The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 841 The amazing attributes of fighting dwarves!

The big demons have arrived.

There are about a thousand in number. Since they are not military units, they will not be arranged neatly, so it is extremely difficult to count them.

Behind them are a group of fire elves and burning wing demons. The number of fire elves should be tens of thousands, while the number of burning wing demons starts at one hundred thousand.

The number of other flying demons is impossible to count.


Zhao Hao cursed lowly.

Looking at this formation, you can tell that the demons are ready to come for real this time. This is almost a formal demon army.

If the Seventh Army had encountered this demon army before, it would have been overwhelmed.

If the Storm Legion were encountered elsewhere, they would also end up running away with buckets.

Fortunately it’s in the Golden Valley!

If we encounter this in an absolutely favorable environment, we are not without the power to fight.

The leader of the great demon should be a true ‘epic’.

That kind of oppressive feeling that is so strong that it is almost substantial can simply make ordinary people suffocate. There is a fire elf wearing a crown next to him. Even if it is not epic, it is definitely at the level of 'quasi-epic'.

It can only be said that the impact of the tens of millions of creatures harvested by the Sickle Plan is indeed not small.

Even in such an insignificant place as the Golden Valley, the opponent can send such a powerful army to attack

Of course, this power is relative to the Storm Territory.

If it were the Falcon Principality, this kind of demon army would just make it face up to a little bit.

A large demon army like that is what the opponent needs to be wary of.

Perhaps sensing Zhao Hao's scrutiny, the epic-level demon with a strong build and blood-colored armor looked back.

Even from a distance, you can still feel the bloodlust and destruction in the other person's eyes.

Of course, this is just a feeling, not actually being able to see the other person's eyes clearly.

"Freya, as soon as that epic level demon comes to kill him, use the golden domain to hold him back immediately!"

Zhao Hao first warned his pet.

Only by opening the golden realm can she fight in a duel without falling behind.

At the same time, we also hope that the other party will rely on their strength to enter the fortress alone. In that case, they will have the opportunity to join forces to deal with the other party first.

If it were a normal adventure, it would be a complete dream to solve the epic.

But on the battlefield, let alone an epic, even the stronger ones died countless times.

In the heroic world, heroes are the real masters!

It's a pity that the other party will not give him such an opportunity, otherwise they will not stop those flying demons from dying.

The cannon fodder demon corpse in the trench was poured with some kerosene and burned directly.

If left untreated, demon corpses might fill the trench.

Even though the trench was tens of meters deep and hundreds of meters wide, it was nothing compared to the number of demons.

By the way, this ‘trench tactic’ was invented by future players.

Low consumption, fast molding, great effect!

Therefore, in the future, the defender will build a trench in front of the defense line if there is an opportunity.

With trenches, the low defensive line will become much higher.

Of course, we must also be careful of the enemy using trenches to directly dig down the city wall.

At this time, the endless army of demons finally arrived.

The ones rushing at the front were pitch-black dog-like monsters as strong as cattle.


Even a lion would be easily devoured by such a monster.

Many of them have evolved forms with three dog heads and have different body shapes.

The higher the rank, the bigger the body, which is pretty much the criterion.

In terms of quantity, it can only be described as a ‘sea of ​​dogs’.

Finding monsters is usually troublesome, but you don't have to worry about this at all on the battlefield. What you have to worry about is whether you can kill them.

Little monsters, Gog, evil spirits, evil gods...and other demons appeared in the field of vision one after another.

The hell camp's troop templates are based on these demons. The opponent may not be the strongest at the same level, but they must have the largest number.

If there is a civil war, at least you have to roar twice to prove that you are the just party.

But this kind of foreign war will naturally not be like that.

There is no need for any reason, just to destroy the other party.

So the demons launched their attack without any hesitation.

Looking at the demons coming like a tide, Zhao Hao glanced at Xu Dela's Wrath beside him.

This ballista was not used at all in the last defensive battle. There is definitely room for it to be used this time. Once it hits, even the epic level will be killed or disabled. The question is how to hit it.

"It's a pity that it's not easy to switch professions!"

Zhao Hao sighed in a low voice.

This kind of battle with a vampire king is definitely the first choice. A legion of vampire kings is guaranteed to be able to fight from beginning to end, and will never tire of it.

Of course, this is under the premise that the opponent's fire elves, big demons, and even demons like Gog don't take action.

"It would be great if there was a group of mages here!"

Beo whispered.

AoE damage spells are definitely a killer weapon at times like this. No matter how many demons there are, they can deal with them.

It's a pity that there are really no spellcasters among them. Even Feida's flame tyrant follows the physical and magic school and cannot even throw a fireball.

"There will definitely be more in the future!"

Zhao Hao said firmly.

He naturally knows the importance of the mage group on the battlefield.

But there is no other way. Is this something that a small storm leader like him can decide on? .

The difficulty of cultivating spellcasters and physical professions is completely different.

First you need talent, then you need resources, inheritance, and equipment.

Either condition is extremely difficult to meet.

Therefore, the mage group has nothing to do with the poor ghost forces.

Although the Storm Territory has formed the Green Field Army and the Viking Army, it is still a long time before the Mage Group. We can only look forward to the future.

"Open the city gate and let the dwarves fight!"

Zhao Hao ordered.

The opponent sent out mid- to low-level demons. Of course, it was impossible for the phantom shooters to waste firepower on the opponent, so it was natural for melee troops to appear.

The last battle was because the number of demons was limited, but this time it was different. Failure to save energy would definitely lead to tragedy.

The physical strength of long-range troops and the physical strength of melee troops are completely different from each other.

A human shield type such as the Combat Dwarf can continue fighting for half a day without stopping, but if the Phantom Shooter continues to fire for dozens of rounds, his physical strength may be exhausted.

Of course, after resting for a few minutes each round, it takes more than a hundred rounds of stamina to bottom out.

Therefore, on the battlefield, commanding an army requires attention to details in all aspects. The difference between famous generals and idiots lies in these aspects.


The heavy city gate slowly opened, and a large number of dwarves began to form formations on the dozens of meters wide passage without digging trenches.

On both sides of this passage are trenches tens of meters deep and hundreds of meters wide, making it appear extremely dangerous.

The fighting dwarf is only 1.5 meters tall, one head shorter than ordinary humans, but his body grows horizontally and is extremely strong. He wears half-armor, a horned helmet on his head, and carries a hammer in his hand. His aura is as strong as a mountain.

If it were to be led by ordinary heroes, there would naturally be nothing to say. It would be a complete dream to rely on the fourth-level troops to block such an army of demons.

But if the leader is an epic hero like Memphira, that's another matter.

Because the attributes of the fighting dwarves at this time are not like the fourth level at all.

[Level 4 Combat Dwarf] (The attributes in parentheses are after the hero’s blessing)

HP: 400 (2110)

Attack power: 7 (26)

Defense: 7 (106)

Kill: 20-40

Speed: 5(6)

Hunger level: 96

Abilities: Magic Resistance

Maintenance cost: 15 gold coins/every two weeks.

This attribute is said to belong to a fourth-level soldier. Even if it is said to be the defense attribute of an ace-level soldier, no one would doubt it.

too exaggerated!

The health and defense are extremely exaggerated.

Not to mention there is a hidden attribute that can reduce 19 points of damage.

It doesn't sound worth mentioning.

The problem is that these 19 points of damage are calculated based on the final damage of the opponent's attack under the heaven-defying defense reduction. This is enough to make people despair.

That is to say, this reduction cannot be less than 1, otherwise the combat dwarves will be immune to most physical attacks.

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