The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 882 Cell and Guards!

A stone tower!

It's almost a few hundred meters high and dozens of meters thick. It's not far ahead, and it's extremely conspicuous.

That should be their target, and Heiyun is locked inside.

In the prison at the center of the earth, there are stone towers like this scattered everywhere that serve as prisons.

If an intruder wants to save people, let alone how to find the target. The monsters and traps along the way are enough to deal with most of the intruders.

Not to mention that the stone tower still has a guardian.

Four meters tall, with a bull's head and body, holding a huge battle axe.


For the extraordinary level race, adulthood is the extraordinary level, among which there are many aces, champions, and even beings with more powerful auras.

"When you get a chance, rush in and rescue people. Leave these guys to the skeleton soldiers to deal with them!"

Zhao Hao reminded several teammates that they did not need to kill the Minotaur, they only needed to save people.

And Anluosi also led the army to attack.

Unfortunately, the four-meter-tall Minotaur can casually kill more than a few units with a single sweep using the battle ax in its hand.

However, Anlos, who had already filled up the number of skeleton soldiers, naturally did not care about this loss.

The Minotaurs didn't understand why such an undead army appeared.

However, where their responsibilities lie, they can only fight with all their strength.

The heavy long-handled battle ax danced so tightly that the skeleton soldiers could not get close at all, and the minotaurs did not show any signs of fatigue.


This in itself is the talent of the Minotaur race, and it can take hours without rest.

And because they were guarding the entrance of the stone tower, they didn't need to worry about being surrounded, making the defense line extremely stable.

The destructive power of the skeleton soldiers is extremely terrifying, but they cannot pose a threat to the Minotaur if they cannot get close.

Anluosi frowned slightly and stepped forward to take action.

As a legendary template spellcaster, her spellcasting ability is not weak, especially after the level is high, all aspects have been greatly improved.

The ordinary template hero has 1 attribute point at level 5, but her legendary template hero has 1 attribute point at each level. It is a huge difference. Not to mention, the talent can also increase knowledge, intelligence, and magic value by 1 point every five levels. It can also be increased by 100 points.

In this way, her magic value is extremely amazing.

Magic value: 3000 (3300)

He is almost on a par with Zhao Hao, who has legendary equipment and works part-time.

That is to say, the Star Robe is too important for Zhao Hao's part-time job. Otherwise, if it were to be replaced by An Luosi, the effect would be explosive.

The two legendary special effects of the Well of Stars refer to the amount of magic value that the robe can store x 10.

In other words, if Anroth is equipped with the Star Robe, the Well of Stars can store 30,000 magic points.

It's a pity that her need for magic points is not as urgent as Zhao Hao's.

After all, she is taking the heroic route, not the personal route.

Battle spells can be used at critical moments. She is not required to act as a spell output in normal times. Naturally, there is no need to use magic points to summon from beginning to end like Zhao Hao's part-time job.

After entering the casting range, Anluosi directly hit her face with a dark flame bullet.

The green ghost flame bomb the size of a volleyball fell into the Minotaur.


The flames spread and touched the extremely strong bodies of several Minotaurs.

The skeleton soldiers were naturally affected, and they were all instantly killed.

Spells are not intelligently recognized, so accidental injuries are not surprising, and skeleton soldiers are obviously the kind of cannon fodder that doesn't matter if they are accidentally injured.

howl! !

But compared to the skeleton soldiers who fell silently, the tall and strong Minotaurs screamed out in agony, and at the same time, their bodies began to be corroded and melted, as if they were not attacked by flames, but were drenched in sulfuric acid.

The Minotaur is not a soldier, but a creature of flesh and blood! .

But the special effect of the Hellfire Bullet is to double the damage to living creatures.

The dark flame does not carry any temperature. It is an attack on the soul and spirit, and will continue to torture the target.

In the past, the physical erosion effect was not obvious.

However, as Anros's "spiritual" attribute continues to skyrocket, the power of this primary spell has also increased exponentially.

A basic spell was as powerful as an intermediate spell in her hands.

The problem is that the consumption and cooling time of primary spells are far less than those of intermediate spells.

So the Minotaurs faced the attack of ghost flame bombs like magic machine guns, and they were completely in retreat.

Either retreat to the stone tower, or find a way to deal with Anlos who keeps casting spells remotely.


