The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 917 Three-party melee!

The Storm Legion can now attack with full force.

The demon army at this time has no time to stare at them. No matter how ruthless they kill, they don't have to worry about being targeted.

Compared to their side, the undead army is a greater threat.

The fighting power of Abomination is extremely powerful. Even if the Evil God King of the extraordinary level is approached, he will still be chopped over and devoured. Occasionally, you can see his legs still struggling, but his upper body has been chewed to pieces.

Cruel and bloody!

Ordinary people may lose their will to fight when they see this scene.

But the devil didn't understand what "fear" meant at all, and directly started a war with the abominations.

When the Abomination encounters high-level demons, the advancement is hindered, and then it is the turn of another melee unit to appear.

Step, step!

Amidst the sound of horse hooves, the terrifying knights appeared.

One of the terrifying knights locked onto an ace-level five-meter-tall horned demon.

Facing the terrifying knight who was only half his height, this ace-level horned devil punched out.

But before the attack hit, I felt a lightness on my arm.


The right arm with a thick waist was chopped off by the terrifying knight at the shoulder level.

The Terror Knight has a powerful unit ability.

A fatal blow!

There is a probability of dealing multiple times of damage, and combined with the high damage itself, the attack power can be imagined.

Fortunately, it is a probabilistic skill. It would be unbelievable if it had a fixed trigger.

But this is scary enough.

After the terrifying knight joined the battle, it seemed like a fierce weapon, quickly tearing apart the high-level demons that were blocking the hatred.

And the most terrifying thing about the undead is another type of soldier.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Green air balls fell from the sky and fell into the demon.

When the air mass exploded, green aura enveloped a few meters.

The cannon fodder demon will directly fall down and turn into a corpse, and the high-level demon will also be seriously injured.

Corpse gas bomb!

It is also the long-range attack of the Corpse Witch King, an extraordinary class of soldiers in the cemetery camp.

The effect on living creatures is extremely strong, but on non-living creatures such as the undead, the effect is completely horrific.

Therefore, the Corpse Witch King and the Vampire King are very similar.

In the civil war, they were submissive, but in the foreign war, they struck hard.

Just like now, hundreds of thousands of units of the Corpse Witch King opened fire at the same time, directly starting to massacre demons on a large scale.

Fortunately, the corpse energy will dissipate quickly and will not remain for a long time, otherwise it will be a bit too invincible.

Countless demons fell!

If it were a close combat, it would take an extremely long time to cause so many casualties.

But after the long-range and spell-based attacks are launched, it's another story.

Facing the ground combination of the Undead Army's Abomination + Terror Knight + Corpse Witch King, the Demon Army was a little unable to withstand it.

After all, the front has to withstand the increasingly fierce offensive of the coalition forces.

The battlefield has become a mess.

The demon army is now being attacked from both sides by the coalition forces and the undead.

"You damn skeleton, how dare you betray us, taste my wrath!"

The roar echoed across the battlefield.

I saw a humanoid demon several meters tall, carrying a beheading sword, leading a large number of high-level demons to kill.

Lord of the Abyss!


Legend level!

It means that this strength can already leave its own legend in history.

Of course, just because you have the strength, it doesn’t mean you will definitely succeed.

Strength is just an admission ticket, which means you are qualified to leave a legend in history, but if you cower in a corner and don't show your head, you won't leave a legend.

Fireballs fell from the sky and fell towards the area where the undead army was.

Activate your ultimate move! !

The Lord of the Abyss was the first to show his cards.

However, on a large-scale battlefield, being first is a disadvantage.


A layer of light curtain appeared over the undead army, blocking the fireball bombardment.

The undead army and the demons began a bloody battle.

The coalition forces on the front were also deeply involved in the demon army at this time, and the number of losses increased sharply.

Previously, the defense line was maintained in battle, and the losses were not too rapid.

Now that the whole army is charging, the rate of loss will naturally increase geometrically.

In particular, the state of melee is completely suitable for the devil, but it is not good news for the coalition forces.

The advancement is getting slower and slower!

It was the demons attacking just now, and they were in a defensive posture, so the battle was relatively easy. But now that the offense and defense are interchanged, they will be the ones who find it difficult.

Most importantly, this offense is the most trouble-prone.

Bang, bang!

The sudden sound of whips made all the top leaders of the coalition suddenly change their expressions.

Because this sound represents one thing.

Evil contract!

If it had been before, the situation would not have been serious. At most, it would have disrupted the Crusaders' defense line.

But what happens now? .

The coalition forces are charging, and there are demon corpses all along the way.

If you activate the evil contract in this situation...

An evil ghost sprung up from the charging troops like mushrooms after rain.

It would be okay if it appeared next to melee troops, but if it appeared next to long-range and spell casters such as marksmen and priests, the consequences would be...


An evil ghost put away his fists stained red with blood.

With just one attack, you can easily kill the ranged or spell-casting troops around you instantly.

The coalition forces were hit hard! .

It's no wonder that Bevin wasn't careful. The devil was really into the drama, and he looked like he wanted to fight the undead who stabbed him in the back.

Seeing the other party acting like this, of course he was taking advantage of your life and had to save his life, so Bevin would give the charge order.

But who knew that the other party would actually leave such a hand behind.

Don’t talk about martial ethics!

This move of the demon army severely damaged the coalition forces that were originally in high morale.

After all, his long-range and spell-casting troops are being slaughtered by evil spirits, so the top priority is naturally to save people first before talking about anything else.

The ground troops of the demon army, after falling into chaos on the coalition side, ignored the undead army and rushed towards them.

If it were a formation that was not destroyed by the evil contract, it would certainly be able to block the opponent.

But now that our side is in chaos, there is naturally no way to stop the oncoming demon army.

Not only did the two sides fall into a melee, but the undead being pursued from behind were also dragged into it.

Now, the demon army has directly confused the situation of the battle, making the three parties into a mess and causing them to fall out in advance.

At this time, all three parties are enemies.

Even if the coalition forces are considered 'allies' with the undead, they will not hesitate to attack at this time.

In this state of melee, some attack methods cannot be used, unless they are of special types.

The undead were the first to take action.

"Death Ripple!"

The voice blessed by magic sounded.

This is a war spell cast by undead spellcasters, and there is also a campaign version of this spell.


A layer of transparent ripples spread in the center of the battlefield.

Wherever the invisible ripples passed, both coalition troops and demons fell down without any breath of life.

Death Ripple only affects living creatures.

That's why the undead dare to use it without worrying about accidentally hurting their own people.

Although the mage group can use more powerful war spells, they do not have such types that are safe from accidental damage.

The priesthood of the Holy Church is fine.

But the previous use of the war spell 'Holy Glory' has already hollowed out oneself, and this war cannot be counted on.

Looking at it now, the devil's command is very strange.

The sky was used to contain the coalition forces and counterattack the undead with all their strength, while the ground was used to drag the three parties into a melee, without being able to tell what the other party's goal was.

But one man was happy with the devil's choice.

‘Well done! ’

Zhao Hao couldn't help but want to scream at this time, because this was what he most wanted to see.

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