The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 929 Digging a hole and taking sides!

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Zhao Hao met the other party in the outer city of Falcon City.

"Humph, it's not like you, your noble man, are busy and don't want to meet me!"

The other party is jealous and complains, but there is no way to make people feel dissatisfied.

There's no way around it, it's really hard to get angry when facing a beautiful woman with online looks and outstanding temperament.

Cold Moon Rose!

The target of the appointment is the other person.

It was precisely because of the other party's reputation that Zhao Hao met in the outer city area, not in a place with many players.

"Haha, haven't you been busy participating in camp wars lately?"

Zhao Hao responded.

Because he understood that the other party knew that he had brought Ice and Snow Blizzard Bear... Time Assassin and several others to make a fortune.

It would be okay if there were just two people, but the problem is that there is Guinevere, and the situation becomes complicated.

Because although Hanyue Rose has no conflict with the other party on the surface, in fact she wants to eat the other party alive.

After all, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain!

In the field of female gamers, they have always been suppressed by the opponent in the "second child" position, which is something that no one can tolerate.

But there was no way, because Guinevere had a noble status, stunning appearance, and outstanding strength, so Hanyue Rose could not bear it, but she had to endure it.

Now that she heard that Zhao Hao, her son-in-law, had a new love, and that the new love was still the one she was most unhappy with, it was impossible not to have some resentment in her heart.

Of course, she also knows how to behave, so she is half joking and half serious.

It can only be said that the water between women is very deep and Zhao Hao cannot grasp it.

So he got right to the point.

"I hope you can help me convey a few words to the people in Pengcheng Circle when the time is 'appropriate'!"

"I'm determined to take the Sky Blade, no one can stop me!"

“The president doesn’t have to let the other person sit!”

"It's not that Pengcheng Circle and I can't be friends!"

Three sentences in total.

The first sentence expresses his attitude, that is, the Blade of Heaven must be unlucky.

Then suggestions were given, and finally conditions were laid out.

The combined meaning of these few words is that he will fight to the end against Sky Blade, but only against people, not against Pengcheng Circle and the guild. Even if he abandons each other, their relationship will change from hostility to friendship.

Zhao Hao is digging a hole in advance. As long as the Sky Blade falls, he will not get up again.

"no problem!"

Hanyue Rose agreed without hesitation.

It would definitely not work if she was stabbed in the back, but it wouldn't be a problem at all if she was told.

Everyone knows that Baihuahui will cooperate with Zhao Hao, so what’s the matter with a few words? .

Although she didn't know when this 'appropriate' meant, she wouldn't ask unless Zhao Hao told her. It should be a time when she would be able to clearly realize it.

That's right, Zhao Hao didn't say the specific time because these words would only be effective after the Sky Blade incident.

If you take him there now, it will be of no use except to arouse the other party's vigilance.


Zhao Hao turned and left.

The purpose of this appointment was to let him talk to me, and after that, I naturally left directly.

"Heaven's Blade...?"

Hanyue Rose looked at Zhao Hao's back and murmured to herself, her expression extremely complicated.

Why didn't she understand that the other party was going to attack the Sky Blade, and at the same time he was giving herself a choice.

If you side with the other side in the future, you will be a close 'partner'. If you don't side with the other side, there will be no benefits in the future, and you may even become an enemy.

In the past, she didn't need to hesitate at all and directly chose to side with the Sky Blade.

After all, the other party is not very capable, but in the real world he is quite powerful, so naturally he dare not have any objections.

But the heroic world is too important.

It was so important that he couldn't tolerate a lack of ability, and he also offended the leader of a rapidly rising powerful force.

So Cold Moon Rose was prepared to act according to the circumstances.

Anyway, she holds the initiative and will take sides when the time comes.

And the other side!

"grown ups!"

The three people who came out of the corner met with Zhao Hao.


Zhao Hao quickly put on the 'Blue Dragon' mask, and then put on the same Demon Court robe with pockets as the three of them.

This style is the most popular one, with each set selling for up to one hundred gold coins.

The point is there are no attributes!

However, the workmanship is very good and it looks mysterious and cool when worn, so it is very popular among players.

What they are going to do next will have a big impact, so naturally they have to conceal their identities.

Come to the barracks!

From time to time, players exchange units and leave.

However, the number is generally not large, and the level is not high. Occasionally, those who exchange for elite level crusaders can attract attention.


Suddenly, a wretched-looking guy came over.

Zhao Hao immediately shook his head at the people around him and signaled them not to act rashly before looking at each other.

This is Falcon City. Even if it is not an inner city, there is no danger. In addition, the other party is also a player, so there is really no need to worry.

If it were any other place, he would not let anyone approach him lightly.

"Is there a problem?"

Zhao Hao didn't understand at all. Even if he wasn't wearing a real Demon Court uniform, he was wearing a mask and a good disguise. It was impossible for the other party to recognize his identity, right? .

"I am an arms merchant. I will pay three times the recruitment price for the arms you redeem. If the quantity is large, the price can be negotiated. How about that?"

The other party has stated its identity and purpose.

That is to acquire troops.

Arms trade!

This is definitely a BUG.

It is true that the contributions in the hands of players cannot be traded, but they can be exchanged for units, items, etc., which is a loophole.

However, the impact of this vulnerability is not large, so it has not been fixed.

For example, for a guild player, if all the contribution points are concentrated on one person, treasures of several levels can be redeemed.

But if it is dispersed to a large number of players, there is no way to exchange for treasures. At most, it can be exchanged for something that requires a low contribution value. There is only quantity but no quality, so the impact will naturally be small.

Precisely because the impact is not that big, this BUG has not been fixed.

Weapon merchant!

It's a new group.

Because he only does business related to military services, he gets this title.

1 unit of Lancers can be easily exchanged by most players, and merchants will bid for it. After accumulating a certain number, they can earn a lot of money whether they are sold to heroes or major guilds.

Troops are different from other things. The higher the quantity, the higher the price. When trading in batches, the price will increase slightly, and no one will care at all.

Profits are extremely high!

It’s no wonder that this group has risen so quickly.

After knowing the identity of the other party, Zhao Hao asked back.

"How did you know that I was here to exchange arms?"

He really didn't understand how the other party knew that his purpose here was to exchange arms.

"Other things can be exchanged in other places. Only the soldiers must come to the barracks. I will try it as long as there are players coming. Anyway, there is no loss!"

The wretched man gave the truth.

That is, the other party did not know Zhao Hao's purpose, but just tried with the idea that there would be no loss if he tried.

"I see, but although I'm here to exchange for arms, I'm not selling them!"

Zhao Hao refused to sell his troops.

Nonsense, he is not short of gold coins at all, okay?

Now the Storm Chamber of Commerce can be described as "making money every day". There is no need to worry about the sales of countless goods. They only need to worry about insufficient goods. How can they be short of gold coins in this case?

"Brother, the price is negotiable. If the quantity is large and the rank is high, there will be free gifts..."

When he heard that Zhao Hao was indeed here to exchange arms, the wretched man's eyes lit up, but before he could finish his words, he retreated in a cold sweat as if he had been electrocuted.

He had no choice but to be stared at with unkind eyes by Feida and Freya, and the aura they exuded was enough to make him retreat in spite of the difficulties.

After solving this little trouble, Zhao Hao also entered the redemption range, and the redemption option appeared on the panel.

Next, it's time to exchange arms.

Archangel, here I come! .

Zhao Hao suppressed his excitement a little and clicked on the exchange panel.

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