The minotaurs rushed out, and thousands of minotaurs who started at the extraordinary level launched a charge at the same time, like a herd of cattle crushing the earth.

The skeleton soldiers were shattered at a touch, and there was absolutely no way to stop the Minotaurs from charging.

"Frost Nova!"

Anluosi opened her lips lightly, and there was no trace of fear on her beautiful face of pure desire, as she released this prejudgment reading skill.

It takes more than 20 seconds to release the high-level spell that comes with this staff. If you don't predict it in advance, how can you release it in time?

A huge ball of white light blocked the charging path of the Minotaurs, and changed as it rushed towards them.


The white ball of light exploded, and an astonishing cold wave spread, as if it was about to freeze the earth.

Of course.

It is simply impossible to kill thousands of extraordinary-level minotaurs with just one high-level spell.

It's just that this high-level spell also greatly slowed down the pace of the Minotaurs, and killed dozens of Minotaurs by the way.

Anlos, who was casting the spell, slowly retreated and used dark flame bombs to attack the charging Minotaurs.

Lure the enemy deeper!

Anyone could tell what she was doing.

It's a pity that although the Minotaurs have simple wisdom, they are red-eyed because of provocation and the killing of their tribesmen, and launch an attack with all their strength.

As a result, the guard force in front of the stone tower suddenly disappeared.

Especially the departure of those Minotaurs with terrifying auras, who were either epic or quasi-epic, gave them an excellent opportunity.

Not far from the side of the battlefield.

"Let's go!"

Zhao Hao took the lead and rushed towards the entrance of the stone tower.

The opportunity has come!

This is the best opportunity.

Anros can trap or drag the opponent.

If you want to kill him, it's not impossible, but the loss will be extremely exaggerated.

Not referring to the skeleton soldiers, these cannon fodder didn't even think of taking them away. Even if they all died, it wouldn't be considered a loss.

Refers to the twelfth-level god of death!

If you want to kill these Minotaurs, you need to let the God of Death fight and be prepared to suffer heavy losses.

Without using the God of Death, you can imagine how difficult it would be to kill thousands of extraordinary-level minotaurs, including more than one epic one.

Fortunately, saving people does not require killing all the guards, otherwise this mission would definitely not be something they would be able to take on.

At least Zhao Hao couldn't take such a big risk.

The Skeleton Soldiers were not undead but a type of soldier. Naturally, they acted like arms and ignored them.

If they were real undead, unless the high-level undead under their command suppressed them with all their strength, they might instinctively attack them.

The diameter of tens of meters does not sound big, but after entering, I found that the rhythm is comparable to that of a stadium.

And it is several hundred meters high, with each floor five or six meters high. It is divided into dozens of floors. Only the stone ladder spiraling upward in the middle can go up to the next floor.

The blue-brick cells on each floor are located against the wall and are blocked by an iron door with only a palm-sized window.


The Minotaur's voice sounded.

Several minotaurs rushing down from the stone stairs above saw them.

"Suzaku, Bai Ze, let's go find someone. Leave the guard to the remaining people. Let's fight quickly and try not to make too much noise!"

Zhao Hao made the allocation in an instant.

Split up!

The guards need to be dealt with, and people need to be found.

He had never thought about calling such a thing with his voice.

Because after standing outside for a while, no sound could be heard in the cells, which already shows that the cells are sound-isolating.

There are ten cells, each of them can easily find a few cells.

Zhao Hao approached the nearest one and looked inside through the only window on the iron door.

The geocentric prison is not so much a 'cell' as it is a 'seal'. As long as you are locked up here, your soul will be sealed here even after you die. This is the scary thing about it.

So the cells don’t necessarily contain ‘people’.

The cell that Zhao Hao was looking at contained a bull-like monster. The other person seemed to have noticed his gaze and stared directly at it, making him feel a fatal chill as he withdrew his gaze.

Not a black cloud!

No matter how much the other party changed, it was impossible for him to become like this, so he walked quickly towards the next cell.

Soon, they had looked through the ten cells and found that there was no target.

"Go on, let's go to the next level!"

Zhao Hao gritted his teeth and ordered.

The minotaur may come back and block the door at any time, which is really exciting.

But the skilled man is bold, and he doesn't mind completing the task to the end.

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