The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 852 Feida is promoted to epic!

The Falcon Principality has been relocating its people.

But there is no such thing as the Bad Wolf Principality, and the people still live in the same place.

How could it not be miserable if he was attacked by the demon army without any precautions?

In addition, the Wolf Principality is far less powerful than the Falcon Principality, and you can imagine what the consequences will be.


The entire principality desperately called for help and gathered all its troops at the same time, just to block the demon army.

It's a pity that we are taking action now, which is obviously a bit late.

Of course, the demon army has just entered the hinterland, and the result is still unknown.

After Zhao Hao heard the information provided by Baihua Club, he murmured to himself:

"I see!"

Now he understood why the previous demon army was in a hurry.

It was entirely to end the battle quickly and rush to the Wolf Principality quickly.

It's a pity that the other party didn't expect that the car would overturn in the Golden Valley.

At the same time, there were very few demons around Eagle Claw City, naturally because they all went towards the Wolf Principality to kill them.

All I can say is...well done!

Yes, this is what Zhao Hao thinks.

For him, the bigger the fuss between demons and undead, the better.

Because unless the old system collapses, there will be no room for players to rise.

Just like what happened to the Falcon Principality this time.

If it weren't for the demonic invasion, the Radiant Envoy Plan might have been implemented, forcing players to be continuously recruited as cannon fodder to resist the undead attack.

But because of the demon attack, they can only rely on players, thus giving players huge room for growth.

Therefore, Zhao Hao's mentality is understandable.

Not to mention the Wolf Principality and the Falcon Principality were attacked, he wished that all nine major camps would collapse. That would be the time for the players to truly rise.

From this point of view, he has a lot in common with the Evil Alliance.

The only difference is that he wants to dominate the world by himself, instead of being destroyed or dominated by the three evil alliance camps.

Tsk tsk!

From this point of view, Zhao Hao is the mastermind behind the scenes, and now he is just infiltrating the Justice League.

While thinking about these things, the convoy also saw Falcon City in the distance.

Falcon City!

The largest and most spectacular city in the castle camp, it can be called a miracle. It was also built during the Falcon Empire.

It is precisely after inheriting this imperial capital that the Falcon Principality will always take restoring the glory of the Falcon Empire as its own mission.

Even from a few kilometers away, you can still see the city wall that looks like a mountain.

Thick and towering yet indestructible!

This is the first impression of everyone who sees Falcon City.

Because the city wall, which is hundreds of meters high and nearly a hundred meters wide, is completely impossible to be a man-made creation, but it just appears on the earth so suddenly.

The city wall is made of huge stones that shine with a faint golden light.


A special ore.

It can absorb heat from sunlight and emit light at night. It has great restraint against evil, darkness and other forces.

Now you know where the confidence lies in the Falcon Principality, right? .

With such a fortress, the opponent is eager for the demons to attack. After all, Falcon City's defense capabilities go beyond its walls.

Falcon City is also divided into inner and outer cities.

The inner city is inside the city wall, and the outer city is outside the city wall. The inner city has a population of nearly ten million.

It doesn't sound as good as an independent main city.

But if the outer cities are included, the number would be tens of millions.

Outside the city wall, there is an outer city within a radius of several kilometers.

" big!"

Feida stood on the top of the carriage and sighed softly while looking at the city in the distance.

At this time, she suddenly gained a mysterious temperament.

Yes, there is a sense of mystery, like an extra layer of gauze added to the originally clear picture.

This is naturally because she has undergone a qualitative change.

Epic level!

At this time, Feida has entered this level.

She doesn't have the obstacles that others have. As long as her level reaches level 100, she can naturally enter the epic level, which is why the changes are so huge.

Now she is the leader of the Storm Leader in terms of combat effectiveness.

Without opening up a field, Freya is far from an opponent.

Once she opens the field, she is no match for her.

This is not because her epic is a parallel import, but because of her limited ability.

For example, the epic-level demon is a type that cannot be defeated.

It belongs to the agility system, and the most difficult talent ability is not affected at all in the field, which makes Freya fight so hard.

Instead of dealing with an epic level spellcaster, it is guaranteed to be as easy as a mother beating her son.

After entering the epic level, Feida's attributes have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Feida. Red Comet (16 years old)

Level: 100

Race: Dragonborn

Racial talent: Red dragon bloodline (immune to fire damage, can summon, manipulate, and strengthen fire, health value * 10, half-dragon transformation), strong (your strength attribute and physical attribute have double effects, with built-in toughness effect)

Occupation: Flame Tyrant (Fire power and range increased by 50%, PS: Epic blessing)

HP: 123000

Magic value: 200

Attack power: 500-1000

Defense: 100

Strength: 177

Physique: 210 (main attribute, automatically increases by 1 point every 5 levels, and gains 1 free attribute point at the same time)

Intelligence: 2

Knowledge: 2

Equipment: none


Flame Charge (Proficiency: 651/1000 Beginner): Rush towards the enemy at 300% speed, causing a large amount of fire damage.

Fire Enhancement (Proficiency: 621/1000 Elementary): Attack power and speed are increased by 10%, and cause fire damage to enemies within a three-meter radius, consuming 10 health points per second.

Dragon Transformation (Transform into half-dragon form, attack and defense *3, possess dragon wings, dragon scales, dragon breath, consume physical strength and energy when transforming)

Fireworks Burn the City (epic ability, non-upgradeable): consume a lot of physical strength and energy, summon flames to attack everything around you indiscriminately, the power depends on the physical constitution and strength attributes.

After entering the epic, many places have been qualitatively strengthened.

There is an additional ‘summoning’ effect in the bloodline of the red dragon, which can summon flames.

At first, he could only control flames, and drink the divine deer potion to gain enhanced effects. Now he has a summoning effect, making this talent even more terrifying.

There are also huge changes to career bonuses.

Originally, the Fire Tyrant profession could only increase the power and range of fire by 10%, but now it is increased by 50%, a full five times increase.

Any profession that enters Epic can have epic-level enhancements to its professional effects. Without these changes, Epic would not be able to crush the Champion-level.

The biggest change may be the attributes.

Strength and physique more than doubled.

If the attributes are low, doubling it is just doubling it, which is not a problem at all.

But if it was not low before, doubling it again would be a big deal.

After removing the equipment, the average main attributes of players are only a few dozen points. It can be seen that their main attributes start in three digits.

Not to mention other aspects, the attributes alone can easily crush the epic and below.

Not to mention an additional epic ability.

Fireworks burn the city!

There is no data and the introduction is extremely vague.

But this is the case in the heroic world. The vaguer the introduction, the greater the room for play. Just by looking at the literal introduction, you will know how exaggerated this epic ability is.

That is to say, he is still adapting to the changes in strength at the epic level, and the load of using this ability is too high, otherwise Zhao Hao really wants to experience this epic ability.


The convoy drove along the solid and wide street, and countless eyes were cast on it from both sides.

The people of the Falcon Principality always had a sense of pride in the past.

But now this feeling has disappeared.

After all, he had just been severely beaten by a demon, so of course he couldn't be proud.

At the same time, Zhao Hao also discovered a problem that concerned him.

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