The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 870: Anti-city ability: Fireworks burn the city

boom! ! !

The fireworks, which were originally very docile in Feida's hands, seemed like an exploding sun.

Endless flames spurted out, like a large volcano erupting destructive flames, accompanied by terrifying high temperatures.

Everyone's vision became blazing red, as if they were dyed red by the flames of these natural disasters.


Even if Zhao Hao knew in advance, the epic ability of burning the city with fireworks would definitely be very powerful.

But I never thought it would be so strong! .

This is no longer a question of being strong or not, but a question of being scary or not.

From a distance of more than a few hundred meters, you can feel the high temperature that can melt everything, let alone the core explosion area. It can definitely melt even steel easily.

Crystal Thorn retreated silently!

Even the demon armies are the same, except for the fire elves.

No matter how unafraid of death, no demon wants to experience the power of this flame that burns the sky and cooks the sea.

Zhao Hao was actually extremely dissatisfied just now.

Because this move is too noisy and takes so long to prepare, it is extremely difficult to use in battle.

But now he understands that it is precisely because of such obvious shortcomings that this epic ability is so powerful.

To put it bluntly, even if the Crystal Thorn receives a blow from the front, even with Freya's blessing, there is a 90% chance of death. The 10% chance of death is to activate the Crystal Heart and escape from the attack range with all its strength.

It’s so scary!

This power, let alone an epic ability, is not an exaggeration even if it is evaluated as a legendary ability.

Of course, two obvious shortcomings make it not so unsolvable.

The flames soaring into the sky lasted for several minutes before dissipating.

And when the flames dissipated, everyone's eyes were extremely complicated.

Because the city gate area disappeared.

You know, the material of the city wall is not an ordinary material, otherwise it would not be able to stop the demon army.

But this city wall, which is more than 20 meters high and seven or eight meters wide, has a nearly 100-meter-long area that disappears, as neatly as if someone has taken a bite out of the cake. You can imagine how shocking it feels.

"As expected of fireworks burning the city!"

Zhao Hao stared at the only living thing in that area with complex eyes.


At this time, her whole body was wrapped in red dragon scales. Against the background of the flames, she looked like the God of Fire.

To sum it up.

That is, Fireworks Burning the City is an 'anti-city ability', not an 'human' ability.

As long as the enemy doesn't stay where they are to die, they can't be hit.

However, there is nothing that can be done about some dead objects. Faced with this attack on the city, there is no way to avoid it and can only be easily destroyed.

From this perspective, the name of the epic ability actually already has a hint.

"Send out the entire army to save the Yis family!"

Zhao Hao roared, breaking the silence on the battlefield caused by this devastating move.

Did you hear that? He wanted to 'save' the other party.

At least from just now to now, the Storm Legion has not taken the initiative to attack the opponent. At most, it has 'accidentally injured' the city gate area.

Instead, the other party attacked Crystal Thorn first, and then concentrated fire to attack Feida.

After hearing the order, Memphis immediately commanded the Storm Legion to attack the demon army.

Roar! !

Dragon's breath spits out.


Covered by arrows.

The powerful offensive overwhelmed the demon army.

It seems that they are trying to save the Yis family, but just looking at the position, you can understand the intention of doing so.

The innermost one is Isburg.

It was the demon army that was caught in the middle.

The last one is the Storm Legion.

Now that the Storm Legion attacks, what will happen to the demon army in the middle? .

Of course he was forced to retreat! .

And behind is Isburg.

In other words, the Storm Legion is ‘using demons to kill people’.

Directly force the demon army into Isburg, let the demon army attack for them, and then they can deal with the demon army.


Although the process is troublesome, in order to reduce future troubles, this trouble cannot be avoided.

If you want to experience the feeling of revenge with your own hands, you can just 'accidentally' kill the demon.

The Yis family will be destroyed anyway, and even if the devil doesn't show his strength, Zhao Hao will make him 'powerful'.

