The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 895 Horror attributes!

[Level 15 poisonous dragon (poisonous eye)] (the attributes in parentheses are after the hero is blessed)

HP: 2000000

Attack power: 60 (107)

Defense: 40 (72)

Kill: 2000-50000

Speed: 17

Hunger level: 100 (full status can be consumed for a week)

Abilities: Corrosive Attack, Poison Damage

Maintenance cost: 1,000,000 gold coins/year (an additional 100 units of sulfur will be added when paying the tenth round of maintenance cost. PS: Data after feat reduction)

Corrosive attack: Each physical attack reduces the enemy's defense by 5 points, lasting for one day, and can be superimposed without an upper limit (it becomes a negative number after returning to zero), regardless of any resistance.

Poison damage: The attack is accompanied by poison spell damage equal to the killing damage.

Extremely powerful properties.

If you don't compare it with the Crystal Dragon.

But Zhao Hao was extremely satisfied.

Because this is the normal attribute of epic arms.

The reason why the crystal dragon is extremely abnormal is because it has given up the "cannot fly" and "cannot use dragon breath" in exchange for other enhancements. This does not mean that the crystal dragon's attributes are at the level of an epic dragon.

Two million lives! .

For the flying branch, it is actually super model.

It’s not surprising that its offensive, defensive, and lethality capabilities are not as good as those of Crystal Dragon, an epic that specializes in hand-to-hand combat.

Although the speed is only 1 point faster than the crystal dragon, the speed of the ground troops and the speed of the flying troops are two completely different systems.

The flying speed at 17 o'clock is already much faster than most flying units.

Just like Silver Pegasus, the 'Mage Killer' only has 12 points, which shows how valuable 17 points of flying speed is.

Of course.

Due to its size, no matter how fast the Poison Dragon flies, it can't reach full flight speed like the Silver Pegasus in an instant.

If it is a long-distance flight, the Poison Dragon can defeat the Silver Pegasus, but for short-distance bursts of sprints, changes of direction, etc., the Silver Pegasus can easily defeat the Poison Dragon.

Just like heavy trucks and cars in the real world.

Trucks are faster than cars on the highway, but the reverse is true in places with complicated road conditions.

Of the two arms abilities, the most core one is the first ability.

Corrosive attack!

It seems that it is not as powerful and heaven-defying as the Crystal Dragon, but after careful consideration, you will find out how terrifying this ability is.

After each attack, the target's defense is reduced by 5 points for one day.

Well, that's just it. Not to mention the ability of an epic military unit, even the ability of an elite-level military unit will be disliked.

The problem is that it will be different if you add later supplements.

Unlimited stacking possible!

There is no upper limit to this ability.

Even if the crystal dragon has an explosive defense, as long as it dares to fight the poisonous dragon in hand-to-hand combat, the pain will become more and more painful. In the end, regardless of the defense, it will deal more damage than the data panel.

Because this ability can be negative.

In other words, after deducting the defense power, the defense can be turned into a negative number. Combined with the fact that there is no upper limit, it will be frightening.

Magical skill!

Challenge the magical skills beyond the level.

At the same time, this ability also ignores resistance, which means that magic immunity is useless.

After the multiple effects are added up, it is indeed qualified to be called a 'magic skill'. A magical skill that can only be effective when facing powerful enemies. After all, weak enemies do not need this effect to solve them.

As for the ability of the second unit, it is completely dedicated to "abuse of vegetables".

The Poison Dragon is already extremely powerful in killing, but it becomes even more incomprehensible when combined with this ability to torture vegetables.

Of course, this ability is far less valuable than corrosive attack.

It's just that the Poison Dragon and the Crystal Dragon are both epic-level units. If they have the advantage of flying, it would be too unfair to compare the unit's capabilities with the Crystal Dragon that gives up its flying ability and dragon's breath.

So this situation is normal.

Two abilities, one is a magical skill against powerful enemies, and the other is a special ability for torturing vegetables. The combination is enough for Poison Dragon to fully demonstrate the power of the epic level.


Zhao Hao is really satisfied.

After reading the attributes, he had already thought of a lot of ways to use Poison Dragon.

"Set off!"

Zhao Hao closed the attribute panel of Poisonous Eye with satisfaction and moved on.

Of course, it is impossible to advance with the poisonous dragon, which is almost announcing his appearance to the enemy in advance.

The Poison too big!

Even when its wings are folded, it is tens of meters high. It would be too quiet to take such a huge creature on an adventure.

Therefore, Zhao Hao adopted the method of walking in front with the four of him and letting Poison Dragon follow behind.

After the team advanced for half a day, his face did not relax because of the smooth journey, but became increasingly ugly.

'has a problem! ’

It wouldn't be surprising if it were anywhere else.

The problem is that this is an extremely dangerous and forbidden area.

There were attacks from poisonous dragons and monsters just now, but now after walking for a long time, I didn't encounter any enemies. I saw the undead without any problem.

But now that he's reached this point, he can't just retreat if he wants to.

If there is no problem, I just think too much, and if I quit, I will miss the opportunity to obtain the final component of the artifact.

If there is really a problem, we are already here, and the other party will not allow us to retreat.

Not long after, a huge dark green pyramid appeared in the poisonous mist, and a strong smell of sulfur emanated from it.

It looks exactly like the sulfur cave I encountered before, only several times larger and without any information.


Freya turned to look.


Zhao Hao took a deep breath and took the lead towards the entrance located halfway up the waist.

The huge sulfur cave, in terms of size and momentum, is incomparable to the lair we encountered before.

In addition to the difference in size, there are also differences between the two in various aspects.

Just like plastic flowers and real flowers, they may look the same, but they are actually not the same thing.

The strong smell of sulfur on the tip of their noses and the heavy feeling of oppression told them that this place was extraordinary.

Just when Zhao Hao stepped onto the passage, several voices sounded around him.

"My lord!"*2


At this time, Freya and the three of them seemed to be blocked by invisible obstacles, unable to move forward at all.

"You stay here!"

Zhao Hao asked the three of them to stay here and wait for him.

There is no need to guess, this is entirely an arrangement behind the scenes, a rhythm that only allows you to enter.

And he is not afraid. He has already come here anyway, so there is no point in being afraid.


The three of them nodded slightly and stayed, but were ready to fight.

Turning around, Zhao Hao stepped up step by step and slowly walked into the sulfur cave.

If it were a military lair, he wouldn't be allowed to enter at all, but this was obviously not a lair, so he was allowed to walk in.

After entering the interior, soft light fills the space, allowing people to easily see what is going on inside the cave.

The interior of the wide cave is extremely huge, even a poisonous dragon will not feel crowded. At the same time, there are passages on the cave wall that are huge enough for the poisonous dragon to enter and exit.

If the entire sulfur cave is a building, then these passages are the rhythm of a personal 'residence'.

However, Zhao Hao's eyes quickly focused on the 'pool' ahead.

The area is only one hundred square meters, but it is not filled with water, but with high-grade resources such as sulfur.

The number is at least several hundred thousand units.

Hundreds of thousands of units of advanced resources!

It is definitely a wealth that is enough to make people crazy.

However, compared with the resources, the dozen dark green dragon eggs above are more exciting.

Poison dragon egg!

No one needs to explain what those eggs represent.

In front of the 'pool', there was a treasure chest with the lid opened. There was only one thing in it that made Zhao Hao look complicated.

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