The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 869 Top-level spell: Thunderous Roar!


The ground beneath Jingshen's feet suddenly exploded, and the terrifying current rising into the sky tore everything apart.

The earth is wailing and the sky is roaring!

As long as they are in the area near the crystal thorn, both the demon and the crystal dragon will end badly.

When the smoke and dust cleared, people could see the battlefield clearly.

The ground seemed to be torn into pieces by sharp blades. There was no demon standing at all, only the crystal dragon with half of its body lying in the middle, looking extremely miserable.


The power can only be described in this way.

The person who used this spell was an old man on the city wall, surrounded by several spell casters, but the other person was muttering dully to himself at this time.


"How can it be!"

"Thundering Roar is the top-level scroll I obtained from the ruins. How could I not kill a mere crystal dragon!"

From his mouth, the spell that almost killed Crystal Thorn had been spoken.

That is to say, he would only talk about disposable scrolls.

If it were a top-level spell that could be used repeatedly, no one would tell it, and it couldn't be cast so fast at the same time.

The attack power of this top-level spell ranks among the highest among all top-level spells, so he felt strange that the crystal dragon could not be dropped within seconds.

The attributes of the crystal dragon are known to the Yisi family, which has an extraordinary background. After all, the attributes of the arms are fixed.

Understand that there is no way to be immune to top-level spells.

If Zhao Hao knew what the other party was thinking, he would definitely tell him.

Sir, times have changed!

The arms are not field guards, they also need to count the blessings of heroes.

With the blessing of Memphela, the epic hero, Crystal Thorn's health has nearly doubled. Such a terrifying change has made it a qualitative leap not to mention its offense, but its defense.

However, the power of the top-level spell is indeed terrifying. One blow destroyed most of Crystal Thorn's life and tens of millions of health points.

the other side!

"Cough, cough!"

Zhao Hao coughed lightly and spit out the gravel in his mouth.

It was uncomfortable for him to stand on the back of the crystal thorn. If the crystal thorn hadn't blocked most of the power, and Feida and Freya were blocking him one after another, he might have been sent away by the opponent.

"How are you?"

Zhao Hao asked the two people in front of him, especially Freya, who was blocking the outside.


Freya shook her head slightly. With her golden dragon body, her defense was really full.

"no problem!"

Feida also responded.

After her strength entered the epic, her defense also changed drastically. Even if she was not as good as Freya, who was gifted with a golden dragon body, the gap was not big, so she only suffered some minor injuries.

Well, only the world where Crystal Thorn was seriously injured appeared.

"Crystal Thorn, don't pretend to be dead, use Crystal Heart!"

Zhao Hao stepped on the crystal dragon body below and signaled the other party to stop pretending.

Crystal Heart!

In addition to restoring health points, it can also restore body damage.

Upon hearing the command, Crystal Thorn directly activates the Crystal Heart ability, allowing the body to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.


This high-end resource has been replenished to the maximum amount before departure. At the same time, there are still 100 units in the alchemy transport vehicle, which is enough for it to consume.

The recovery rate is one percent per second, which is not enough for troops with low health points.

But for a terrifying existence like Crystal Thorn, which has nearly 15 million health points under the blessing of Memphela, the recovery speed of hundreds of thousands per second is really exciting.

The important thing is….

Zhao Hao finally had an excuse to attack the Yis family.

He is now preparing for the truth of the incident to be exposed.

Although there are various precautions, I still worry about accidents. It is best to be prepared, and it doesn't cost anything anyway.

With an excuse, you won't have nothing to refute even if someone is opening up old scores.

"Feida, now go to the city gate and use your epic ability to deal with the demons. Be careful not to 'accidentally injure' other things!"

Zhao Hao spoke when the crystal thorn recovered.

No more pretending, I'm showing off my cards.

You already have the excuse. If you don't make a move, why are you waiting for the banquet to begin? .

"Yes, sir!"

With a cheerful smile on her face, Feida rushed towards the city gate like a sharp arrow.

Although you can't fly under the no-air rules, jumping is not a problem.

"Stop her!"

Duke Yisi on the city wall shouted an order.

After using their own trump card to severely damage the Crystal Dragon, the other party would definitely have no good intentions in sending people to approach, let alone the first-generation Dragonborn who originally fell into their hands.

A large number of spells, arrows... and other long-range attacks were unleashed on Feida from the city wall.

Facing this kind of attack, if you are in an open place, you can only use your speed to dodge.

But now there are a lot of 'shields' around, so it's useless if you don't use them.

I saw Feida rushing directly into the middle of a group of evil spirits.

Given her size, even if she was standing normally, evil ghosts several meters tall could completely cover her, so long-range attacks naturally fell on the evil ghosts.

Anyway, if you are not one of your own, you can die casually.

Even the epic evil god king signaled the big demons who were holding sickles and preparing to chop people to hold off.

As his strength reached the epic level, he naturally gained wisdom, so he also saw that there was something wrong with the relationship between the two parties and gave Feida a chance to show off.

In this way, Feida successfully reached the city gate.


Endless flames emerged out of thin air.

Soon, these flames shrank rapidly and slowly condensed into a ball of brilliant fireworks in her palm.

Just looking at the fireworks gives people a very dangerous feeling.

Zhao Hao glanced at the distance.

He was standing several hundred meters away from the city gate, and with the two shields of Crystal Thorn and Freya, he could safely observe the exclusive epic abilities of his subordinates.

Fireworks burn the city!

As you can tell from the name, the extremely powerful epic ability is finally about to bloom for the first time.

Not only Zhao Hao felt the terrifying sense of danger, but even the big demons were aware of it and were calmly retreating with their sickles in hand.

The stronger you are, the more you can feel the danger of the fireworks.

If the fireworks were to burn the city instantly, there might not be enough time to close the distance, but with such a big prelude and fluctuation, anyone who is not stupid can realize how dangerous it is.

Aren't you going to retreat and wait to die? .

The light is distorted by the terrifying heat!

And the source of all this is naturally the gorgeous fireworks in Feida's right hand.

Just the residual heat from the fireworks in his hands turned the surrounding area into a restricted area. Anything that came close would be evaporated and melted by the high temperature.

Of course, this is also a manifestation of her inability to master the epic ability.

If you can really control it completely, there should be no aftermath at all.

But it is the first time to use this epic ability, and it is already very good to be able to achieve this level.

Finally, the fireworks in Feida's hands stopped changing.

It's not that this ability can't continue to increase its power, but because she doesn't want to.

After all, she had to put in physical strength and energy, and she didn't want to quit after one blow.

Raising her head, Feida's eyes rested on the flag of the Yis family above her head, her eyes full of hatred.

Now is also the time for revenge.

"Fireworks burn the city!"

She threw the brilliant, palm-sized fireworks in her hand towards a demon corpse in front of the city gate not far away.

That's right, she's here to kill the demon and save herself from the siege.

As for accidental injury?

You've been attacking me all the time, so it's normal for your hand to slip.

Although the long-range attacks on the city wall continued, the senior officials and powerful men had already retreated in advance.

The fireworks, which were like real objects, finally landed on the corpse of what should be a champion-level evil ghost.

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