number of troops seriously, and it will not be too late to take action at that time.

Following his order, the troops turned around and retreated.

If they don't retreat, the devil will detach some troops to deal with them even if it is to eliminate hidden dangers.

Of course, just because the team retreated a certain distance did not mean that Zhao Hao and the others also had to retreat. They stayed to watch the battle.

The devil's side also relaxed at this time and launched an attack with all its strength.

Boom, boom!

Fireballs smashed into the spearmen and crusaders' defense lines one after another, blasting gaps in the extremely solid defense lines.

Demons have various talents, and it is not surprising to awaken one or two magic abilities sometimes, not to mention there are magic demons like Gog.

If both sides only had close combat troops, it would not be surprising to see such a huge number of people kill each other for several days.

But if there are life-harvesting machines like long-range troops, the casualties should not be too fast.

Especially under the bombardment of various spells, the Seventh Legion suffered a lot of losses.

Under the regimental flag.

"Damn devil!"

A blond middle-aged man riding on a war horse and wearing gorgeous armor cursed.

He led the Seventh Legion out of the city to intercept. He thought he could easily deal with this demonic force, but he didn't expect the opponent to be so difficult to deal with.

"Legion commander, if we don't find a way to counterattack, our defense line will collapse!"

One of the heroes under his command whispered.

Large-scale legions often have more than hundreds of thousands of troops. The command of one hero is naturally far from enough, and using battle skills and treasures is too extravagant. Therefore, multiple heroes are used to lead the army, and the command power belongs to the legion commander.

The legion commander also understood that if the devil kept attacking with spells, his own defense line would indeed be unable to withstand it. He nodded and said:

"Let the knights attack immediately and deal with those Gog!"

Both Lancers and Crusaders can withstand melee demons, but long-range spells really cannot withstand them.

That is to say, the marksman's commanding hero does not have ballistic skills, otherwise it would not be like this.

With ballistic skills, the marksman can not only attack the enemies in front of him, but can also use projectiles to directly attack long-range demons such as Gog behind him.

On the battlefield, long-range troops with ballistics and without ballistics are completely different things.

The priest, who had been waiting quietly and occasionally attacking enemies in the sky, suddenly opened fire forward.

The magic light balls tore apart the body of the demon in front, causing it to fall in pieces.

The priest's spell is a holy light attack, which has extra damage to evil targets. Naturally, the demons cannot withstand it, so the pressure on the front line is greatly reduced.

At the same time, the sharpshooters, crusaders, and spearmen in front separated to both sides, revealing a passage dozens of meters wide.

A few kilometers away!

"Sir, is it useful for these knights to attack?"

Feida asked curiously.

Well, she doesn't have the same inheritance as Freya. She has been growing up in the wilderness before. Even though she has been taking extra lessons in the Storm Territory, she still doesn't know some things.

"Feida, which branch of the Seventh Legion do you think is the most important?"

Zhao Hao asked back.

This time is also the best opportunity to give guidance to your subordinates.

Having inherited knowledge only means ‘knowing it’, but it does not mean knowing how to use it.

Just like Ellie, her commanding ability has also grown a lot compared to before. This is because she has seen more of his command and also personally led the troops on the battlefield.


Feida answered without thinking.

Those 1,000 units of fourteenth-level archangels are of course the strongest and most core unit of the Seventh Legion.

"That's not right!" Zhao Hao shook his head and explained, "It's true that the Archangel is the champion unit, but it is considered an auxiliary in the Seventh Legion, and the Knights are the strongest unit of the opponent!"

Yes, for the aristocratic forces in the castle camp, the core is knights, royal griffins, marksmen, and spearmen.

With archangels, priests, and crusaders as its core is the Holy Church.

The seven major arms of the castle camp are vaguely divided into two factions, representing the nobles and the Holy Church respectively.

The current Seventh Legion belongs to the Falcon Principality, and its core is naturally the knights.

It sounds incredible to have 5,000 units of knights as the main force and 1,000 units of archangels as the auxiliary, but as long as you have a deeper understanding of the castle camp, you will know that this is not surprising.

The next battle will prove this.

Step, step!

With an eagle shield in their left hand and a knight's spear thick in front and thin in the back in their right hand, the knights urged their mounts to move forward slowly.

The twelfth-level knights, both men and horses, were shrouded in heavy armor, as if they were tanks, giving people the feeling of a torrent of metal as they moved forward.

As the knights advanced, there was another change.

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