The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 853 Falcon City! (Thank you guys for learning and voting)


The streets were lined with refugees.

It’s easy to tell the difference between ordinary civilians and refugees.

You can easily tell from the large amount of stains on the clothes that you didn't have time to wash, and the numb face.

The war in the southeastern region of the Falcon Principality had an extremely terrible impact on the people.

Except for tens of millions of souls who were sacrificed in blood, everyone else fled to other parts of the principality.

If it's a few million, the Falcon Principality can certainly easily accommodate it.

But tens of millions of people... really think that the other party's administrative capabilities are beyond the sky? .

Even in the real world, facing this number would be despairing, let alone the heroic world.

There is no way to count the number of people who died of freezing, starvation, or disease.

Those who are lucky enough to come to Falcon City alive are the lucky ones.

A large number of refugee corpses appear every day.

It has been several months since the demonic invasion, and the Falcon Principality's food production has been greatly affected.

It doesn't matter if it's just that, you can use the food reserves.

The problem is that the plague has destroyed the food reserves in the warehouse, so now it can no longer take care of the refugees.

Amid internal worries (food) and external threats (devils), the Falcon Principality, the boss of the castle camp, is having a hard time.

So what if I can fight again? .

If you fight with other principalities, you can fight and rob each other's food, but if you are fighting against demons, you can't go to the abyss and hell to rob the demons' food, right? .

That is to say, other forces in the castle camp continue to import food, otherwise the Falcon Principality will be even worse.

However, even if they can barely survive, there is no extra food to deal with the refugee problem at this time, which is why these refugees are like this.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Hao couldn't help laughing.

Refugees are great!

Originally, he was worried that it would be difficult to get some refugees, but now it seems that not only is there no difficulty, but it will also be an extremely powerful card.

Let the troops be stationed in a nearby barracks first, and the convoy will continue to move forward.

Since we were notified in advance, someone would naturally come to greet us in advance.

"Lord Feng Liuyun!"

A team with strong aura came over and showed Mori's token.

"Well, lead the way!"

Zhao Hao nodded.

He is not afraid that the other party is impersonating or is in any danger.

This is the capital of the Falcon King. If you can encounter danger here, then there is no safer place.

Led by the other party, the convoy arrived at the workshop area in the outer city.

There are countless blacksmith shops and furnaces! .

A large amount of weapons and equipment can be produced here every day, and it is a large workshop area.

Of course, hundreds of tons of ore can be swallowed every day.

Sound like little? .

After all, in reality, any small factory requires hundreds or thousands of tons of iron ore every day.

But everything here is artificial, and this amount is already quite a lot.

However, when the convoy arrived, it still attracted countless attention.

After all, in the past, the fleet only had dozens or hundreds of vehicles, but now it has thousands of vehicles, which is naturally eye-catching.

"Brother Liuyun!"

An enthusiastic voice sounded from the front of a warehouse facing the street.

Mori, who was dressed in silk clothes and looked like a nouveau riche, walked over quickly, with some butler-like figures behind him, who should have been sent by the big guys.

"Brother Morrie!"

Although he has no feelings for the other party, it does not prevent Zhao Hao from performing with the other party.

It's all acting, no emotion!

This was a show for others to see, showing how strong their alliance was.

During the exchange of greetings, Baihuahui's convoy also sent the ore into the warehouse, including the portion that was to be handed over to the Ministry of the Interior.

As for how the other party hands it over to the Ministry of Interior, that has nothing to do with them.

Of course, the fleet has to go to another place to load the goods.

The supplies purchased by Baihua Club have been transported to a small town not far from Falcon City, and this time the convoy will also purchase goods on the way.

Originally, he wanted to be escorted by the Storm Legion, but now that he discovered that all the demons had entered the Wolf Principality, he naturally wanted to return as soon as possible, without the need for an escort at all.

After the performance, Morrie finally got to the point and whispered:

"Let's go, brother, I'll take you to meet Ambassador Luo Keer!"

This time, Zhao Hao told him in advance that he wanted to exchange troops in batches and asked him to find a way to solve it.

With so many benefits from the Storm Army, it was naturally impossible for Mori to refuse.

Although the price of the ore is not high, it has another meaning. Naturally, if you get the benefits, you must give something in return. Otherwise, who will dare to cooperate with him in the future? .

As for the ambassador Roker mentioned by the other party, he was the envoy sent by Elrollan.

Messengers in the heroic world have considerable power.

After all, in this environment where communication is inconvenient, if you have to ask for instructions on everything, then forget about discussing anything.

Zhao Hao wanted to exchange in batches, so he really had to deal with the other party.

If no one introduces him, he will definitely not be able to get in if he goes to visit him.

But with Mori taking care of things in advance, there would be a chance, and with the big guys behind the scenes, the other side would have to give face.

Rules cannot be broken, but they can be bypassed.

The question is whether you are worth the energy of the other party to help you get around it.

The price for exchanging contribution points for arms cannot be adjusted, so Zhao Hao cannot go this route when exchanging arms in batches. At that price, no matter how much contribution points he gains, it will not be enough.

But there is another way of operating through Ambassador Ailulan, which is why we need to meet with the other party.

The carriage headed towards the inner city.

He did not take Ellie, Freya and Feida with him, but went alone.

The water in the inner city was too deep, so Zhao Hao didn't want to have any accidents, so it was more convenient to be alone, so that even if he encountered an accident, it would be easier to deal with it.

When entering the city, the guards respectfully brought a priest in robes up for inspection.


Zhao Hao looked at Mori.

If the other party's expression hadn't been as normal, he would have suspected that the other party was being targeted.

After all, he is a big boss, and even when he enters the city, he is inspected. Who are you looking down on?

Perhaps sensing his doubtful gaze, Mori explained in a low voice.

"Due to the plague incident, whoever wants to enter the city now must pass inspection!"

Yes, that's why.

That horrible plague has not disappeared.

Falcon City has a massive food reserve, and if something goes wrong, it will be ruined, so it needs to be checked to prevent the plague from being brought in.

I'm really scared!

Now the principal's food is in danger. If it happens again, it will be really over.

Therefore, let alone Mori, even royal vehicles entering and leaving must be inspected, which is completely non-negotiable.

Zhao Hao had a weird look on his face.

After all, this plague is closely related to his... subordinate Mia.

And he also asked the other party to continue to improve the plague, and maybe let the Falcon Principality 'taste' it in the future.

As for why the priest was asked to inspect? .

Naturally, it is because that plague is related to the undead, and the Holy Church and the undead are natural enemies, so the other party can detect it.

Pass smoothly!

The vehicle was provided by Mori, and Zhao Hao did not switch to the Necromancer profession, so there was no problem.

After passing through the long city gate passage, the vehicle finally entered Falcon City, a castle with the highest status and the strongest defense among humans.

The first feeling is that it is big! .

It seems that this is not a city inhabited by humans, but a city of giants.

On the wide street, maybe a dozen carriages can drive side by side with ease.

There are no traces on the solid floor masonry, which is the most amazing thing. After all, after such a long time, it is normal to have traces, and it is abnormal if there are no traces.

The houses are neat and orderly, giving people the illusion of order.

Solid, strong and orderly!

Various impressions come to mind along with what I see.

Soon, the carriage arrived.

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