The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 897 Artifact: God-given weapon!


The five first-level treasures shone with light, which was something that would never happen normally.

And Zhao Hao didn't stop him.

Although he knew that if he put it away, he would interrupt the assembly process.

But he took it out specifically to combine it into a divine weapon, so how could it be interrupted.

However, several subordinates raised their attention to the limit and would immediately attack if something approached.


The dazzling light pillar that shot straight into the sky enveloped the five treasures and allowed them to fly slowly.

If we were on the surface world, we might be able to see the changes here hundreds of miles away.

However, in the jungle filled with dense poisonous fog, not many people were seen.

The five flying treasures were combined with each other. Although the process was not fast, the speed was barely acceptable.

In the end, the light beam lasted for ten full minutes before slowly dissipating.

And the combined thing also fell into Zhao Hao's hands.

It looks like a bronze human statue. Just looking at the appearance, no one would have guessed that this was the artifact that caused the huge movement just now.

This is also Zhao Hao's second artifact.

The benefits brought by the Phantom Bow allow him, an ordinary template hero, to become the most important core of the legion under the premise of the existence of epic heroes and elite heroes. The explosive effect can be imagined.

Now that the second artifact is in hand, how could he not be looking forward to it.

Before his rebirth, he had never heard of any player force that had obtained an artifact, but now he had two in his hands. This change was completely earth-shaking.

The divine thing is hidden from view!

On the premise that Zhao Hao did not show it specifically, this new artifact was very low-key.

But when you see the attributes, you can understand what it means to be powerful.

God-given magic weapon [Level 5 treasure]: It cannot be moved after being placed in the fortress. The basic output of the nest within the territory will be increased by an additional ten times. The type of this week can be changed once a year to the week of the designated arms.

Equipment requirements: Territory (PS: Changing the weekly effect does not require placement)

The description is extremely brief, but really powerful.

Within the territory, this means that the base production of nests within a range of 300 kilometers increases by an additional ten times.

It is definitely an effect with a huge gap between the upper limit and the lower limit.

It is already obvious what ten times the additional basic output represents.

If it didn't have the word "foundation", it might not be considered unbelievable, but if it did, it would be terrifying.

Give an example.

The base output of a stable is 14 units per week.

After increasing the basic production by an additional ten times, that would be 154 units per week, if there is a base camp that can increase the territory's military production by 50%.

Then the final output of the Centaur unit is 154+77=231 units.

But if there is no word "basic", then the calculation method is.

154+7=161 units.

The basic output can be included in the scope of further bonuses, but it cannot be done without the word "basic output".

And this gap will become larger and larger with various bonuses, so basic output and output are two completely different things.

And Zhao Hao said that the gap between the upper limit and the lower limit is large because if this artifact is thrown to ordinary lords, no matter how much the improvement is, it will be completely useless. There are only a few nests in the territories of ordinary lords, and most of them are low-level. Troop lair.

But once it falls into the hands of a lord with a large number of nests like him, it will be a different style of painting.

Think about it, what is the concept of increasing the output of the storm leader's lair tenfold? .


Now the lair of the Storm Territory (the scope of the Storm Fortress) has been improved with the expansion of the Broken Star Islands.

44-seater stable

31 dwarf cottages

11 wooden houses

7 magic springs

5 dead wood arches

2 forest sanctuaries

1 dragon cliff

Compared with before, there are a lot more places except Longya.

Even if Zhao Hao suffers a disastrous defeat that annihilates his entire army, as long as the territory is still there, he can make a comeback at any time.

If it were a hero without territory, he would really be in despair once defeated.

What would it look like if there were ten times more nests? .


It's so chilling.

Just like the ordinary level nest of the human stable.

Now the number has skyrocketed to 44, more than double what it was before.

The output of each tower is 14 units of Centaur. If the base output is increased by an additional 10 times, it will be 154 units per week.

And don’t forget that the Storm Territory has a ‘base camp’, a bonus building that increases production by 50%, so the final production is 231 units.

Simply heartless!

After having the artifact, the output of the troops is directly reduced to that of humans.

This is the output of a single nest. If multiplied by 44 nests, it is 10164 units.

Tens of thousands of units of Centaur every week, who can withstand this? .

