The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 890 Epic Dragon: Poison Dragon!

Poison dragon!

A fifteenth-level epic level dragon.

Although the dragon branches at the championship level are not as exaggerated as the sub-dragons, they are still quite numerous.

Such as five-color dragons (red dragon, white dragon, blue dragon, black dragon, green dragon), metal dragons (gold dragon, silver, iron dragon...) and several major series.

However, after reaching the epic level, the number suddenly dropped sharply.

For example, crystal dragon, poisonous dragon, fairy dragon girl...etc., there are no two-digit branches, and the number of individuals is scarce.

It is precisely because of their small number that dragons are said to be a champion-level race, not an epic-level race.

After all, there are not many epic-level dragons in adulthood. Even among the ceiling race of giant dragons, there are quite a few who have improved their combat power to the epic level.

Poison dragon!

It is the dragon branch at the epic level.

Adulthood is the epic level, and you can enter this level without any effort.

Compared with the Crystal Dragon, which has physical attack and explosion protection, the Poison Dragon may not be as good in hand-to-hand combat, but it can fly and can also use a wide range of poison attacks, so the threat will only be higher.


The poisonous dragon flapped its wings and swooped down at an accelerated speed.

"Death to the intruder!"

A roar full of anger sounded,

The battle begins!

There is no prelude at all.

This is the case even if the other party realizes the true situation of Freya and Feida.

The giant dragon is not a race that does not attack its own kind, and it will even attack its own kind even more harshly.

Especially those of the same clan who invade their own territory will be killed.

Zhao Hao's Dragon Lord specialty has no effect on dragons outside of his own camp.

In other words, this extremely overbearing specialty cannot be effective until the opponent joins his command.

"Be careful, don't hold back!"

Zhao Hao reminded.

Since the other party showed hostility, of course he would not back down. For the last piece of the God-given arm component, no matter who stood in front of him, he would die.

What's more, he still has a super killing move in his hand, so what if it's an epic dragon? .

It's a pity that domain abilities are suppressed, otherwise it would be much easier to kill.

Now, Feida can only be the main force first.

Naturally, the hole card cannot be played from the beginning, which will have no other effect except heavy losses.


Feida's body burst into flames.

As a first-generation dragonborn, he has the dual advantages of dragon + human profession. His terrifying potential has been realized, making his combat power astonishing. Even in the epic level, he is definitely not weak.

And in this kind of adventurous battle, the giant size will be restrained by the small size.

Dragon transformation + flame enhancement + flame charge!

Several abilities are used in sequence.

After transforming into a dragon, not only does the attack and defense increase several times, but it also has dragon scales to enhance defense and dragon wings to provide flight capabilities.

Flame enhancement can improve one's own status and also provide flames to cooperate with the battle.

The final flame charge increased its speed horribly, making it like a flaming meteor, directly in front of the opponent without the poisonous dragon being able to avoid it.

Air combat!

Feida was not prepared for a ground war.

Because in ground combat, the direction of attack is much less.

As a first-generation dragonborn, and with many dragons around her, Feida naturally understands the habits, strengths and weaknesses of dragons.


Carrying huge power, the shaped spear wrapped in flames stabbed the poisonous dragon's body heavily.

Take some Arrancar!

Even if the dragon scale's defense power breaks through the sky, there is no way it won't get hurt at all.


When the green dragon's blood flowed out, Feida found that her body was slightly numb and her movements were a little slower.


Fortunately, at this time, a golden disk wrapped in flames flew from the other side, spinning at high speed and cutting the poisonous dragon's body.

If it were a champion-level dragon, it would have been suppressed long ago when faced with the two men's attack.

But Poison Dragon only suffered some insignificant 'light injuries' and successfully withstood the two attacks.

And the flowing dragon blood is extremely dangerous.

Poison dragon!

Just by hearing the name, you can tell what this branch is good at.

The prerequisite for a small body to overcome a giant body is agility and dexterity, which does not mean that it can compete head-on.

Using speed and dexterity to dodge attacks and then finding opportunities to fight back is the reason why a small body can win.

