The Invincible Dragon Lord

Chapter 936 The Taker!

The action was indeed complete.

There are tens of thousands of elite players, and there will never be more than two thousand survivors in the end.

There are so many survivors because they went deep into the Black Prison and did not receive a call for help.

If Zhao Hao waits a little longer, it's not like he can't kill more.

But that makes no sense at all.

The death of more than half of the elite players was enough for Sky Blade to take the blame, and any more would be nothing more than unnecessary killing.

Dethroning Sky Blade is his goal, but killing these players is not.

Of course, he has already seen what the other party's mission goal is from the intelligence, so he is very interested in 'taking over'.

"No map?"

After glancing at the explosive items on the ground, Zhao Hao was a little disappointed.

The equipment and props on the player have a chance to be dropped after death. Most of them will disappear due to "magic damage", and there is a small chance that they will be dropped directly.

Now Zhao Hao can only say that he is not lucky enough to get the key props directly.

Map, devil's contract!

The other party has a map and a contract with him.

It was based on the map that the other party found Black Prison Ze.

The mission target is a hell lord! .

That devil's contract is also a tool to enslave the other party.

As long as the opponent is rescued from the Black Hell, the hell lord can be enslaved to serve as his backer.

But compared to slavery, the benefits of killing the Hell Lord are amazing.

This refers to the soul crystal obtained by killing the abyss lord clone in Jiaoyan Volcano.

Attack +2, Intelligence +2, flaming ball.

The soul crystal used by his main profession brought him these benefits.

The soul crystal obtained later in the part-time job brings benefits such as strength +5, constitution +5, intelligence +5, knowledge +5, and devil wings.

Regardless of the main profession or part-time job, everyone gets a lot of benefits from soul crystals.

Now the opportunity presents itself again.

As long as you kill the Hell Lord, the dropped soul crystals will definitely bring greater improvement.

And the opponent's corpse is also a good thing. Although it is not as good as the divine body, it is definitely rare.

The whole body is a treasure!

A hell lord imprisoned in the main plane is simply an extremely tempting treasure.

Of course, the premise is that you must know how to digest, otherwise it will be completely common for you to be tricked by the other party into vomiting blood.

Even aboriginals are far less knowledgeable than Zhao Hao in this regard.

Because players will use countless bloody examples in the future. Showing just how many tricks these evil creatures have.

If it were the Hell Lord who was in perfect condition, Zhao Hao would not dare to make any plans unless he could mobilize the entire Storm Legion to besiege him.

But if you were imprisoned in Heijingze, that would be another matter.

Here, not only will the opponent's strength be greatly restricted, but there is also no way to escape back to the abyss of hell. It is the perfect hunting place.

Of course, even so, it is extremely difficult to successfully hunt.

But it doesn't matter, Zhao Hao has already thought of a way.

You definitely won't be able to hunt successfully by relying on your own strength. Even if you succeed by chance, you will suffer heavy losses, but it is different with external help, and someone will pay for the losses.

It's perfect!

Although Zhao Hao did not get the map, his strength is not comparable to that of Sky Blade, so he can completely ignore this disadvantage.

As for the contract? .

Sorry, he doesn't need that.

Rather than enslave the Hell Lord, he would rather keep power in his own hands.

As for the difference between the lord of hell and the lord of the abyss, I won’t go into details here. Just know that the abyss and hell are the same place, but some places are different.

"Next, it's up to you to deal with the lizardmen tribe in the swamp. When I come back in a week, I don't want to see any living lizardmen!"

After Zhao Hao made some calculations in his mind, he handed over the task of clearing up to An Luosi.

Things that Sky Blade couldn't solve even after spending a lot of time are not problems for it.

With her help, this large lizard man tribe occupying the forbidden area can be eliminated as quickly as possible.

"Yes, but can you please let me go back to the Pale Collar first to bring in a group of ghosts?"

Anlos made suggestions.


This fifth-level unit is naturally not used for fighting, but as a material for promotion to the twelfth-level Death God.

The soul of a large lizardman tribe is enough to promote a large number of ghosts to become gods of death.


Zhao Hao nodded.

It would be a waste to kill so many lizardmen directly, and the souls should be used as well.

As a powerful and easy-to-use ace-level weapon like the Death God, no matter how many there are, it is never enough. It is better to save more.

As for ghosts, there is no shortage of pale collars.

After all, the three-digit number of 'spirit tomb' nests has kept the number of ghosts in the Pale Territory skyrocketing.

After the explanation, Zhao Hao took Archangel, Freya, and Feida and left.

The Archangels will then serve as garrison troops to guard the Storm Territory.

It is definitely good news for the territory to have such an amazingly mobile flying force.

Although the dragon performs better on the battlefield, it is not suitable for normal use.

In particular, Jiaoyan Volcano needs this champion class the most!

Don't forget that the archangel can defeat the devil, so letting him sit there is definitely the best choice.

As for worrying about the Sky Blade coming back? .

At this time, he had no chance at all.

Because it is a question whether the other party can continue to sit firmly as the president of Cangtian Guild, so there is time to continue this task.

Only with the president's throne can this mission have a chance to continue.

Without the president's throne, the other party is not qualified to continue this mission.

In fact, a turbulent storm had already arisen in Xia Guo's professional circle at this time.

A large number of explosive posts popped up on the forum like mushrooms after a rain.

[The position of the giant of Cangtian Guild is not guaranteed! 】

[The Demon Court's attack on Xia Kingdom players is a sign of moral decay or a distortion of human nature! 】

[The feud between the two bosses actually caused a large number of casualties! 】

Various posts allow countless melon-eating people to eat to their fullest.

After all, this incident is too eye-catching.

One is the president of the Pengcheng Circle Representative Guild, one of the three major professional circles in the Xia Kingdom, and the other is the newly emerged strongest individual lord in the Xia Kingdom.

The latter hired Yaoting, one of the two major mercenary groups in the heroic world, to attack the former and kill nearly ten thousand elite players in one go. It was really amazing.

Elite player!

Against ordinary players, it's all a one-on-one start. Such players have suffered so many losses, so how could the incident be so small?

Not to mention ordinary players, it caused an earthquake even in the professional circle. Various small circles are discussing it wildly, which shows how influential the incident is.

Cangtian Guild not only represents a giant guild, but also represents the Pengcheng Circle. For the loss of so many elite players, there must be an explanation.

And one person muttered to himself after reading the information on the forum.

“Is this the ‘right’ time?”

It was Hanyue Rose who spoke.

At this time, she also understood when the other party asked her to speak at the appropriate time.

As long as the words are brought to Pengcheng Circle, the position of Tiantian Blade will definitely not be stable.

If the heroic world wasn't so important, given the opponent's power in reality, everyone would definitely be willing to give him face.

The problem is that everyone knows the importance of the heroic world. If this ability is not good and has offended a top powerful president, then there is really no need to give him face.

Thinking of this, Hanyue Rose picked up the phone and dialed.

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