Maybe in terms of combat effectiveness, the God-given Divine Weapon has not been directly improved, but if Zhao Hao could only choose one of the two artifacts in his hand, he would definitely choose the God-given Divine Weapon instead of the Phantom Divine Bow (Divine Bow: Scumbag).

It’s not that the Phantom Divine Bow is not strong, but that the God-given Divine Weapon is too fragrant for the lord.

In particular, the more dens in the territory, the more fragrant the lord will be.

In this case, it is no wonder why Zhao Hao prefers this artifact.

Just with a tenfold increase in basic output, it is worthy of being an artifact, let alone another attribute.

The type of the week changes every year!

Remember when an astrologer announces the week of the week every Monday? .

With this artifact, it is equivalent to being able to change it directly after the other party announces it.

The effect is incredible!

It’s entirely possible to turn this week to your advantage and disadvantage to your enemy.

Strategic effect!

For example, Zhao Hao can now change this week to 'Poison Dragon Week', so that the Poison Dragon troops in the lair will instantly refresh and recruit troops, and the output will be doubled.

Just ask you if it smells good? .

Fragrant, really fragrant.

Now Zhao Haoke is standing in front of the sulfur cave.

However, this effect is still subject to considerable limitations.

After the change, it can only be 'Army Week'. If there was no such restriction, it would be changed to 'Plague Week'.

Once there is a plague week, the food production is reduced by half, and the consequences are completely catastrophic.

Therefore, it is understandable to limit this effect. If there is no limit, it would not be surprising to be able to become the father of major forces with this artifact.

The name of the artifact is well deserved.

Maybe it was because it was too powerful that it left a flaw.

It cannot be moved after being placed in the fortress!

It is simply a clear indication that other forces want to grab it quickly.

Artifacts are risky, so be careful when buying them!

Anyway, if Zhao Hao knew that there was a god-given weapon in that territory, he would definitely grab it immediately.

The good news is that the information of the Storm Leader is blocked, so there is no need to worry about the leakage of the artifact information. In addition, it is located on the sea. Anyone who wants to come and deal with the Storm first will be fine.

Satisfied, he closed the attribute interface of the God-given weapon, and then Zhao Hao began to operate.

Although the basic production increase must be placed in the territory to be used, changing the type of the week can be used immediately.

"Change this week to Poison Dragon Week!"

Zhao Hao took the God-given weapon and activated this ability.

[System prompt: God-given magic weapon announces that this week is Poison Dragon Week, and the production of Poison Dragons will double! 】

The figure of the poisonous dragon flashed across the sky, and all players received this prompt.

And this also confused them.

"Did the system drink fake wine?"

"Today is Monday?"

"I might be under an illusion!"

"No, it's usually the astrologer who announces it, but this time it's the God-given magic weapon who announces it!"

Yes, this week is only announced on Monday, but I have never heard of it being announced at any other time.

However, it is not that no players have discovered a blind spot, that is, the announcer is no longer an astrologer.

Impact the whole world!

If you switch to a personal artifact, it will never be able to match the exaggerated effect of a strategic treasure.

After activating the artifact effect, Zhao Hao clicked on the epic lair panel next to him.


Two newly refreshed poisonous dragons are waiting for him to recruit.

Once recruited, he would have three poisonous dragons under his command.

What is this concept? .

Completely epic enhancement.

And unlike the Crystal Dragon, which is a heavy tank, the Poison Dragon can fly, which gives you many more tactical options.

Attacking with the dragon group at the same time can completely change the outcome of a large battle.


Without thinking too much, Zhao Hao didn't care that this would change the territory's sulfur resources from four digits to three digits.

Anyway, the next recruitment will be in a year, and the sulfur will definitely be saved by then.


200000000 gold coins -

2000 units of sulfur

Gold coins and resources were deducted at the same time, and two more poisonous dragons flew down from the lair exit halfway up.

"Poison Scale has met the Lord!"

"Poison Horn has met the Lord!"

The two poisonous dragons lowered their heads slightly to express their attitude.

"Let's go, leave as soon as possible!"

Zhao Hao is not willing to stay here any longer.

Following his order, the team accelerated their departure.

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