If you really want to face it, even if it is an epic, Poison Dragon will not need a third blow to kill Feida.

The two cooperated to fight the poisonous dragon.

Even though they have an advantage in size, they can easily dodge attacks, and their powerful attack power also allows them to injure the opponent.

But again, if Poison Dragon makes a mistake, the most it can do is get hurt and lose some blood.

But neither Feida nor Freya had the opportunity to make mistakes. The other party could severely damage or even kill them with a single blow.

Zhao Hao wouldn't worry if he fought in a different environment.

But fighting in a poisonous fog jungle, a place shrouded in a domain, he was naturally extremely worried.

Fighting in this home environment, although Poison Dragon's strength is not as strong as those below the championship level, it can be improved to a level out of thin air, but it is an indisputable fact that it has improved significantly.

Just like the opponent's blood, Feida didn't even dare to get close. Who dares to believe this? .

But in the Poisonous Fog Jungle, this kind of thing happened abruptly.

The good news is that Feida carries Turing's special antidote.

Although it is not immune to the poison of the poisonous dragon, it can greatly weaken the effect. At least it was refined by the future alchemy giant, and the effect will naturally explode.

At this time, on the premise that all the old wounds have been healed, Turing has already shown some grace.

That’s why it is said that the strength of human professionals lies largely in their equipment, potions, and props.

If it really comes down to physical talent, how can human professionals be able to defeat powerful races and monsters?

In addition to the antidote, the two of them also have god-level life potions, which can not only replenish their health instantly, but also provide continuous recovery status, giving them the capital to deal with.

Ten minutes later.

"grown ups?"

Anluosi turned to look at Zhao Hao next to her.

Ever since the poisonous dragon appeared, she had not taken any action.

She is not a dexterous warrior. Once she is targeted by the poisonous dragon, she will be in danger. The epic poisonous dragon must have a way to threaten her as described by the ghost.

The reason I am asking now is because I saw Feida and Freya being beaten by Poison Dragon with the advantage of their home field, and wanted to help.

"No need to rush!"

Zhao Hao shook his head.

If it were an ordinary enemy, he wouldn't have to think too much, just be reckless.

But facing an epic level dragon like the Poison Dragon, if you are careless, the whole army may be destroyed.

You only get one chance!

Once the opponent reacts and flees despite the attack, there is nothing they can do to stop them.

The giant dragon does not have the chivalry spirit of "fighting to the death". It is not surprising that when encountering an invincible situation, it will directly scream.

Unless it is to protect treasure, cubs, or a mortal enemy, the dragon will fight to the death.

Well, what I’m talking about here is the intelligent kind, not the reckless man or the brainless dragon.

But this poisonous dragon has just spoken, which shows that it is not a brainless type. If it really sees that the situation is bad, the probability of running away with the bucket is extremely high, so it has to be guarded against.

Easy to defeat, hard to kill!

Zhao Hao has always believed in eradicating the roots. Since he was facing off, he never thought of showing mercy. That kind of virgin would be taller than anyone else in the heroic world.

In fact, in addition to these reasons for not rushing to take action, there is another hidden reason.

The poisonous dragon is not a mutant dragon!

This shows that the other party is likely to have more than one, maybe even a nest, a group, or a tribe.

This is the scariest thing.

If someone comes to help when you go all out, the scene will definitely be "wonderful".

Zhao Hao is not afraid of dying once, but he can't bear it if he can't get the components of the artifact.

After missing this opportunity, he didn't know when he would get another chance, so it was naturally impossible for him to bet so lightly.

Judging from the vitality of the poisonous dragon, it is a dream to quickly solve it, unless the opponent stands still and lets Feida directly burn the city with fireworks, so she can only rely on attacking again and again to bleed the opponent.

No matter how strong the poisonous dragon is, it is only flesh and blood. As long as it bleeds enough, it will fall sooner or later.

This is naturally impossible, people will not just wait for death.

So after suffering some more injuries, Poison Dragon finally got angry.

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