Hundreds of golden dragons pressed forward, making it impossible for the demon army to resist.

If it were outside the fortress, the big demons could just attack the dragon and kill it.

But now that the ability to flicker and fly is prohibited, the great demon's combat power has dropped dramatically, and naturally he does not dare to jump out. It is completely because he wants to be shot by the phantom archer as an arrow target, so most of them go towards the castle to kill.

Without a large number of enemies of the same level, coupled with their own size advantages, the golden dragons naturally advance easily.

Not to mention the Phantom Shooter to help take out long-range enemies.

In fact, compared to the big devil, the golden dragons are more afraid of another unit.

Fire Elf!

That's right, this kind of ace-level demon is more intimidating to the golden dragons than the big demon.

Once the attack falls on the opponent, the golden dragon himself will be unlucky.

It's like slapping a hedgehog with all your strength. Even if the hedgehog is seriously injured or killed, you will also be unlucky.

And this kind of damage ignores defense, which is indeed terrifying.

The only prerequisite is that the fire elves can get close.

The phantom shooter, who has the long-range advantage, does not give threatening targets a chance to get close.

The phantom shooter's ability to defeat the entire field depends not on its lethality but on its range.

If it only had lethality, the demons could easily consume the phantom shooters even if they had to forcefully replace them.

But when the phantom shooter with terrifying lethality has a range advantage, that's another matter.

Without giving the long-range demons a chance to fire, they were killed outside the attack range.

On the battlefield, range is really important.

Because of the range advantage, the enemy can be killed remotely before firing.

Like now.

Unilaterally killing the long-range demons without giving the opponent a chance to consume them.

The Storm Legion clearly had crystal dragons, hundreds of golden dragons, and thousands of dead wood warriors. Zhao Hao still chose to use phantom shooters as the core, but after careful consideration, he didn't just think of it out of the blue.

After suppressing the enemy from a distance, one's own side can kill wantonly in close combat.

Especially the golden dragons.

After there is no threat, relying on the terrifying defense and strong health value, even if it rushes into the demon siege, its health value is still very healthy.

There's nothing I can do about it, I can handle it too much.

Among the demons who can break defense, they must at least start at the extraordinary level, and the damage will be greatly weakened. In this case, the health value will of course be extremely healthy.

Feida had already left the castle passage, allowing the demons to rush in one after another.

Soon, the wanton and excited laughter and screams of the big demons rang out in the castle.

The Storm Legion, which was attacking like a tidal wave from behind, was like a heavy hammer, 'smashing' the demon army into Isburg.

Besieged but not attacked!

In this way, the Storm Legion drove the demon army towards the castle.

Feida jumped on the back of the crystal dragon which was mostly recovered.

"how's it going?"

Zhao Hao asked with concern.

Having just cast such an exaggerated epic ability, the consumption will definitely not be small.


Feida drank a bottle of stamina potion and a bottle of energy potion before she had time to answer.

"It's okay, I'll be able to return to normal combat effectiveness in a while!"

Fortunately, there are these supplies that Turing personally refined. Otherwise, he would need to rest for most of the day to recover.

"That's good!"

Zhao Hao nodded and stopped asking.

Now let’s see if the demon army is powerful enough.

He had opened a way for the other party, and he deliberately surrounded and refused to attack. If this could not quickly solve the Yis family, then he would doubt whether both parties were acting.

At the same time, he also sent Ellie to enter the castle with the Shadow Swordsman.

Even though shadow jumping cannot be used in the fortress, with the shadow swordsman's dexterity and agility, he can use the complex terrain of the castle to explore and protect himself.

Only when the Yis family is almost dead will he launch a real attack.

Although the current Storm Legion's offensive was fierce, in fact it was still letting off steam. Even when the epic evil god king led his men into the castle, they pretended not to see it.

After waiting for almost an hour, the wait finally happened.

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